White Tulle - Material Selection Nuances


The tradition to overstate the window of matter allows you to protect the room from strangers, bright sun, dust and dirt, draft. The first White Tulle appeared a few centuries ago and was designed for the same needs as curtains, but at the same time did not block the sunlight, but only the end was muffled. Thus, the room was attached to the desired atmosphere of privacy, but disappeared the need for the day to use artificial lighting sources. Over time, manufacturers began to produce Tulle all possible shades, but today the traditional white version remains the most popular.

White Tulle - Material Selection Nuances

What types of fabric should give preference?

Working with such a strong and self-sufficient color, like white (and its numerous shades), you need to pay special attention to the selection of material. This will affect the features of the formation of folds, the principle of reflection of light, the practical properties of products.


From natural fabrics it is better to refuse. Snow-white tulle made of soft cotton threads or linen canvas with a characteristic tint will quickly yellow and will lose its original attractiveness. The canvas are located directly under the sunny rays, so it will not be able to protect matter.

The most optimal options include three types of Tulle.

  1. Polyester veil or mixed version with the addition of woolen, silk or cotton threads. Soft canvas are easy to dramatically, the presence of an elegant stuffing pattern is possible. Distinguished with increased strength, Matter uses the air well and light, does not collect dust. If you need a more thorough blocking of the sun, you can choose an option with a variety of decorative elements. Even in the White Option, the fabric will not deliver the care of care.
  2. Organza. The fabric produced from polyester has enviable practicality. It does not mean, it does not break, it does not wear out, the dust does not accumulate, stable to wash, quickly dries and does not lose after cleaning its attractiveness. Matter misses air well, so reliably protects from drafts. The only drawback - the room will have to be tired, pushing Tulle to the side. From white organza with silk threads, the light is well reflected, so this option improves the illumination of the room.
  3. White grid looks very attractive on windows in combination with classic porters or complex structures. But even made of synthetic materials, the matter is very quickly accumulating dust. As a result, the white canvas quickly becomes gray. If you do not scare frequent washing and even regular tissue replacement, option can be enabled.

From the curtain of polyamide will have to abandon, despite their attractiveness: the material is destroyed under the action of sunlight. The popularity is gaining the cloth crystal - on its surface the original iridescent overflows are formed.

Little to pick up fabric, you need to think about the way it is for fastening. Traditionally tulle fasten on hooks or crabs. In the first case, tires the process of removing and hanging the canvas, because white matter will have to be freck. In the second - there is a gradual wear of the edge of the fabric. It is better to use modern clips or recordings. If you attach a special seal to the edge of the tulle, you can apply lupus rings and give the product the right form.

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White Tulle - Material Selection Nuances

White Gardins in the interior of different rooms

Selecting tulle for premises of various functional purposes, you need to take into account the following aspects.

  1. For the White Tulle Living Room is now used rarely - only if the interior of the room is based on pastel shades. Often for pompous and luxurious decorations pick up light curtains of saturated shades.
  2. In the bedroom, Tulle must be warm collected in soft folds. It is recommended to use creamy, milk, cream shades.
  3. In the kitchen tulle should be cold white. The first place comes out practicality. The optimal option will be organized, it is easier to care for it.
  4. For the children's room, it is better to select synthetic tulle with a significant amount of natural fibers. It will provide freshness in the room, and fabric care does not deliver special troubles.

For rooms located on the south side, a dense material with decorative elements is more suitable, it will provide additional protection against light. If the lack of lighting is felt, it is necessary to look at the maximum transparent tissues with special inserts, evenly distributing the sun's rays around the room.

White Tulle - Material Selection Nuances

Combination with basic curtains and interiors

Pick up the suitable tulle to the main porters is not so easy. Products must be combined by tone, drawing, texture. If the main curtains are made in warm color, then the Tulle must have a softening hue. Cold curtains will suit classic snow-white matter. Choosing an addition for a porter with a pattern or stinging embroidery, you should not try to duplicate the ornament on light fabric: a combination will be too distrilla.

Complex structures with multiple waves, folds, lambrequins and pickups are better supplemented with a simple cloth without decorative elements and complex drapes, but from high-quality fabric.

When Tulle acts as an independent element, its shade should be harmonized with the color of the walls (if they are light) or upholstered furniture. White Gardin in a bright room, where minimum pastel tones will look like an incomprehensible stain requiring refinement.

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White Tulle - Material Selection Nuances


Today, from the entire variety of fabrics offered by manufacturers, you can choose the option, ideal for completing any image. It is not necessary to dwell on the Tyule of the classic color, if it is obviously inappropriate, but also the creation of jets from the incompatible shades should be avoided.

Determine whether the matter is suitable for a specific image, quite easily. You can take a few pieces of fabric and attach them to the largest objects in the room. The disharmony will be apparent immediately. If more than half of the combinations seem to be pleasant and acceptable, the image can be tried if not - it is worth looking for something else.

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