How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies


How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

The fact that in your house was joined by the "unintelligible guest", the dark spots will be prompted. The fungus or mold is a whole colony of microorganisms that are actively developing in wet rooms. They hopelessly spoil the repair and can harm your health. Get rid of this infection is not easy, but it is necessary to do it. How to remove the fungus in the apartment? Let's try to solve this problem together.

Causes of fungus appearance

Mold is able to survive in the most incredible conditions, even in open space. So our warm, cozy apartments for her are just a resort. The disputes are in the air, settle on the walls and under favorable conditions begin to actively multiply. Such conditions can be created in any room if:

  • It has increased humidity;
  • During construction, they saved on the material, the walls were too thin and freezed;
  • The construction technology is broken, and in the joints there are gaps;
  • Wrong windows for the winter are incorrect;
  • abundant condensate on plastic windows;
  • Insufficient heating, or the room is not heated at all;
  • Violated the ventilation of the room;
  • Improper waterproofing of the foundation in a private house or raw basements in an apartment.

First of all, you need to try to understand why the fungus appeared in this place. It is necessary to fix the cause of excess moisture as quickly as possible. This may require serious construction work. Only then begin to combat mold. If you immediately be taken to remove the fungus, then whatever the way you choose is, it will not help. He will appear again and again. Below are the main ways to win this unequal battle.

Important! Mold grows very quickly. It follows to its removal at the first signs of appearance. Otherwise, it is to deepen into the wall, and simple processing will no longer help.

How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

Where to begin

As soon as you noticed the spots of the mushrooms, hit the wall, you should immediately begin to destroy it. The sooner you do this, the greater the chance to forever remove the "unborn guest" from the walls of your apartment. The first stage is preparation. You will need:

  • Individual protection means - respirator and gloves;
  • Spatula and metal brush;
  • bucket with warm water and rags;
  • Spray for antiseptic processing and chemical means for destroying fungus.

Not always his appearance can be noticed immediately. It hides in the corners under the bathroom, behind the sink and other places closed to the gaze. It is necessary to understand that there is such a problem in the room, it is possible for a sharp smell of mold and dampness.

As soon as the source is found, it should be carefully cleaned, scrape the fungal and wash this place with warm water. When working, be sure to use the respirator. Spores of mushrooms are very strong allergens and can cause people unpleasant consequences up to bronchial asthma.

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Important! Before proceeding to work, moisten the affected water. So the disputes will not be very flying around the room.

In the bathroom you need to pay attention to how tightly the tile is adjacent to the wall. The fungus destroys the building materials and penetrates deep into the plaster. If the tile began to swing, it needs to be removed.

Wallpaper from the walls should also be removed. Always release a plot larger in the area than defeat. If black spots are much, you will have to completely remove the wallpaper. For this, the surface is wedged with warm water, give the wallpaper to fake and remove the spatula.

After removal of decorative coating, the plaster is proceeded. All infected places are written with a metal brush. Stripping is carried out up to concrete. Small roughness remove sandpaper. If the room is greatly amazed to make this attack, then you have to remove completely all the plaster, even the ceiling will be cleaned.

How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

The shot wallpaper and the plaster should immediately wrap and throw out the apartment. Give the room to dry, for this you can use:

  • heat gun - rent at the store selling tools;
  • construction hairdryer;
  • Normal fan heater.

After drying, you can proceed to surface treatment with chemical solutions. For these purposes, both special drugs and folk remedies are used. What are the drugs at the moment and what it is worth using will be considered further.

After the mushroom is destroyed, you need to carefully dry the room. The walls are ground, for this use deep penetration with antiseptic additives. Next, you can proceed to plaster and final alignment of walls with putty. After applying each layer, it is necessary to wait for complete drying. The finishing layer of putty is again covered with primer, and only after that it is necessary to glue the wallpaper.

Important! Work in old clothes, as mushroom spores penetrate the fabric. It is impossible to wash them from there. This clothing after processing should be immediately thrown out.

How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

Application of home remedies

If the lesions are small, then you can try to remove them without special compositions. To do this, you can use:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • bleach;
  • ammonia;
  • tea tree oil.

If the fungus just started to appear and the disputes did not have time to penetrate deeply, then this place should be treated with ordinary hydrogen peroxide. This is a strong oxidizing agent, which has antiseptic and antifungal properties. It does not smell and is not toxic, but it should be carefully used on painted fabrics. The peroxide is an excellent bleach and easily discourage tissue. Sold in pharmacies and has a low cost.

Vinegar is also an excellent folk remedy for the fungus from the walls without repair. Since this acid is volatile, it should be used in well-ventilated rooms. Square - the enemy of mold.

The surface is washed, the mold is scraped on the affected areas with a sponge applied table vinegar. Do not wash off. Such processing should be carried out weekly, until the problem is completely disappeared.

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Soda is in any kitchen, it also has an antifungal effect. Soda is not toxic - this is especially true if there are small children or animals in the house. As in the previous methods, the surface must first be cleaned. Rinse with warm water, after applying soda solution. It is mixed in the proportion of 2 tablespoons by 0.5 liters of water. The surface does not need to rinse. The procedure should be repeated several times a week, until completely disappeared.

Bleachers contain sodium hypochlorite - this is the strongest antibacterial and antifungal drug. It is less toxic than industrial primers, and is able to remove not only the fungus itself and mold from the walls, but also to cope with disputes.

Since it is, first of all, bleaching, should not use it on surfaces that can discourage. It is best that he has proven itself to purify glass and tiled surfaces. The process itself does not differ from the use of vinegar or soda. We must mix bleach with water in terms of 1:10. Spray it with a pulverizer or apply a sponge on the affected areas and give dry.

Also easy to cope with such a problem of ammonia alcohol. The only difference from the use of the bleach is to mix with the water, the ammonia is needed in proportion 1: 1.

Important! Chlorine-containing bleachers are very caustic. When working with them, protect hands and use rubber gloves. In order not to poison evaporation, the room must be well ventilated.

These ways are good on smooth surfaces, such as tiles, fiberglass. And if the problem struck the wooden panels, and do not want to spoil them? In order to remove the mushroom with a wall covered with lining, you can take advantage of the natural antiseptic - tea tree oil. Wash and clean the place affected by fungus. The tree is required to carefully dry, it strongly absorbs moisture. At this time, antiseptic mortar is prepared. A glass of water is added 1 teaspoon of essential oil and stirred. Use the sprayer to be applied to the surface and leave for a couple of hours until complete drying. After this place can be sprinkled with vinegar or handle soda.

How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

Special means

Folk remedies are well used if the common area of ​​the defeat is small. When the fungus already thoroughly let the roots, do not do without repair. To remove it forever, you should take advantage of special antiseptic drugs. A huge range is presented on the market, let's try to figure out what they differ.

Like any industrial preparations, specialized antiseptics are best coped with disputes, fungus and the consequences of their livelihoods. The correctly selected drug will help to get rid of the problem forever. Apply the composition for pre-strung and prepared walls. Similar drugs are several types:

  • based on resin;
  • silicate;
  • Dispersion
  • Fungicidal.

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Preparations based on silicones and resins are designed to process wooden surfaces. They do not interfere with the ability of the tree to breathe. With their help, you can remove small cracks and get rid of fungus.

Silicate not only kill mold, but also create a thin film on the surface of concrete. Thus cover microcracks formed during the life of the mushroom. This prevents moisture from entering and protects against re-occurrence of mold.

Dispersion preparations - universal means. Primers of such a plan remove the fungal and disputes and help align the surface. They are recommended to use at the very end, immediately before the wallpaper pasting.

Fungicidal agents or phonifluids are very popular on the market. They coped perfectly with the goal. Naturally, it is impossible to describe all the drugs, so it is worth considering the most effective and well-proven themselves:

  • ALPA - effective means which is used for both exterior and internal works. This solution can be used to remove and prevent without restrictions. He will not hurt either a tree nor drywall, nor natural stone.
  • Dali - has a high penetrating ability. Use both for prevention and for the destruction of fungus. All finishing materials are perfect on it. It can be used on various surfaces, then it has the same qualities as the previous one, but it is cheaper.
  • "Olympus Stop-Mold" - It has the same properties as the previous ones, apply to two layers. Well established itself in wet premises, such as a bathroom or basement, cellar.
  • Biotol - Mainly use for external work.

Important! Before you start working with any of the above preparations, you should carefully examine the instructions. Invalid use is wasted tools and time.

How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

Practical prevention tips

Removal fungus is a complex time-consuming procedure, often requiring repair. It is much easier to prevent the distribution of infection in the apartment. Here are a few rules, observing which, you can not be afraid of the appearance of fungus:
  • The room is as often as possible, it will reduce the humidity of the air.
  • The apartment must be thought-out and well functioning ventilation.
  • The furniture should be positioned so that the air can circulate freely.
  • During the repair it is worth waiting for the complete drying of each plaster layer, primer or putty.
  • It is better to use building materials with antiseptic additives.
  • As soon as the first black spots appear in the apartment, you should immediately delete them. At this stage, you can use folk remedies.
  • Especially closely monitor the condition of the bath and toilet.

How to remove the fungus from the walls in the apartment by folk remedies

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