Floating floor: What it is, design and device


Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Floating floor is a kind of system that has a base without its hard fixation. There are several such options, and they are divided depending on the selected building materials.

If you are in the structure of floating floors, then this is a construct of several layers. Each layer carries its functional destination. We will try to get acquainted with the peculiarities of this kind of floors.

Purpose floating floors

Many have come across such a problem as a noise that comes to our ears of neighboring apartments. This is especially true of multi-storey houses. The lower the room is located, the greater the noise level.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Examples of floating design

One of the outputs of its decrease is to increase the sound insulation properties of the floors. There are several traditional ways to provide sound insulation, such as laying of linoleum and carpet. But this innovation appeared in the modern construction industry as floating floors.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Linoleum can become one of the layers absorbing noise

They are placed directly on the slabs of the overlap and have sufficiently high sound insulation. Moreover, they can be manufactured from various materials, which makes it possible to choose their own option to consumers in accordance with opportunities and prices.

It is also possible to combine the options for this kind of floors. Characteristics of sound insulation materials are presented in the table.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Design features

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

The floating gender design is a new technology that has its own characteristics. The floor is made of such a layer:

  • coating;
  • The base that is a rigid construction, a monolithic screed;
  • Sound insulation layer, which is equipped with appropriate materials.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Locked layers should not close to the walls of the room

The features of this type of floors include the fact that all layers are not related to overlaps. This moment can be attributed to positive characteristics, as with any changes to the construction, the design of the floor itself remains unchanged.

The following feature is the fact that the laying is not produced close to the walls of the room. The method prevents the propagation of sound waves and eliminates the noise when blowing on the walls.

It should be noted that the floating floor cannot provide 100% soundproofing, but by 50-70% isolation of sounds is provided.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Floating floor design

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So, consider floating floors, the design of which can be generalized in this way:

  • vapor insulation layer;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • Finish aligning layer.

Finishing coating is stacked on the finishing layer.

Pros and cons

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Floating floors can serve until 15 years

As already mentioned, the floating floor is an independent design, which, if necessary, is dismantled and arranged elsewhere. The positive characteristics of the floors of this type can be attributed:

  1. A rather high degree of sound insulation. It is ensured by the arrangement of the separation layers of the floor.
  2. Provides good thermal insulation. They create comfort and comfort in the room, since only high-quality materials are used to ensure their collateral.
  3. Simple installation technology. It can be performed with your own hands, which will save.
  4. It is a pretty durable design, as it consists of a large number of layers.
  5. Duration of operation. Even in the case of a shrinkage of the building, the floors remain in the initial state. The service life of floating floors reaches 15 years.
  6. Resistance to different temperature differences.
  7. Ability to distribute uniformly load.
  8. Excludes creaking floors. This is due to the fact that when installing the floors do not apply fasteners, which in time begin to weaken.

But, despite the large number of advantages, there are also cons. Disadvantages for each type of floating floors of their own. You can relate to the general fact that the height of the room decreases during their arrangement. About how to lay a floating design, see this video:

We draw attention to the fact that the arrangement of floating floors is best done simultaneously in all rooms of the apartment, since in any case it will have to trim interior doors.

Also, if the room has low ceilings, then from the arrangement of floating floors will have to abandon.


Floating floor: What it is, design and device

The floating floor can be equipped in different versions that depend on the purpose and types of material that are used when installing them:

  • concrete;
  • with a dry type of tie;
  • Prefabricated.

We give a brief description of each type of floating floors.


Floating floor: What it is, design and device

If it is supposed to expose the floors to large loads, then it is better to equip concrete floating floors. This will give him a high degree of strength and reliability. Its arrangement is approximate to the installation of a cement screed.

  1. Initially, we put steam insulation in such a way that its edges go beyond the boundaries that are allocated for the floor.
  2. The next step is the laying of mineral wool. The insulation is stacked so that the necessary indentation from the walls is provided.
  3. On top of the insulation, we laid the film for waterproofing and the reinforcing grid.
  4. We perform the fill of the cement screed with a thickness of 5-7 cm.

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The advantages of such a variant of floating floors include a high degree of strength and sound insulation. It is resistant to various deformations and mechanical effects.

But we pay attention to the fact that only concrete prepared by the right technology will be able to provide all positive characteristics.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Take a drying screed no less than a day

If a concrete screed is unfounded, then the durability of the sexual conversation can not go. The disadvantages of concrete floating floors include the duration of the intercourse of the concrete layer.

At least a day depend on this process, depending on the seasons and temperature in the room. To the installation of the finishing layer, only after drying the screed.

Dry screed

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

The floating floor of the dry screed option is most often choosing to create a perfectly smooth surface for further laying of the collection floor. As a heater, a mixture of clay and sand is used here.

Please note that the density of the insulation mixture must be high to ensure a long service life.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Waterproof dry tie needed with special care, its durability depends on it

The dry screed is different from the concrete in that it will not endure too large loads, and the time for drying does not require. Therefore, to the installation of the collection floors can be started immediately after the floating floor device.

The disadvantages of the dry screed include a very low degree of resistance to moisture, but it can be somewhat increased. To do this, simply shut down the reliable layer of waterproofing. If you purchase a quality material, then the moisture of the dry screed will not be terrible.

Imagine the option of the most optimal floating floor option on the dry screed:

  • ensuring filling;
  • laying of the waterproofing layer;
  • Laying sheet material. For details about the dry floating floor screed, see this video:

This option is a dry screed does not take the height of the room and does not require the use of a roll material.

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Prefabricated floors

This type of floors include a coating that is placed from a t-shirt board, laminate or parquet. In cases where prefabricated fields of the lock type use, they are mounted on a special substrate or a dry tie.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

Features of the installation of such floors are in the presence of two conditions:

  • The surface must be absolutely dry;
  • The surface is equipped with absolutely smooth.

If these conditions are not met, then the service life of such floors will not be long.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

One of the most common types of prefabricated floors is a cork floor.

Such a floor is quite simply mounted, at any time it can be dismantled and reinmed.

For its arrangement, multilayer panels are used, the front part of which is a natural plug.

The panels are characterized by the picture. They are connected to each other by means of a groove system in the form of a row.

The joints of the compounds are treated with special glue, which has the property of resistance to moisture. The disadvantages of the cork collecting gender include a low degree of sound insulation.

Basic Mounting Tips

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

All layers of floor are laid without fasteners and glue

The device of the floating floor of each type has its own characteristics. But there are general moments to which experts recommend paying attention to:

  • laying floating floors should be made at a temperature approximated to room with optimum humidity level;
  • In no case cannot be applied to the fasteners of any type, the glue is also excluded;
  • When installing the collection floor, the material used is recommended during the day to hold under similar conditions or directly indoors;
  • Floating national flooring floors are strictly perpendicular to the window processes and the mandatory clearance of the walls;
  • After laying the collection floors is complete, it is necessary to mount the plinth after an expiration of at least 6 hours.

Floating floor: What it is, design and device

The characteristics and advice of specialists will help choose the option of floating floors, which optimally suits your requirements and features of the room.

All necessary characteristics should be appreciated and fulfill their high-quality installation.

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