The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards


The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

The rules for the installation of sanitary devices in public places agreed in GOST and SNIPC. They are mounted at a certain height and distance from other devices.

In the apartment and country house, the height of the floor shell must correspond to the average growth of adult family members, and for children you can order a stand under your feet.

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor is an important factor, the convenience of using the sink depends on the properly calculated distance. Consider standards in accordance with GOSTs for different age groups, in what cases, when redeveloping plumbing devices, permits are needed.

Shell height

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

Standard height for the installation of the sink - 80 - 85 cm from the floor

In Snip, 3.05.01-85 states that the height of the installation of the sink from the floor to the upper edge should be 800-850 mm with permissible deviations up to 20 mm. This item concerns residential and public premises. During the construction of apartment buildings, they adhere to these norms, so when settling in the new building, the wage will be set at this height.

The distance is determined on the basis of studies that were conducted in order for a person to be comfortably and comfortably using plumbing devices.

For kindergartens and other preschool institutions, there are rules in which the height of the Outdoor is designated depending on the age category.

Standard installation of a washbasin for kindergartens (SNIP II-64-80):

GroupDistance from floor to the top edge of the washbasin
oneNursery40 cm
2.Middle and senior50 cm

Standard of the height of the school for schools (SNiP 3.05.01-85)

ClassDistance from floor to the top edge of the washbasin
one1-455-60 cm
2.5-1065-85 cm

For children, these norms are optimally suitable, but for adults to use a clothesline installed on a certain height, it happens inconvenient.

Is it possible to change the height of the wage in the apartment

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

When reinstalling the shell, you have the right to put it on any convenient height

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Consider whether it is possible to change the height of the floor washbasin and in what cases the execution of permits for permutation of sanitary devices is required.

Most often, the standard installation of plumbing all suits everyone, there are washbasins on the leg and with a table by the type of Moidodyra, which are made in height in accordance with the standard. But not all people have the same height, sometimes for ease of use you need to install the device above or below the norm.

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

If the redevelopment is conducted within the bathroom, then permission to perform work is not required. You can determine the optimal size for yourself and at a comfortable distance to install plumbing.

Permits are needed only if the plunge of sanitary devices is carried out beyond the bathroom.

Most often in apartments, the size of the room does not allow to establish an additional colors for children, and the adult device is too high.

To solve this problem, you can buy a stand on which a child will be able to become or buy a sandpaper with a retractable step.

Choose the right height

It is determined that for women the optimal height of the sink in the bathroom is 80-90 cm, and for men - 90-102 cm. Based on this information, it is clear that the installation is not suitable for the standard, so when installing instruments, you need to be guided by the average parameters together Resident family members.

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

Sometimes the bathroom size allows you to install multiple instruments. For this case, the distance standards between them are provided:

Plumbing deviceDistance from sink, cm
2.Shower cabinthirty
fiveElectric towel rail60.
7.Lower edge of the mirrortwenty
eightSide Walltwenty
nineStill of sewage300.

According to the standard, the free zone, providing an approach to the Russian Federation, should be 70-90 cm.

In public areas, these rules must be observed at mandatory, and in residential premises, devices are installed at height and distance from each other depending on the preference of the owners.

Types of Rachin

Consider existing types of shells to choose the best option for your family.

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The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

Construction well hides communications

According to its design, a flower consists of a leg of the base, on which a bowl is fixed, having a height of 85-90 cm. Such a design looks not only beautifully, but also makes it possible to hide communications inside the base of the instrument. The design is most often made of ceramics, but sometimes produced glass and metal models.

If necessary, you can change the base size in two ways:

  • Raise the pedestal by setting a stand under it;
  • To reduce the size, you need to shorten the base with the tools and cut off the pieces of the drain pipe. If the design of the stem is simple, then when scolding the bottom, it will not lose its type.

Drain must be lower than the location of the siphon.

Sink with Tumba

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

The design is installed on top or crashed into a tabletop on the bedside table. The design of the Tumb is different: with shelves, doors, drawers, models of a certain height or with adjustable legs are produced.

When buying should be taken into account so that the size approached the size of the room and the growth of all family members.

Suspended design

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

Brackets save useful space

The washing that is suspended on the brackets, saves space. This design can be fixed at the desired distance from the floor, almost any siphon is suitable for it.

Under it, you can install a laundry basket and household appliances, such as a dishwasher or washing machine. For details on how to choose a saccine, see this video:

Models with adjustable height

The height of the washbasin in the bathroom from the floor: standards

Such structures have a rather high cost, so rarely used in apartments and private houses. Adjustable with the help of a lever, like all mechanisms, require a careful relationship. Most often used in hairdressers.

It is very important to choose the right height of the washbasin, because it will provide comfort during the commission of hygienic procedures. If the height is lower, then you have to bend, which will lead to back pain. If plumbing devices will be installed above, then you will have to pull your hands upwards, which will lead to the swelling.

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