[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?


In the house where there are children necessarily scattered soft toys. From the very birth, children love to play with them, regardless of size. But sometimes in addition to joy, they are a source of dangerous infections or allergies. The cause of this dust and dangerous microorganisms. It is connected with bad care for things. Care lies in regular washing toys. The problem for many parents is not to know the rules of washing soft toys. The entire sequence of actions is set out below.

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

Preparation of toys

Toys sort, dividing them on:

  • with internal mechanism;
  • Made of delicate materials - silk, suede, brocade;
  • with stripes - sequins, sequins, buttons;
  • Simple toys.

Each group of toys should be washed separately and in compliance with the basic rules. . Of course, all these categories can be erased manually, but for saving time, some of them can be sent to a washing machine.

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

Before washing, all toys check for paint resistance. For this, the cotton disk is wetted in alcohol and wipe the small unnoticed fragment of the toy. If there are no divorces on it, and on a cotton swab trailers, you can safely send it to washing.

Note! It is very important for sure to know the material of making toys and its filler to correctly decide on the washing mode. Many manufacturers simplify the task and point to the tag on the toy all the necessary information, including the temperature and the washing mode.

Choosing detergent

Children love to sleep, putting their favorite toys next to the bed. They hug them, sometimes even take in the mouth, so it is very important to choose the cleanser correctly so that it does not cause allergies and did not have a caustic specific smell.

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[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

Important! For washing it is better to purchase hypoallergenic detergents with a gentle formula used for washing children's things.

For machines, the machine is choosing special tools, and for manual you can choose children's gels, shampoos, household soap . At the end you will need air conditioner for linen. It will help to return softness and fluffiness, after contact with rigid water.


When this option is selected:

  1. Prepare a tank for washing filled with water to 40 ° C. Hands in it should be comfortable.
  2. The water is added to the water and dissolve it before the appearance of foam.
  3. The toy is placed in a soap solution for 10-20 minutes.
  4. After time, the toy gently and delicately worry.
  5. The thing is at least 3 times carefully flashed and leave the track.
  6. The toy is impregnated with a towel and send to dry. If it is fluffy, additionally combed to restore it.
    [Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

Important! If there were spots on the product, they are pre-treated with a stain pressure and only then begin to wash.

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

Machine wash

This option is faster and more convenient, and if there is a mark on toys permitting this option, it is worth pre-prepare a bag for washing or replace it on the pillowcase. The filled bag is placed in the drum of the washing machine, pour the detergent into a special compartment and choose a delicate washing, with a temperature of 30 ° C.

Important! If this is a kid toy, which pulls everything in the mouth, the water temperature is raised to 60 ° C to make it certainly to disinfect it.

The spin is chosen at the lowest revs or perceived from it. After washing toys, they give drain, and then sent to dry indoors with good air circulation.

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

Note! Musical toys can be erased by any suitable way, the main thing is to pre-extract the mechanism, the distribution thing on the seam. Or give it to dry cleaning.

Soft toys need to fly regularly to make the child grow healthy and happy. It is not necessary to fear for the appearance, the main thing is to choose the way washing and follow all the recommendations.

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[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

How to erase toys? (1 video)

Washing soft toys (8 photos)

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

[Will be pure] How to wash up soft toys in a washing machine and manually?

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