How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video


All are good swing gates: simple and cheap. But in winter, with a large number of snow, it is possible to open them only thoroughly worked with a shovel. When you need to work, this is not happy at all. This shortcoming is deprived of retractable or, as they say, sliding / sliding doors. One piece of construction, which closes the whole entrance, departs to the side, hiding behind the fence. They can be kept on a conventional or console beam, and they can just ride on rails. In any case, you can make a rollback gate with your own hands. It is not quite easy, but possible.


By type of retractable (sliding, sliding) gates are:

  • Console - with beam, one end of which is fixed, the second hangs in the air. The beam has a P-shaped profile with steps inside. On it, the rollers are moved inside. All load from the door leaf through the rollers is transmitted to the beam.

    How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

    Console Gate with Balley

    At the place of its location, they are:

    • with lower beam;
    • medium beam;
    • top beam.
  • Suspended. In this design, there is also a beam, but it relies on both poles on the sides of the gate. It also has a special structure, similar to the letter "P" only with bent into the edges. Inside there are also rollers, they hang the gate canvas. So the canvas and moves.

    How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

    Suspended design

  • Reluced rail. The rail is mounted in the ground, rollers are attached to the bottom of the door sash. The cloth rides on the guide. The design is the simplest, but its minus is that the rail and rollers themselves are clogged with snow, mud, leaves.

    How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

    Relse Rail

What better

What a better design is difficult to say. If we talk about reliability, the best choice is the suspension design. Everything is easy and reliable, a practically unnecessary system. The gate of this type is operated at enterprises of decades. Their disadvantage - the beam limits the height of the entering transport, which is sometimes important. But today there are models with composite beams, allowing with an open gate to remove the jumper over the entrance, and then return it to the place.

The cheapest and simple performed system on the rail. These rollback gates are easiest to collect themselves. But problems arising during operation make it unpopular.

Of all the above constructions, the most expensive and complicated - console, nevertheless it is placed most often: properly made it does not cause inconvenience during operation. When choosing, it should be borne in mind that during its device on the right or left of the gate, the distance is required, one and a half times more than the width of the web: In addition to the sash itself, there is still a technical part that appears on the side of about half the length.

Details Types of retractable gates, features of the design and construction are considered in the video.

How to make console rollback gates

This design is good because there is no beam over the passage. But she is the most expensive in the device. The point is not so much in the roller system, as in the need for a foundation of the foundation with metal mortgages, to which the console beam will then be attached. If the pillars are already there, the foundation is poured before it and along the fence on the length of the technical removal, which is necessary to compensate for the load generated by the web.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Completion of console doors

Even if they make console rollback gates with their own hands, a kit consisting of guide beams, rollers, end rollers and traps usually buy in the company. All parts are calculated on the basis of the size of the canvas, the framework of the frame and the type of trim: weight is essential. Therefore, it is desirable to determine all these parameters in advance.

Knowing the length of the carrier beam, you can calculate the desired foundation size. By type - this is a ribbon foundation, which is digging below the depth of the soil freezing (for each region it is its own), in which reinforced supports under the plates with rollers are laid, and the racks are installed. These racks are then attached a set of upper rollers holding the canvas and do not swing to him.

How to calculate the foundation for the fastening for the console beam

There is nothing complex when calculating. The foundation in length is equal to almost half the length of the span. If the span is 4 meters (travel width or distance between the columns), the foundation should be 1.8-2 m. The width of it is 40-50 cm, the depth is below the depth of the primer of the soil for the region.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Foundation for a console beam during the construction of a rollback gate

Kotlovan dumps another 10-15 cm deeper - under the gravel and sand pillow. This foundation is reinforced (by the type of tape), in the upper part of it to the reinforcement, a channel (18 or 20) is welded and all this is poured with concrete. Schweller is set in the "zero" level, that is, it should stand on the same level with the level of soil or material that the courtyard was finished.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Prepared reinforcement and mortgage schweller

There is a cheaper and fast option, but in reliability it is inferior to the above described. Three screw metal piles are screwed into the ground, sewer weld to them.

Installation of roller supports

Studs are welded to the mortgage chaserler, then platforms with rollers are attached to them on the bolted connections. Sometimes you can meet options when the platform is welded immediately to the mortgage. It is not right. There is a rather high probability that the foundation or post of the fence will give shrinkage. Even a small displacement - and your gate will not work. If the rollers with the studs can be removed, the studs to digest and collect everything in place, how to adjust if the platform is welded? Cutting down? It is difficult for long, without guarantees. So it is better to do everything in this case according to the rules.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Example of mounting roller sites

When buying, pay attention to the roller carriages and the rollers themselves. These are necessarily closed rolling bearings. They are usually located in two rows of 4 pieces each. Lubrication in them should be frost-resistant - lower temperature limit -60 ° C. Inspect the platform on which they are attached. It should be steel, cast, good metal with a galvanized surface, covered with protective lubricant.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

The support beam rolls on the rollers, because they carry the bulk

Ride the rollers. Everyone should ride without effort, and should not have a backlash (should not be stagged from side to side). Then you can be sure that the gate will ride easily and the retractive mechanism will work for a long time (some firms give a guarantee of 10 years). After all, most of the load are on the rollers, because their quality is a key moment, as well as a balanced structure of the canvas.

The remaining installation stages will be more clearly described in the photo report: the gate assembled independently, without the involvement of specialists.

About the automation of swing gates read here.

Retractable gate with your own hands: photo report with explanations

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

These gates are made on the basis of the finished set, the frame was done by themselves, also independently mounted

The gate was put in Moscow, respectively, the prices are metropolitan. They put them in 2010, since then the kits have fallen very much. For example, the "fresh" carrier carrier price weighing no more than 400 kg (there is up to 1.2 tons) - about $ 100, but this is a budget option. During the construction of ROLLING CENTER components (the best then on the market) with a leading beam of 6 meters long. There were also ordered upper catcher and bracket. Everything with delivery cost about $ 600.

The following materials were also bought:

  • Profile pipe 80 * 60 mm - 6 m, 60 * 40 mm - 18 m, 40 * 20 mm - 36 m;
  • Schweller - 180 mm - 3 meters, 200 mm - 2.4 meters;
  • Armature 12 mm - 6 m;
  • electrodes - 2 kg;
  • paint - 3 banks, brushes, rivets;
  • Cement M-400 - 5 bags;
  • Professional flooring was bought in the manufacture of fence.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Scheme of a sliding gate with dimensions

The first thing was welded a frame for a gate with a counterweight. Rama (black) was made of a profile pipe 60 * 40 mm, jumpers and an inner frame (lilac) from a pipe 40 * 20 mm. At the bottom of the guide beam cut down.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

How to varies Rama

The inner frame was cooked with an indent from the edge - 20 mm on each side. It is also more convenient then to mount the professional owl, if you wish, you can get inside from the inside.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

How to weld profile pipe 40 * 20 mm

First flooded the foundation. It was installed fittings, top with a spherler top. Two racks from the profiled pipe 80 * 60 mm close to Schaveller. One rack is adjacent to the pole, the second is set vertically at a distance of 120 cm. On them then they hang rollers that hold the canvas from above. On the other hand, a 180 mm channel was installed along the response pillar.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

180 mm channel attached to a reversal post

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Fitting on the spot

In the opposite part to the chapeller at the top and bottom of the trap, which will not give the gate to hang out in the wind.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Mounted on the receiving post

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Top and bottom trap

The next step is to install plates with rollers. They are attached to the mortgage. In this case, this is a channel, because the space turned large. When they did the foundation, it was done too high, because the plates were welded directly to the mortgage. It is impractical: if a roller breaks, it will change it problematic. Usually weld the platform to which the cores with rollers are fixed on the bolts.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Wade roller sites and "hit" rollers

The finished gate frame is just rolling into fixed rollers.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Stock Foto Folding on rollers from different angles

After installation on the supporting beam, the plugs are worn from both ends. With the far side, an even stubborn wheel is installed, which in the closed position drives into the lower trap, lifting the gate and removing the load from the rollers.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Installing the plug and a stubborn roller (the beam in the photo is turned up)

Now that the gate is not "walked" at the top (they are not fixed now), kits of the upper rollers are fixed to the racks (80 * 60 mm) - one at one on the rack. They are practically put on the frame. Now available inside the rollers will hold it up.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

Top rollers are attached to the racks, capturing the top edge of the gate

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

So the installed top rollers look like

Everything, the rollback gates are collected and ready for operation.

How to make sliding (sliding) gates: Making Console - Photo report, video

What do swept gates from the yard look like

If you have questions, see the video. It collects a ready-made kit, the whole process will become clearer.


Several videos with different retractable gate designs. First - console on medium beam. There will be no problems with snow, but the appearance from the yard is below average.

Economy option: Return gate for giving. The design is simple to an eye.

Another home-made option. Here in the pipe 60 * 60 mm, propylene clearance in which rollers are inserted. The design is taken standard, collected from different components.

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