The main fault of the drain tank and their repair


Drain tank and possible malfunctions

A drainage tank breakdown is an extremely unpleasant event that can be pretty to pour nerves to all family members. Justice to cost to say that since the drain tank is a very simple mechanism, most breakdowns that occur in this mechanism are very easy to repair with their own hands. Despite the fact that the drain tank on the toilet is present in every home and apartment, not all owners of these aggregates know the principle of their action and the structure, without deciding to disturb the integrity of the tank for the sake of idle interest, but learn about his "inner world" only when the question arises How to repair the drain tank.

The main fault of the drain tank and their repair

Concept of drain tank.

Consists of the drain of the following components:

  • siphon;
  • exhaust valve;
  • float;
  • Float crane or valve;
  • pens;
  • overflow tube.

The operation of the drain is located on the principle of operation of the usual hydraulic circuit, and when you press the drain button or lever, the process of the dialing in the water tank and adjust its level using the shutter valve is launched. Of course, more modern drain tanks are and complemented by some other elements, but the principle of operation in all tanks for the toilet is about the same.

It is the shutter valve and its malfunction, as a rule, are the main causes of many problems in the operation of the drain tank toilet bowl.

The main fault of the drain tank and their repair

Scheme of work Bachka float.

The breakdowns of other elements happen much less often, but can also deliver trouble. It is important to understand what exactly the source of the problem is, because here a decisive role is played by the "symptoms" of the breakdown. Before reaching active actions directed to the repair of the drain tank, first of all it is necessary to overlap water on the drain tank or if there is no valve overlapping the water supply to the toilet bowl, it is necessary to overlap the water supply to the apartment.

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Water from the tank must be merged. Next you need to carefully remove the lid of the drain tank. With a lid, you need to communicate extremely carefully, since if any part of the internal mechanism can easily be purchased separately, then the broken lid cannot be purchased separately. After the lid of the drain tank is removed, you can proceed to repair work.

Permanent flow of water in a tank or toilet

The main fault of the drain tank and their repair

Device of a drain tank toilet bowl.

The constant arrival and leakage of water are the most common problems that are characteristic of all modern tanks. There is not much breakdowns that can cause this phenomenon, and each of them can be easily eliminated. First of all, it is necessary to consider the location of the float lever, and if it is skewed, it is enough to remove the breakdown to shift this item on its original place.

If, with a breakdown, water does not enter the toilet, and simply overflowing through the top of the tank, most likely the valve is damaged. In order to check its integrity, it is necessary to lift it up until it stops, and if the water does not stop entering the talek, it means that it is in the float valve. This breakdown is a very rare phenomenon, since most of these valves are made from metal or durable plastic. It is impossible to fix this part, and it will be replaced. In order to replace the float valve, the following materials and tools will be required:

  1. Wrench.
  2. New float valve.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Linen thread.

First you need to disconnect the valve from the lever. Next, the damaged valve is unscrewed by a wrench, in this case, it is necessary to disconnect the locking nuts. After removing the old float valve, it is necessary to install a new one, wrapped with linen thread and tightly twisting fixing nuts. Next you need to set back the lever. If the water continuously enters the tank, and from it to the toilet, it is also necessary to check the shutter valve, rubber gaskets and seals, since it is in them a malfunction can.

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The main fault of the drain tank and their repair

The scheme of operation of the water level adjustment device.

Special attention should be paid to the presence of a membrane valve, such a valve is not present in all drain tanks and its main purpose is to protect the tank from mechanical damage and block formation. In the case of wear of the membrane valve, it is necessary to either replace it with a new part or cut independently of solid rubber, the thickness of which is 1.5 mm. In this case, it is very important that the size of the cut valve fully corresponded to the original membrane valve.

In some cases, the constant friction of the float on the number of mechanisms located near the part of the mechanism can cause holes in it, and as a result of the tank leakage, in order to eliminate this problem, the exchange of the float is necessary, but if there is no possibility to purchase the necessary part in the near future, you can simply be stuck Damaged area with waterproof glue or preheated plastic.

If you fix the float through it, it is not possible, you can wear a polyethylene package on its head and tie it at the base, that is, near the rack of the float lever. It should be immediately noted that it will solve this problem only temporarily, since the polyethylene wipes over time, and the float will again require repair again

Other common causes of a drain tank fault, and their repair

The main fault of the drain tank and their repair

Phased repair of plum in barrel.

There are still a number of faults, and you should consider how to repair the toilet tank when they are detected. If, when pressed to the lever, the water shutter does not happen, it means that the problem is most likely it is that the thrust is damaged. It is advisable to notice damaged traction to a new one, but if it is not possible to do this, you can make it yourself using a thick copper wire. If you wish, you can use a thin wire, pre-twisting it several times.

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An option with a wire installation instead of damaged thrust is temporary, since through a certain number of pressing the lever to descend the water of the wire simply bends, and we will have to repeat the repair process. Sometimes in the place of attachment of the bowl of the toilet bowl, a small leakage is observed. In order to eliminate this phenomenon, you need to pull the toilet tank fastening bolts. In the event that the desired effect did not succeed, it may be possible to connect the hose with intake reinforcement, then you need to pull the connective nut.

In some cases, when the junction nut is loosened, it is necessary to repair it as follows: completely promoting the connection, it is necessary to wind the linen pass on the thread, and then smearing its surface with a sealant, it is necessary to spin everything back. To repair the toilet drain tank will not be difficult for even unprofessional in this matter, the main thing is to correctly determine the cause of the problem.

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