How to sew a patch for feeding to be comfortable?


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  • Preparation for clarity
  • Cutting and tailoring
  • Additional actions

In order to grow, baby needs to eat well. Modern manufacturers of children's furniture, knowing about it, developed many models of comfortable and multifunctional chairs for feeding. Thanks to them, moms can not only feed the child in a comfortable environment, but also leave it for a while, without worrying about the fact that the baby will fall.

How to sew a patch for feeding to be comfortable?

Quite often, chairs for feeding are sold together with a plastic cover, irritating the skin of the child. In such cases, it is better to make a cover yourself.

The case can be called the main component of a similar object of furniture.

After all, it was on him who sits the kroch and precisely the mood of the child, the state of his health, and, respectively, and appetite. Many chairs are equipped with adhesive covers, when contacting with whom the baby's skin can be angry and peel. Being in the highway for a long time, the baby can stand and begin to capricious.

How to find a way out of such a situation? The modern textile industry offers a large selection of fabrics made of natural raw materials and perfectly suitable for contact with delicate skin of the baby. If your child is allergic or does not like to sit on the oilcloth, if the old cover on the feeding chair came into disrepair and you want to update it, buy a suitable fabric and try to sew a case. This event will require very small material costs, and the result will exceed all your expectations.

Preparation for clarity

How to sew a patch for feeding to be comfortable?

Pattern pattern circuit.

So that the cover is as comfortable as possible, it is better to perform it from 3 layers of fabric. A rigid fabric is suitable for the lower layer, which will serve a strong base for the entire design. The layer is performed from a synthetic winterizer or siliconized synthetic winterizer, which will give the seat softness. The front of the chair must be made of soft natural fabric, which will be safe when contacting the child's body.

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If you feel confident and told yourself: "A comfortable cover for feeding is a comfortable for feeding, prepare the following necessary materials and tools:

  1. Cotton, cotton fabric for upper layer.
  2. Singry procession for layers.
  3. Rigid cotton or x / b + synthetic cloth for the bottom layer.
  4. Portnovo scissors.
  5. Chalk.
  6. Pins.
  7. Threads.
  8. Needle.
  9. Paper or fliesline without adhesive base for pattern.
  10. Pencil.
  11. Sewing machine.

Deciding to sew a case, it is necessary to have an idea what the future product should turn out. The most comfortable, in order to feed the child, the covers that are fastened with special pockets behind the top of the back of the chair and armrests look. In addition, security belts that hold the baby from falling should be provided in them. If necessary, the whole design should be easily removed for cleaning and washing.

The easiest way to sew a case and create its pattern - make molding from the old cover. This is as follows:

How to sew a patch for feeding to be comfortable?

Through the holes in the case, do it belts that prevent the fall of the child.

  1. Remove the old cover from the chair.
  2. Place all parts of it and decompose on the floor.
  3. Apply to the design of paper or fliesline and pencil circuit covers its contours. It turns out the pattern of the case.
  4. On the pattern, mark the location of the lines. You can cut through them with scissors. These holes will be useful when marking parts under lines.
  5. It is also necessary to put markup under the slot for seat belts. For this case is inserted into the highchair. The milestone must be superimposed on top and press, giving it the shape of the chair. On the pattern there are places of slots and bends.

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Cutting and tailoring

When the case of the case is ready, you can start the product. First, it is necessary to carve a lining and pockets for which rigid cotton or mixed tissue is used. With the help of pockets, the cover will be dressed on the back and armrests of the chair for feeding. To make pockets, cut down the lecturer 3 details: the top of the back of the cover and 2 sidewalls. Do not forget to draw a break on the seams from the contour of about 1 cm.

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When the details of the pockets are ready, their lower part, which they will be put on the chair for feeding, should be adjusted to 1 cm and strain. After that, the pockets should be applied on the front side of the lining fabric to the line down and sew to it using a sewing machine.

Then the lining of the facial side of the tissue is superimposed on a well-stroke and smoothly decomposed material from which the outer part of the cover will be manufactured. Two layers of material should be made by pins and occupy. Only then you can cut the piece of soft tissue. Such actions will avoid the skew of the fabric and, accordingly, the entire products in general.

Further, the resulting design of the involving side of the lining is superimposed on the layer of the synthet board, fastened with pins, mocking and cut. Then all the fastened together parts are striking around the perimeter on the sewing machine. At the bottom of the future product, it is necessary to leave a hole sufficient to expand the cover on the front side.

With stroke parts, the notes made earlier are removed, then the product is turned out in such a way that the layer of the synthetone remains inside, between the layers of lining and the facial material. The resulting design should be put on the table or the floor and decompose the molds on it, on the basis of which the stitching markings are applied to the material. All marked line lines first rolled up, then planted on the sewing machine.

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Additional actions

The chairs cover is almost ready. The next step is to remove the opening through which the product turned out. It is best to take advantage of a secret seam, but if you are not an experienced seamstress and do not know how it is done, you can sew a hole in any way known to you. The main thing is that the seams turned out to be neat and not rushed into the eyes.

From the wrong side of the seat of the received cover, you can sew a wide elastic band, with which the product will be fixed on the stool. If your child is still small enough, it is desirable to equip safety belts. To do this, shift the holes in the marked places, treat them with a looping seam and pass the belts through them, which will reliably hold your baby during feeding.

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It is worth saying that without sufficient experience to sew such a product as a chalk cover, it is quite difficult, so it is necessary to take the process as much as possible. The finished cover will be happy to please you and your child with your convenience. And no one will argue: happy child - happy mom!

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