Perennial Plants for the Garden


Perennial Plants for the Garden

Perennial plants for the garden become an excellent option for beginner gardeners, those who plan to learn the growing plants on their plot, but does not know where to start.

Perennial plants - flowers, herbs are very comfortable. They get rid of the need to plant new flowers on the plot every year. This is especially convenient if you do not have extra time.

If annual plants need an annual landing, caring, cleaning in the fall, then perennial flowers sufficiently plant once. Next year, you will have enough to handle the shootings and time from time to time to produce and watering.

When making a cottage area, you need to approach the choice of colors with great responsibility. Perennial plants will help to create a unique landscape. Unlike annual, perennials decoratively look for several years, bring harmony and comfort to the garden, fill it with gentle paints.

There are two options for planting perennial plants: landing from seeds or from seedlings. Moreover, the first option is much more convenient and appropriate.

Planting plants in the garden of seeds is less troublesome, takes a minimum of time, and the result of shoots gives excellent.

What are perennial plants from seeds

So, if you decide to plant perennial plants from seeds on the site, it is worth considering several features of such a landing option:

  • Types of seeds of perennial plants need to be chosen depending on what kind of soil on the plot: sour or neutral, sandy or drum, dry or wet.
  • When choosing seed, it is important to remember that there are shadow and light-loving plants.
  • Perennial flowers are grown mainly in open ground or in containers.
  • For many years they develop, multiply and do not require constant transfers.
  • Perennials belong to unpretentious plants that adapt to any natural conditions.

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Nevertheless, despite the unpretentiousness and simplicity of care, the minimum care of perennial plants still require.

Perennial Plants for the Garden

First of all, it is regular watering plants, weeding and feeding. Especially the last, because many years of plants are growing from the year at the same place, gradually depleting the soil.

Depending on the type of plant and its nutritional requirements, and it is worth choosing nutrients for plants.

How to choose seeds of perennial plants?

Catalogs of perennial colors are filled with a variety of species and varieties, in connection with which it is very difficult to make a choice.

Classify perennial plants can be classified several criteria. This is the height of the plant during flowering period, the duration of growth and flowering, the degree of growing plant.

If competently combine and combine perennials with grassy plants and shrubs, you can create original compositions that will undoubtedly please you and attract the attention of others.

Varieties of perennials:

  • tall;
  • mid-graded;
  • Shorty.

Tall plants look beautifully both in solitary and group landings. Akveliya Blue Star is suitable for the scenery of mixboraders, chains, to decorate shady seats in water bodies, is used in group landings.

Perennial Plants for the Garden

A half-scattered bush with bright blue flowers will look beautifully on the background of the gentle greenery of spiries, well combined with tall bells, franks, decorative cereals.

The bell carpathian white will become a decent decoration of the alpine slide or rocarium. Compact bush with snow-white bell-tired flowers resembling the finest porcelain, pleases with continuous blossom from June to September.

The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of varieties to create a unique composition.

What to pay attention to when choosing seeds of perennial plants?

  • 1. Shelf life. Make sure that the seeds you choose have a good shelf life so that they can be stored for a long time, in case you do not land them in the same year.
  • 2. Appearance of the bag. Packaging must be holistic, without wiping and divorce from water. If the packet is for transportation, this will adversely affect the germination of seeds. Pay attention to the integrity of the packaging.
  • 3. Quantity quantity / price. Pretty low value of the bag can be due to a small amount of seeds.

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Where to buy seeds?

You can buy seeds of perennial colors on the site High-quality products are presented in a wide range.

Benefits of purchase:

  • friendly shoots;
  • Bright colors;
  • Quality plants.

Seeds can be planted immediately into the soil or grown in the form of seedlings. In any case, as a result, you get enduring, strong plants, resistant to parasites and negative conditions.

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