How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)


In recent years, it is increasingly possible to see not only new wooden houses, but also fences. People go to such a step consciously: very beautiful products are obtained. They even agree regularly, and how much she will just like it, so much. If you treat such fans of wood, you may be useful to photo reports about how people built a wooden fence with their own hands. Used, as a rule, interesting solutions. Perhaps not always 100% correct but working.

Photo report 1: Ordinary fence from boards (stakenat)

This fence was set with periodic assistance - that hired, then voluntary assistants, but most of the fence is collected by the owner. The boards were first processed, then brought to the site ready for use.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

This is a view of a plot with installed columns.

The main work was done under the winter - were torn by Motoburn, leased, pits. The main thing is that the car was inconspicuous. Then the process is going hard even on the normal soil. We have it and it was: the first day we dried only 6 holes and face: how much is it all else to do? Well neighbor suggested replace the blade. With a new cutting part, everyone else has done a day. Buuril slightly lower ground freezing depth. It freezes 1.2 meters, the depth of the wells is 1.3 meters (reinsurance "just in case"), the distance between the holes 3 m. They pulled the cord between the angular marks, 4 m plots were stationed (throwing the board). As a result, it turned out exactly.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Drilling hole

After in the hole, the rubble was poured on the bucket, inserted a sleeve from the rubberoid folded into two layers. Inserted pillars 60 * 60 mm with a wall of 3 mm in this sleeve. Segments of reinforcements were pre-downstairs, the segments of the reinforcement were at the bottom - in order to keep it better, and another Socipte's corner under the fastening of future lag. Poles before installing, or rather long before it, Okären and coated with anti-stellar, then two layers of paint.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Poles installed in the wells

The most important thing is to correctly set the pillars. They also did with the cord. Put the corner poles strictly in terms of level. At first, one put out to stick to 1.8 meters, then he was transferred with a laser level to the second, which is at the same level. This operation was repeated with all the "steps". The discolutions and the stops helped to keep the key pillars yet, the concrete brand M 200 was filled. After the solution was grabbed, the threads stretched between the colums - one at the top, noted the tops of the columns, the second in the middle of the height - they were focused on it when putting the remaining pillars.

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After poured by concrete (in a few days), all the poles began to fill the base. Made a portable formwork from pine boards. Speaking it, gradually flooded the base. Digid deeply - they removed only the turf. As a result, they received pillars between which the concrete tape is flooded.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Before installing Stakeitin

About what is better to do the foundation for the fence here.

Wood was dry, painted by antiseptic composition, which color slightly lightened. It turned out bright boards. The supporting bars were attached to the installed columns - lags - a cross section of 50 * 100 mm. At the top let the bar consciously. First, it looks outwardly so much, secondly, the ends of the boards with open pores are protected. This bar was fed to the first board installed in terms of the level and the auxiliary, which the meter was installed through three. Therefore, the boards attached one after one.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Start mounting Stakenika

When installing the stakenik, it is important to install the first board strictly vertically. Checked with a plumb (deceived the level a couple of times, so now wherever the vertical is important, check the plumb). Next is the case of technology. The boards are not close, but with a gap of 1.2 cm. To make the gap to be stable, it was found such a thickness board (lining) and cut off a piece of the same length as the fence - 1.8 m. The work goes like this: We take ready-made staketin and Lone of lining. Apply the lining already nitally, it is pinned with staketin, align the top, then fastened with two screws to each lag. As a result, the gap is the same. But such a focus is possible if the board has perfect geometry.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

The gaps are the same everywhere

Regarding the gap. The size (1.2 mm) was perfect. If you look outside - nothing can be seen, and from the inside the street is not bad.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Side view

As for the advantages of a wooden fence: the neighbors, who were made from the fence from the professional flooring: in the summer I was cool in the yard, they had all the colors under the fence. We have a riot of paints to the very late autumn.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

This side view

Photo report 2: Horizontal fence from the unedged blackboard "Chess"

This fence, like a fairy tale. He partly gathered independently by the owner of the site. Hired workers dug pits, put pillars. Metal work - cutting columns and brewing the tops - the merit of a friend. Everything else, including the processing of the board and assembling sections of the fence, made by the hands of the owner and his wife (painting).

Unedged board was used with a thickness of 20 mm, smooth faces were ground on the Lovel (by agreement), the oblave was removed independently and then grinding the machine, after which they were covered with an antiseptic "Dufa" on a water basis, TIK color. They applied a wide brush in two layers. Here is the result of the works.

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How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)


Metal profiled pipes of a square section are used on the poles: 60 * 60 mm, the wall thickness is 3 mm. The edged boards 150 * 30 mm are attached to them on both sides. Fucked at a distance of 10 cm from the top, then 100 cm and 190 cm. Eased "Sandwich from two boards, dried through, all fastened with a bolt with a self-centered washer.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

How to do pillars

Poles with a total height of 3 m per 1 m are concerned in the ground. Exhibited on a cord stretched between pre-installed control columns. The procedure is standard, unusually only that the top (2 meters, which remain over the ground) is climbed by the film. The decision turned out to be true: after transportation and concreting, the film was dirty, and the wood under it is clean. Removed the film after the suspension of concrete.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Put in the line pillars and the first collected run

The order of assembly is:

  • Choose the first board with a smooth bottom edge.
  • We measure the distance between the columns, we scroll from the board a piece of 1 cm shorter than the measured distance (so that we become normally).
  • Issuate the scaled end by an antiseptic.
  • We set the first chamber of 5 cm above the soil, fix the clamps. In each edge, the edges are twisted with two screws (45 mm).
  • Installation vertical. We find the middle, insert the bar, we do not rest in the ground, the edge is hanging. Fix two screws at the top of the installed board.
  • Installing a new bar. It should even overlap even the biggest protrusion. It also closes the screws that hold the middle bar.

This sequence is preserved to the top. So gradually a run is gained. Please note that the former obstacles have bevelled edges, they are all watching "outside": so that the rain drops rolling out.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Gradually, one after another run, it makes a fence

In order to get a flat upper edge, they were chosen, cut off, were cried with an antiseptic, and attached to the final, aligning all the tops into one line.

Photo report 3: Woodley Went Fence

Another option is made practically "solo". Braided wooden fence with their own hands assembled almost without extraneous participation. Sometimes in the assistants - the wife, the second assistant - a dog worked on painting.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

It turned out such a boardy fence))

For a horizontal fence of bent boards, which is also called a wicker, sometimes an Austrian braid, the following materials are used:

  • For columns, the profile pipe is 60 * 60 mm, the installation step is 2.7 m;
  • Edged plane board 100 * 20 mm, 6 m long;
  • Intermediate timber 50 * 50 mm, but it is better to take less - it is more convenient to begun;

The boards are decided to paint with an antiseptic with a dark pigment, the pillars are light gray. Missed on a dark background as stitches. Who do not like - Krapt in tone with boards.

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How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

Painted pillars and the first three boards, braided between two extreme

The main time takes painting and drying the boards. If they are ready, everything is going pretty quickly: the minimum fastener is attached only the first board in the level, the rest are set on it. Six-meter boards, brazen around three poles. There is about 5.4 -5.5 m between the colums, the residue is sticking out, but the result looks original.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

The fence-braid from the boards is more convenient to collect not running, but horizontally - for several boards intertwined throughout the length

The main focus is to weave the first three boards. Without intermediate bars, they simply fit: two on one side on the edge, one on the other. Then they need to be so located so that they are one above the other. If there are two assistants - they hold the boards in the two nearest pillars, and the third man blows the board and inserts an intermediate bar. After the first three boards are installed, the lower is set up by level and is screwed to the columns (we sit down the hole, then screw the screws).

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

What looks near and under the corner

If you make a braided wooden fence from the boards with your own hands, when assembling it is more convenient not to fold the spans, but go horizontally. At first, the bottom three boards werehed the entire length, put the level and secured. Then the rest were collected - as paint drying.

How to make a wooden fence: Step-by-step instructions (3 photo reports)

This is a front view. Visible "tails", where boards end and start, but they do not spoil the picture, but add a highlight

The simpler version is only three columns and shorter boards - shown in the video. Here the pillars are made of wood, the technology of their installation is shown. Not bad video - the entire installation process is understandable.


In all three examples, two stages are clearly traced, which, if the wooden fence do with her own hands, take a lot of time. The first is the installation of pillars and the fill of the foundation or base. The second is the work on the preparation of wood. If the plot is new, not underwater, problems arise safe, and the process of painting, and, moreover, grinding is long. It makes sense to buy wood in advance and cook-handle it in a workshop or in a garage. When it is time to put a wooden fence, remove the finished material on the site immediately before installation.

If all the materials are ready, you can make a wooden fence with your own hands quickly quickly. Wood installation itself takes not a lot of time. From the entire length of construction, 40% of the time goes to the preparation of boards, another 20% is on the preparation of columns, if they are metallic and 10% - if wooden, another 20% on their installation (pillars). Accordingly, the assembly accounts for not much time.

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