The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos


The air with her own hands is an interesting decoration, as well as a gift for representatives of the beautiful floor. Who did not make a bead earrings, beads, brooches, necklace, bracelets? All of us, girls, in elementary classes studied this skill, and their decorations were given to mothers. Today, some of us continue to weave the beads. Interestingly, but many mothers teach their daughters of this needlework for no accident.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Besides the fact that the beaded to embroider is beautiful, it is also very helpful:

  • Development of shallow motility;
  • The development of creative fantasy and imagination;
  • Development of figurative and spatial thinking;
  • Formation of good taste;
  • Opportunity for self-expression;
  • Parenting individuality;
  • Development of care;
  • Development of adequacy;
  • Understanding the obligation to bring the case to the end.

At first it seems that embroidery beaded tedious and optional occupation. But if you dig up a deeper, it can be seen that a similar thing can bring a lot of benefit. Therefore, is it worth scare from embroidery with beads? Solution for you! But today we present you a master class on how to make air beads, as well as a bracelet.

Bead beads

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

For this decoration, it is not necessary to buy a new beads. If you have been embroidered with beads for a long time, then you have extra material anyway. Use it for our boas. Beads can be volumetric and lush or modest. It depends on what material you will use and where you wear your decoration.

Use beads of different sizes, colors. You can even use stones, they will perfectly fit into your beads.

We need:

  1. Beads;
  2. Leske (0.25 millimeters);
  3. Stones;
  4. Two pins;
  5. Two caps;
  6. Two invisible pins;
  7. Scissors;
  8. Jewelry castle;
  9. Needle;
  10. Hook;
  11. Pliers;
  12. Round-rolls;
  13. Lubes.


We take beads and ride it on the line, and after the same gaps wear beads or stones. Stand on the length of the fishing line 5 meters. I do not cut the fishing line!

Article on the topic: Bracelet for hours Docribe from rubber and beads with video

It turns out something like this:

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The next step is to make air loops. On the same loop there may be a different amount of beads, from 1 to 5.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

When they accumulated all beads, we form low.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

We stick two needles in the pillow to be lowered, and then remember the shortest. Later we ride a loop on the desired length of low on the invisible pins. Then we wear the longest (at your discretion), and all the other are low distributed between them.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

When we formed low, we can try on the decoration on ourselves. If you are satisfied with your decoration, then the game with a thread pick up the loops near the pin and fix the thread. Now we already take the jewelry pins and make them through the loops, begin to twist the pin. This will help us with pliers and round-rolls. You twisted.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Now it is important to make a winding pin with threads and remaining residues. To secure, use the isolent or heat shrink. Next, it spreads the cap and wrap the isolent. Now we are moving the cap and begin to mount the castle.

Yes, it was necessary to work hard to create such a wonderful decoration. But the effort was worth it, is it not true?

Here to help some drawings and air schemes:

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Several photos of the air:

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Well, with beads figured out. But how to be with a bracelet? Almost all the same.

Stylish bracelet

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

We need:

  1. Beads of different colors;
  2. Stones, rhinestones, pearls;
  3. Fishing line;
  4. Hook;
  5. Line;
  6. Cardboard;
  7. Scissors;
  8. A pen;
  9. Nippers;
  10. Pliers;
  11. Pins;
  12. Two cones.


We recruit beads on the line, 3 meters long.

It is chaotic, but you can evenly insert stones, pearls. It is not so important, work will not be worse or better.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Now knit a crochet bracelet: two air loops are empty, and add beads to the third. Loops do not delay. When they tied, then the fishing line can be trimmed and secured.

Article on the topic: Lifting crochet with schemes: a selection of master classes with a description and video

Now a cardboard goes to work. We draw on it a trapezium so: the upper side is short and equal to the diameter of the hand, minus a centimeter on the castle, and the lower side will depend on how lush will be a bracelet. On the sides of our trapezium we enhance the needles. On both sides, there must be equal number.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Now without stretching uniformly bypassing the bracelet on the needles.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Then we use the pin. We make a loop at the end, we must have a long tail. Next, we collect neat threads in that loop and thereby removing the bracelet with the needles. Now we twist the pin. We do the same and on the other hand.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

We put on the cones and attach the castle to them.

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

All is ready!

You had to get something like this:

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

Very nice!

The air is hand from beads: master class with diagrams and photos

With such a bracelet and necklace, you can go to theater and cinema, in a restaurant and cafe. It is only worth an effort and you will shine compared to others!

Video on the topic

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