Laundry dryer with your own hands


Laundry dryer with your own hands

Dryer can be performed in one of the many options.

For example, you can stretch the long rope from the balcony to the balcony standing opposite the house.

This option is very convenient, especially if your girlfriend lives there.

The rope can be twisted, thereby moving things on it.

However, how to make a dryer for linen, if there is no home in front, and even if there is, then those who live in it, you do not know?

Wall dryer for linen with your own hands

To make the dryer with your own hands, it is not necessary to be a carpenter, process the tree and cut geometrically even structures that are subsequently bonded with each other.

Everything is easier - it is enough to choose the finished material that can be fixed to the wall. They can be the bottom from the old baby bed.

Laundry dryer with your own hands

For dryers, you will need it:

  • wooden base from the bed;
  • nails for mounting on the wall;
  • Durable rope, which should be twice;
  • The lock for the dryer, which is also attached to the wall.

The laundry dryer can be performed using other items that can be retractable and obtain an inclined design consisting of porchos, which will be placed.

It is important for starting to establish whether there is no damage on the surface of the tree.

Basics for beds are rarely made of plastic, however, if you decide to use not the bottom, and the sidewall, the processing will not need. In any case, if it is not wooden.

You can cover the tree with ordinary varnish, since the constant moisture, which will be transmitted from the wet linen, activates the process of rotting and destruction.

With the surfaces of the dryer for linen, well-processed antiseptics, things are coming differently.

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Before the coating varnish or paint, it is necessary to clean the surface - so the coating will be better, it will not be peeling, and covered with bubbles.

The finished design of the dryer, made by your own hands, can be fixed on the middle height of the side of the balcony. Fix the bottom to the wall, and the top to the ropes. But already the ropes are watched around the nails specially driven into the wall.

Clothes rack can also be a linen dryer if its design allows you to place small things.

Hanger dryer

Laundry dryer with your own hands

If you have a lot of conventional hangers, possibly wooden, metal or plastic, you can use them to create a dryer.

In order to make a dryer for linen with your own hands you will need:

  • Old shower hardin for the bathroom;
  • Some hangers;
  • Any decorative items.

Make such a dryer is very easy. It is enough to cut a strip with an old curtain that contains holes for carrying hooks. Here it will come in handy.

Laundry dryer with your own hands

This ribbon must be fixed around the perimeter of the balcony, and, of course, somewhere in the central part.

The glue products are rarely attached, most often they are put on small curved nails, which are pre-drunk in the "ceiling".

Such a fastening will be most reliable if, of course, creating holes in the wall for you is not a problem.

Laundry dryer with your own hands

Otherwise, it can be fixed on glue, as well as cut striped wider, crush it twice around the already existing rope, pre-stretched, stretching from one side part of the balcony to another.

When the tape is fixed, hangers are inserted into the holes in it. It is possible to fix them so that they do not spin, with the help of glue or even tape.

Scotch interferes with slip, so if they wrap the hook, the hanger will not be so navigated and spinning. This laundry dryer is suitable not only for the balcony, but can also be made removable for installation in the apartment.

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Dryer do it yourself from a broken umbrella

Laundry dryer with your own hands

Amazing option - make a dryer for linen from a broken umbrella.

Of course, the best solution is not to get a whole umbrella and take it the design as a basis. At the same time, the small umbrella is not always suitable, and it is better to take a cane - it will be an order of magnitude more.

From the umbrella you need to remove the tissue, and its metal or the bars created from other materials will serve as a place for drying linen.

Laundry dryer with your own hands

Such a product does not need to additionally process, it is easy to mount it, for example, you can simply tilt to one of the sides in the room, putting on the floor. You can also hang the umbrella "down with a hat."

Turn comfortably to trees, if it comes to your own area. You can insert the umbrella handle in the bucket, pre-filled with sand. However, the sand is better to close with a film or polyethylene, so that in the event of a fall, it did not get dirty.

Sophisticated linen dryers

Laundry dryer with your own hands

You can make a more complex dryer with your own hands, placing it near the cabinet.

If you have organized the zoning of the room, this option will be particularly relevant. To make a design, you will use sticks from the shovel.

For side parts, two sticks are needed, which are attached to each other with the help of shovels crosswise in order for the product to stand on the floor.

But between the two sides, one retaining stick is made, and the ropes are tied.

Laundry dryer with your own hands

The dryer for linen can be made from different materials. If it consists of a tree, it will give a special atmosphere to the house.

This is perfectly suitable for air freshener made with their own hands using essential oils. It will give not only a pleasant aroma of the room, but also hesitates things.

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