Hidden Doors: Selectors


Recently, hidden doors are popular in the design of interiors. This method allows you to make the door to the continuation of the wall and not disturb the holistic picture. There are a door in the color of the wall, and such an architectural move looks very stylish and unusual . What features hidden doors have, and what advice give specialists?

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Features of hidden doors and tips

The hidden effect is achieved by installing the door to a special frame, taken under the color of the wall on invisible loops. Before buying such a door, it is important to decide which type of door you need: with finishing under the interior or ready for use. The first option allows you to create a door for a particular room, and the second is less expensive and already ready for installation. Here are the main advantages of hidden doors:

  • Merges with the wall. The design is completely merged with the wall and visually increases the space in the room.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors
  • Does not take excess space. There are no platbands, which creates the possibility of mounting the hidden door even in narrow spaces.
  • Design and sizes. Such doors are performed in any colors, ranging from classic bright and dark, and finishing bright. You can buy a hidden door of absolutely any dimensions.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors

IMPORTANT! In rooms with large doorways, the hidden doors often use.

  • Any opening. This door can be installed in any opening: under the stairs, on the attic floors, and so on.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors
  • Universality. Suitable for installation in the children's, in the living room and any other room.

And several flaws:

  • "Invisibility" only from 1 side. Create a hidden effect will be obtained only from 1 side. From the opposite side, it will look like a plain door.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors
  • Price. The cost of the door from the European brand begins from 20,000 rubles, which is not always available in conditions of limited funds.

Tip! You can buy more budget hidden doors of domestic production.

Hidden Doors: Selectors

  • Early installation. Installation of the box should be held in the early stages of repair indoors. If you did not provide for this, install the hidden door without damage to the room will not work.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors

Tips for choosing

Here are the main tips on the choice of hidden doors:

  • If you plan to save on the purchase of products and installation, it is better to purchase a door with a standard height of 210 cm. Such a product is relatively inexpensive and is distinguished by uncomplicated installation.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors
  • The choice of the door material depends largely on the interior of the room. If you are going to mount the door to the office, the product is suitable. In modern architectural styles, products from other materials are beautifully looking.
  • If in the interior of your room wallpaper make up a drawing, we recommend buying a hidden door of compact sizes with an interior finish, this will allow you to leave the drawing continuous.

IMPORTANT! You can hang a picture on such a door or any other subject of the interior. It is also worth putting a vase near the door.

  • When the model is selected, it is important to check the condition of the coating. Press the nail to the door and check the lacquer for strength, because It protects the door from damage over time. The coating is considered high-quality if there is no trace left after pressure.
    Hidden Doors: Selectors
  • Doors need to be selected only by the size of the opening . Neglecting this rule will entail an excessive waste of money.
  • It is worth paying attention to the side of the door opening. The product is selected individually, depending on your preferences.

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Hidden Doors: Selectors


The presence of hidden doors in the interior is a great opportunity to give the room a stylish and unusual appearance, as well as focus on the strengths of the room. Such doors retain a holistic picture of the interior. They are performed in various designs, which will allow you to install the door to the interior of any room.

Hidden Doors: Selectors

How to choose and install hidden doors (1 video)

Hidden doors in the interior (11 photos)

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

Hidden Doors: Selectors

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