Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself


Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself

Crafts from the mounting foam can be made with your own hands in just a few hours.

If you have a one-time cylinder, which has not yet ended, why not use it for good landscape design.

At the same time, it is better to resort to professional foam, and not household, since it is added to it a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm.

Unusually simple and beautiful figures from the mounting foam will be the treasure of your site. They will not leave indifferent neighbors nor just passing by people.

Materials for fakes from mounting foam

You will be useful:
  • gloves;
  • Sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • knife;
  • polyethylene;
  • Aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that at the end of work with the assembly foam, it can be easily flushed out of the building material.

It is also useful for something to create a basis for crafts from the mounting foam with your own hands.

You can take a conventional plastic bottle, old saucepan or something else, which is not sorry.

With the coating of the auxiliary material, the creation of the crafts will begin ...

Decor can also come in handy, with your own hands, for which everything is coming up, the thematically suitable for what you started.

How to make a cradle from the mounting foam

First we take a bottle, smell a little sand or small stones into it to make it harder. Next, we begin to cover the foam, but a small layer.

On average, it takes 10 minutes for drying, so after each layer this time will have to wait.

The first layers of crafts from the mounting foam are simple, are performed about in the form of the future craft, but further complicated - you need to improvise, represent how the decor should turn out.

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As for the shape, it can be given to his hands, but in order not to stain his hands, it is recommended to do it after the foam covers the film.

The film on the crafts from the mounting foam appears as a result of a chemical reaction when contacting air, and it happens quite quickly - in a couple of minutes.

"Bending" it follows as plasticine, and when the necessary outline is obtained, the following portion of time is waiting.

In the same way, you can decorate and crafts from plastic bottles, which will become an excellent supplement for the garden and garden.

The advantage of the mounting foam is that you can, until it dried, insert different parts into the craft, for example, legs, ears, tail. If they are needed by the "fenss", then sculpt better by their hands.

So that the hands are not very dirty, it is desirable to stock up with medical gloves. They are the most comfortable, feel hands perfectly and almost do not throw movements.

In addition, it is possible to feel through the rubber, as in the hands there is no longer caught handicraft from the mounting foam.

It is impossible to use garden tissue gloves - a foam will be called between threads, and you will not be able to use them after the first contact.

If you need to make a cradle from the mounting foam with a mustache, it is advisable to stock line or wire.

These materials are amenable to color, and during wet weather they do not deteriorate. But to create a "buggy" surface on the craft, you will have to work your hands - different fingers will help to recreate a wide variety of forms.

Large crafts from mounting foam with their own hands

If the snaps should be large, it is better to take a larger base as a basis.

You can make the basis with the help of plastic bottles by scrapering them. The smaller the foam is the better.

Foam crafts look great where crafts from tires are installed.

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It is necessary to paint them carefully, and before carrying out this procedure.

Thoroughly dry in the shade. It takes no less than a week for drying, but if the foam layer is big, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the cradle from the mounting foam with their own hands every spring re-. If this is not done, the foam can crack, and the cutting will be spoiled.

Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself

Ideas for crafts from mounting foam

If you have a small reservoir on your site, you can make green large toad. This is especially important where many plants grow, especially large-grained. In some cases, it is easier to make a lizard or crocodile - who has what happens.

Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself

In order not to guess with the size and "fill the hand," can be accessed on the plasticine. No matter how strange sounded, but it was after samples on this simple material, it turns out to make chic crafts from the mounting foam.

The same applies to the test - if you like to bake delicious buns, pour animals - it will help to figure out that you will get better.

A great solution is to make turtles from the mounting foam. And it is not necessary to have on the plot of water. In addition, the white paint is almost everyone, and it costs it is now cheaper than colored.

Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself

Turtles are easier to paint, their shells can be alternating with natural gray. If there were bugs during the creation of the crafts, which should not be, they can be cut off with a sharp knife.

Similarly, the situation will have to and with rounded items - if they need to be sharpened, it is too easy to cut off.

Withdrawal from the mounting foam, not only street species are decorated, they can be done for home. Funny frogs will cause smiles by passing people!

Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself

Crafts from the mounting foam do it yourself

So, a snowman can be made as the original New Year decor from the foam, but it is necessary to start creating in advance so that the material well manage to dry.

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If you see the foam before the deadline, it quickly cracks.

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