Sample Balcony Repair Application


A sample application in the GEK for repair of the balcony allows you to formalize procedures related to overhaul, restoration, enhancement of balcony or loggia designs.

Despite the previously common practice, the reconstruction of these elements of the facade in many cases should not be carried out by their own forces, although they relate to the personnel of the tenant.

Constructive features

Sample Balcony Repair Application

The balcony is located outside the plane of the facade of the building, speaking out the distance of about one meter. From the point of view of consolidation, it refers to console embedders, which means tough fixation of beams or plate on one side. At the same time, the physical state of the support node and the panel itself is critical to perception of the regulatory load.

Sample Balcony Repair Application

The boards of the loggia relies on the vertical panels or masonry, which can be destroyed under the influence of adverse factors, an example of which is corrosion of mortgage parts or concrete degradation as a result of ice formation in cavities and cracks.

In case of improper exploitation or in the process of natural wear wear, elements attenuation occurs, which can be eliminated that can be restored by the bearing capacity of the slab and the node.

The receptions of the "home master" and "craftsham for all hands" here will not help here, as it is necessary to understand the nature of the reinforcement of such structures, the interaction of reinforcement and concrete element. Only specialists who have the necessary tolerances and experience can repaired.

Sample Balcony Repair Application

The general property of an apartment building is answered by the management company

The technical parameters of balconies and loggias put them in a series of structures and elements attributable to the common property of the owners of an apartment building. Its service is carried out by the management company based on the agreement with the owners of housing.

It bears contractual liability to the property owners for maintaining the facility in a proper order, and besides it, administrative and criminal measures and non-fulfillment of their obligations, if the complaint was ignored to the management company for the alarming state of the structural elements.

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The relationship of apartment owners with serving enterprises is governed by the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27, 2000, No. 491 of August 13, 2006 and the provisions included in the Housing Code, for example, Articles 138, 161, 162, 168. On where the border between the general Property and property of the owner, see this video:

Thus, the organization ensuring the operation of the house is obliged to accept an application from the tenant and in a timely manner at the time being carried out measures to assess the state of the status of the structures indicated in it and the restoration of standard functioning.

Interaction with ZHEK

Sample Balcony Repair Application

Be sure to register a statement in the magazine of incoming documents and set the stamp on your copy

By making an application for repairing a balcony or loggia, you should specify information about yourself as the owner or user of property with the application of the contact data required for further interaction with the employees of the management company:

  • name of the institution;
  • an official to whom the statement is addressed;
  • Surname, name, patronymic of the applicant;
  • home address;
  • Contact phone number.

Sample Balcony Repair Application

If an accident occurred with a balcony slab, the WEK should react to immediately

Further, it is the essence of the problem with an indication of the emergency condition of the carrier structures of a balcony or loggia.

The application is a sufficient basis for the adoption of urgent measures from the operating organization and will allow you to keep the deficiencies under control.

The form of describing the problem may be free without articulating technical details. The scale of the scale and complexity of defects is carried out by enterprise specialists or the experts attracted by the experts acting on his behalf.

Sample Balcony Repair Application

Make sure that the application for repairing the balcony was registered in the magazine of incoming documents with the assignment of the registration number and fixation of the feed date. From this point, the duration of response to your appeal is counted.

If it is not possible to personally visit the office of the organization, the filled application form can be sent by mail by registered letter, in this case the period of working with your complaint will be counted from the date of the adoption of correspondence.

Before the expiration of 30 days, the management company is obliged to provide an order comprising an assessment of defects and the period during which they will be eliminated.

Legislation takes a month and a half, although by mutual consent, the timing can be changed in one direction or the other.

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Don't do it yourself

Sample Balcony Repair Application

Do not repair the balcony slab yourself - the design must comply with security standards

Sometimes tenants prefer to combine work on the loggia or balcony with a schedule of their own repair, not wanting to bind to fiber and bureaucracy, usually inherent in all institutions. And instead of using the proposed sample application for repairs of the balcony, they are trying to solve the problem independently, counting on personal experience and sanity.

Do not do this. First of all, because without having knowledge, skills and necessary safety, you are at risk your own life, underestimating the risk of work at the height.

Sample Balcony Repair Application

Secondly, the quality of repair must comply with the norms of the safe operation of buildings and structures, and not to wear a cosmetic character with filling the cracks between the rusty reinforcement with a shplanie or mounting foam. The processes of destruction do not stop this, and you are at risk not only your life, but also take responsibility for people who can suffer in constructions.

Separately, it should be mentioned about the need for proper and reliable fastening of the enclosing balcony and loggia designs. In the Soviet house-building, they were performed quite carefully, almost never anti-corrosion treatment was carried out, and the tenants believed that the gland is thick, then there is no problem. An example of the work of specialists for the repair of balcony slabs, see this video:

Please note that when the concrete of the plate or corrosion of the reinforcement is inevitably weakened and welded joints fixing the external fence.

How to be if the problem is ignored?

Sample Balcony Repair Application

If the problem is not solved - contact the supervisory instances

This means that the management company violates not only an agreement with the owners of housing, but also the requirements of the Housing Code and Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is necessary to contact the control and supervisory authorities, for example, to the Gospise or Extranvzor. References are recommended to attach a copy of the application for repairs to the balcony with the date of submission to the serving organization. The claim may concern non-compliance with the deadlines, the lack of the required reaction or complaints on the quality of the work performed.

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This must be done not only because the inappropriate property of the property creates discomfort, but also to ensure the safety of others, for which you, as a co-owner of real estate, are also responsible.

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