Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes


Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Good afternoon dear friends!

Today we have a summer topic dedicated to butterflies, just not alive, but knitted. I gathered for you to knit butterflies with crochet from different Internet sources, from simple little butterflies to interesting openworks, both for experienced and beginner needlewomen. For the latter made a small description.

Butterflies always symbolize some kind of airiness, ease, love and joy, beauty and longevity.

We are always happy to see them in nature, and many are decorated with artificial butterflies their homes.

Just as paper and textiles, knitted butterflies, you can decorate:

  • Sofa pillows
  • Napkins, with napkins different shapes: and square, and triangular, and oval
  • Capes on the chair
  • Bags
  • window
  • Curtains
  • lampshades
  • Room walls

Butterflies can be suspended to the ceiling lamp, put on a large room flower, make a panel of butterflies.

For example, the idea of ​​a luxurious curtain with a crochet fillet butterflies and with suspended separately knitted butterflies. Schemes apply.

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Knit butterflies is better made of cotton or flax with the corresponding thickness of the crochet thread. Use bright threads of different colors.

The finished product is recommended to starch in a saturated solution so that the form was better.

Little crochet butterfly

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

I wanted to celebrate this interesting scheme of a very simple little butterfly. She looks like a bow.

According to this scheme, the butterfly knives in just two rows.

Knitting in a circle, as they usually knit napkins.

We start with 4 VP, closed in the ring.

In the 1st row: four times 3 columns with one nakid and an army of 14 air loops between them.

Article on the topic: Knitting spokes from thick yarn of female jacket in the style of Coco Chanel: Scheme with description

In the 2nd row, the arches from the VP are tied with columns with one, two, three, four and five nakids, and then in reverse order.

Separately knit mustache: a chain of air loops and a number of semi-brass on it.

Scheme and Description of knitting dense butterfly crochet for beginners

If you want to get a small butterfly of a small size, you will suit this proposed scheme.

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Knitting start: Circle from 9VP.

Next separately knit wings to the left and right to turn the rods.

  1. 3VP, 7C1N
  2. 3VP, 7C1N
  3. 3VP, 3C1N, 2C2H, 2C1N, 2VP connect a semi-solitary with the 8th base loop, 2VP, 2C1N, 2C2H, 1C1N

Ending the knitting of the upper and lower wing along the method. Here you can attach a thread of another color.

Top wing

  1. 3VP, 1C1N, 2C2H, 1C1N, 1SBN
  2. 3VP, 4C1N, 1C2H, 2С2H, accused together

Lower wing

1VP, 2SBN, 3 times 2SBN, 1SBN.


  1. 5VP
  2. 4 semi-slim
  3. 4VP, 3S2N
  4. 3VP, 1SBN, connect with the head

Crochet Lace Butterflies Knitting Schemes

The analysis of each crochet butterfly scheme I will not do, but I will describe the basic principles.

According to the butterfly schemes, they knit a continuous way without eating threads, starting from the center, turning rows, immediately left, and right wings. Only the tips of the wings can be associated separately.

In other schemes, knitting from the butterfly should be knitting, and then knit the wings by means of attaching them to the calf.

And another way of knitting butterfly we have already considered in publications about napkins with bulk butterflies. Such butterflies knit as a small flower of round shape and fold in half, they are obtained double and as if fluttering.

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Crochet Butterfly Knitting Schemes

Choose any crochet butterfly knitting diagram or several schemes for your creativity.

Pleasant needlework and good mood!

Article on the topic: Crochet. 300 patterns of motifs and patterns

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