Fence from the grid-Rabita: all "for" and "against"


Fences from the chain grid are now popular. Such a fencing is strong enough and convenient in the installation. It has a long service life and is relatively inexpensive. However, in addition to these advantages, such a fence has significant disadvantages, so many owners of country houses and cottages cannot decide whether such a fence is set on its site. That's all "for" and "against" the installation of such fences.

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Types of grid Rabitsa

There are 3 types of mesh, characterized by manufacturing material:

  • Galvanized. Such a grid is resistant to corrosion and is relatively inexpensive in comparison with the rest of the materials. Galvanized grid use most often when the fencing is erected;
  • Neocken. This grid has a short service life of about 4 years, it is made of ferrous wire. After the reserved time, the grid will begin to be covered with rust. The non-scattered grid should only be used as a temporary fence for several years.
    Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Tip! If you do not plan to change the fencing, then the non-scattered grid should be painted every 4 years. This will allow it to preserve the neat appearance.

  • Plasticized. This mesh is made of metal wire and has corrosion resistance. But in comparison with the galvanized grid, a plasticized moisture is resistant and has a stylish appearance.


Here are the main advantages of fences from these materials:

  • Low price. Against the background of fences from other materials, such a fence is distinguished by a significantly lower price. This in a lot plays a decisive role when choosing a material.
  • Easy installation. Due to the simple design, the installation of the fence can, without having special skills.
  • Light traffic. The design does not interfere with the sun's rays to penetrate the area, and all plants get a lot of light for growth.
    Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

IMPORTANT! This fence does not protect the plot from prying eyes, so it is not recommended to install in problem areas.

  • Pleasant appearance. Look such a fence is very neat. You can also add various plants to the fence or paint a variety of patterns on them.
    Mesh-Rabit Fence: All
  • Lifetime. With proper installation and careful attitude, such a gate will last long enough, taking into account their low cost.

IMPORTANT! Once a few years, the grid should be processed if it is non-scattered. This will allow to extend its life.

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Such a fence has a couple of insignificant minuses:

  • Transparency. If you want to hide the contents of the site from the people around you, then you will not fit the installation of the fence from the chain grid, because This is a transparent fence.
    Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Tip! In this case, we recommend buying a fence from a professional flooring. This is a cheap material that will completely hide the contents of your site.

  • Not enough prestigious fence. Because of the low cost, such a fence is considered not prestigious, and this is a controversial drawback.
    Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Should I install?

Pluses in favor of mounting the fence from the chain grid is much larger than the minuses. This is a durable and easy-to-install fence to give your site a beautiful appearance and will last more than 10-20 years with careful operation. Installation of the fence is not recommended in areas of increased danger, in all other cases it is an excellent fence.

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Mesh-Rabit Fence: All


Choosing a fence, take advantage of the tips from the article and try to take into account all the pros and cons of the material. The advantages in favor of mounting the fence is much more, and the disadvantages are minor. However, if you are important to hide the contents of the site from strangers, this fence is not suitable . But the transparency of the fence is its advantage, because It provides good light permeability for plants on the site.

Fast and high-quality installation of the fence from the grid of the Rabita! (1 video)

Fence from grid Rabitsa (8 photos)

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

Mesh-Rabit Fence: All

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