How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)


How to make the door yourself? Probably, each owner of the house would like to independently make installation work on its arrangement. Today, thanks to modern technologies, make the doors simply, and financially - also profitable.

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Types of interior doors on the opening.

Interior door - the desired item of any building. It performs the function of protecting the inside of the structure from the "unborn guests", cold or, on the contrary, heat. There are only 2 types of such designs: viper and shields. What is the difference? The fact is that the panel door has a fairly simple design: these are the frames in which the fillets and glasses are inserted. Pilenka is called a plot into the door, which has thin profiled frames, as well as a shield made of plywood or plastic. The presence of such an element allows you to close the framework, which gives an aesthetic type of product.

Features of choice

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Types and device of interroom doors: shield and panels.

What technical characteristics is the panel door? It has excellent sound insulation properties and a slight weight. The main disadvantage of such doors is that they cannot be made independently, even if you learn various video instructions. The design is quite complicated, it can only make it a master. Therefore, it is not necessary to stop your choice on the panel door, if you are going to make the installation with your own hands.

As for the panel options, they are intended for self-execution. What are they consisting of? First of all, from the shield, the surface of which should be smooth. The process of its cladding occurs plywood or plastic. The main advantages of manufacturing doors with their own hands are saving money and quality. In addition, it is considered universal, as it can be installed in the bathroom and in the bedroom.

How to bind the surface?

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Moving the interroom fillety door.

Many do not know how to make the door independently, so they are not rarely resorted to the help of specialists. They will help you find any information on construction work. It is important to determine what type of door you want to do. However, this is not the only question that needs to be solved. Do you know what to cover doors? There is usually 4 types of door coatings that are divided into lamination, veneering, toning and painting. The most simple are the last two types.

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The staining process has its own characteristics. As a rule, several layers of paint are applied to the canvas so that the color was saturated and resistant. The durability and reliability of the design depends on which materials you are going to make the door. Painting and necessary equipment are the main components. If you are going to tint the door, then use the lacquer, which will give it a transparent (in some cases translucent) shade. Thus, you will be able to emphasize the natural color of the tree. Specialists make doors based on tinting using solid woody rocks, as dents or other flaws can be visible on soft wood.

What is lamination? This process of painting is to press the surface of a special film. The glue does not apply, but the film must be either of the plastic or paper. Now about the impact method. It is to glue a thin wood film on the canvas of the finished door. The optimal thickness is 1 mm. The veneer is placed on the substrate, and after the usual varnish is covered. Such a coating is considered ideal for array and doors with typical panel design.

What are the types of doors?

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Diagram of a panel door device.

To make the door with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the types by way of its opening. There are many of them quite, but only 5 uses specially popular: swing doors, folding, pendulum, swinging and coupe. The most common type - swing doors. They open in one direction, and apply them mainly in the apartments. It is known that it is necessary to make the door of such a design or a single one, or a bivalve. However, there are also semi-hearted structures when the canvas have different parameters. As for the installation options, there are only two of them: the door opens from you to the left and, on the contrary, to the right.

Like all designs, interior disintegration doors have drawbacks. The main one is a lack of space. If the room is small, then the opening of the door design takes a lot of space. In this case, the alternative is the pendulum options that are able to open in both directions. These are their unique technical property that serves as an excellent replacement for any other design. However, this is a matter of taste. Specialists are offered to make doors based on the interior of the room and the design features of the entire building. Despite the convenience of pendulum doors, they are not widespread, therefore, they are an individual application.

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Swinging the door will not meet you in high-rise buildings, as they are used, for example, in the metro. In apartments, these copies are not established due to what they are made of glass, plastic or aluminum. In housing premises, they are completely inappropriate. As for the other type by the method of opening the doors, the coupe opened by shifting. That is, the canvas shifts inside the wall or using a special design of the guides. They look especially beautiful when they are shifted into the inner opening of the partition.

A practical solution will be sliding doors. They are needed for premises with a small area of ​​free space. Foldable door looks very unusually. It consists of several folding panels (no more than 15 cm wide), when opening it ups in the wall. Such a door is silent and easy to operate.

What makes the door to make?

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Types of folding doors.

Today, wooden doors remain relevant. However, due to their high cost, natural wood substitutes are used. The use of coniferous rocks will make any door reliable and durable. Pine wood has an attractive appearance due to dark spots on a light background. Such a material is inexpensive, but his minus is that he is unstable to external influences (shocks, scratches). As for artificial materials (chipboard, MDF), they will not be able to compare with natural wood. They cost 2 times less, but the quality of them is not so great. These doors are not environmentally friendly, and their strength is not great. Despite this, they are considered the most affordable option.

Glass is one of the options for doors. The main advantage of a glass door is transmitting light into the room. It is especially reasonable to use this material in darkened rooms. Thanks to a wide range of shades, the door with glass inserts can be decorated with various patterns. It is not recommended to make the door of the glass.

Instructions for independent manufacture of doors

To make the interroom door with your own hands, you will not need any special skills and experience. It is easy to install and does not take much time. What do you need from tools? You need to purchase:

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Sizes of typical interroom doors.

  • ordinary knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • Corolnic;
  • Passatia;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • Small slice of sandpaper.

What materials should be purchased? First, boards with a thickness of 50 mm or bar, secondly, rails for the manufacture of a frame. In addition, you will be useful to:

  • self-tapping screw;
  • glue;
  • DVP for plating;
  • material for finishing (selected depending on the design);
  • Furnitura.

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Any walls have openings that are designed to install doors. Of course, if the door is entrance, then it is better to use a metal.

The easiest and inexpensive option is the alteration of an existing door.

It is necessary to dismantle the door with the opening, put it on a flat surface and remove all the existing fittings. After removal, it is necessary to determine the appearance of the future door. You can make a solid design or with window opening. Of course, the last option is somewhat more complicated, but in the first case you will have to work (remove the paint).

There is an option with window binding:

How to make an interroom door with your own hands: Manufacturing instructions (video)

Making door coupe.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to place the surface, and it is better to do this with a ruler and a square. The lines on the door surface are drawn by a pencil or a felt-tip pen directly along the paint. On the perimeter it is necessary to observe the indents: at the top - more than 16 cm; at the bottom - more than 50 cm; Over the sides - approximately 10 cm.
  2. When the layout of the future window is completed, proceed to direct discharge. Using a drill holes are made first in the corners, and then throughout the perimeter in a step of 3-5 mm. Using a conventional hacks, a hole is cut. It should be monitored so that the lines are smooth.
  3. The discharged part is removed, and the resulting circuits are attached to rails, which are previously lubricated with joinery glue. In cases where the ribs are interfered with ribs, located between the trim, it is necessary to break them, using the passage. The glue will dry in about 2 hours. But you can not wait for it drying and fasten the rails with cloves (length 10-15 mm), drowned in the sheathing caps.

Now the frame of your door is ready. You should only install accessories and attach it to the doorway. The door, properly made by your own hands, will serve you for many years. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of its type and method of opening. Also worth paying attention to the material of the manufacture.

Now you know how to make the door yourself. You will not need a specialist help or a special tool. Even newcomer can cope with this work, it is only important here to follow the instructions. The installation process will not take you a lot of time, especially if you have already taken disassembly.

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