Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons


Japanese Sakura is a beautiful phenomenon of nature. Imprint it is trying in a variety of creative work. The manufacture of sakura from beads fully allows you to transfer its sophistication and fragility. Performing such a product takes time. In order, the process of creating the composition did not cause difficulties, the Sakura branch scheme is proposed from beads, the repetition of which allows to produce a solid tree subsequently.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Depending on the desire, the flowering sakur can be performed in two versions. One of them is focused on the tree itself, while the flowers are created small and large quantities.

The other version of the work implies a "close consideration" of the Sakura branch, where every flower is carefully flown.

Total picture

The composition in the form of Japanese Sakura will serve as an excellent addition to the monotonous interior or an excellent gift to the connoisseur of art.

To work, you will need:

  • Beads of two colors - pink and green (250 g and 50 g, respectively);
  • Wire with small and large section diameters;
  • glue;
  • foil;
  • gypsum;
  • stand in the form of an arbitrary tank;
  • gypsum;
  • pliers;
  • Paper napkins.

Fat wire is cut 50 cm for several parts, depending on the number of branches in the tree. 3-4 segments are deposited to the side, and the rest are twisted with each other by 5-6 cm above the wire ends.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

This will be the base of the trunk. The deferred wire parts are alternately wrapped around the trunk at an angle of 90 degrees. At the same time, there should be free ends, imitating sakura branches.

The bends and feces of branches are arbitrarily formed.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Lowned on the bottom of the trunk, the unlucky ends of the wire bend up. It is necessary to give a sustainability composition.

The foil foil is placed on the bottom of the tank. The lower part of the barrel falls inside the tank and is filled with plaster. So that the trunk looked realistic, it is desirable to handle the whole of its free from the branches.

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Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

It is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the workpiece. The barrel and the base is scratched with brown paint.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

The stand is skled with green beads.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Pink beads rushes on a segment of thin wire. In this case, one end of the wire remains free from beads.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

10 bispers are counted, which are shifted to the empty part of the wire and twisted in the loop.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

At the same time, 5-6 wire revolutions are carried out. At a distance of 1.5-2 cm from the beaded loop, an element is performed in the same way.

Work continues up to five such loops.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Then the wire is wrapped in such a way that its end comes to the opposite of the bead leaves.

Loops are performed on the other side of the branch. At the same time, after each leaflet, the wire is wounded between the loops, forming the semblance of a twist.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

The loops of beads are made symmetrically, the remaining ends of the wire are twisted and cut off, retreating from the end of the work 10 cm.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

For a full-fledged tree, no less than 70 spots with 9 leaves and 90 - with 13 peels should be twisted.

Short blanks twisted five pieces, forming Sakura branches.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Long rods are connected in various ways. 6 branches of three rods and some more "fluffy" should be made.

Branches alternately are screwed to the base, forming the crown of Sakura.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

The main part of the work has been done.

It remains to clean the visible part of the wire with strips of paper napkins.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Brown paint is mixed with PVA and water and water in a 1: 1: 1 ratio.

The resulting composition is processed by wipes parts of the product.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Sakura is ready.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Focus on details

With the close distance, Sakura flowers look no less effectively.

Work consisting of a single branch of Sakura is aimed at a thorough "drawing" of each element. The corresponding master class will take into account all the nuances of painstaking labor.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

It should be cooked:

  • Pink and white beads;
  • small brown beads;
  • Golden oblong glassus;
  • wire;
  • nippers;
  • Brown threads.

Two pieces of wires of different length are twisted in length by 2-3 cm. The base is a short segment of the wire.

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The long part is considered a worker. 3 pink and 5 white beads are rolled on short wire, on a long - on 2 white beads more.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Long segment is wrapped around the base.

With the help of the working wire, several similar symmetric arcs are carried out.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

At the same time, each arc is fixed by turnover on the main wire, and the new row increases into several beads.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

In this way, flower petals are formed. One flower contains 5 identical petals.

Stamens are created using a single brown bead, which is rolled on a separate piece of wire. Both late segments are inquiried in the glass. Each flower contains 3 stamens.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Prepared elements twist together for 3 stamens and 5 petals. Additionally, flower boutons are performed. For this, pink and white beads in the 3: 10: 10 ratio are rolled on the wire. Pink beads are located at the edges.

After two twists, the next beaded loop is performed, then one more in the same way. Cutches are twisted.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

Flowers and buds are connected by an arbitrary way, forming a single branch. The visible part of the wire should be tightly wrapped with brown thread, which is fixed with glue.

The finished branch of Sakura can be put in a miniature vase with a narrow neck.

Sakura branch scheme from beads: master class with video lessons

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