How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies


How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies

Zoom of kitchen pipes is not so rare in our time. Almost every mistress at least once in his life came across the situation when water does not leave the sink, causing. Also, kitchen pipes can be found in the specific smell of rotting. Often the causes of the blocks need to be sought in the kitchen trash - the remains of food, fat, however, it also happens that it is caused by corrosive particles distinguished with the time of metal elements of the water supply. That is why, even if you use a special mesh, and do not allow the garbage to penetrate into the pipes, the blocking may appear in your kitchen anyway - neither plastic nor steel water elements are not insured from it.

Main ways, how to clear the zago in the sink in the kitchen at home

There are quite a lot of ways to clean the pipes from the elements clouding. You can use yourself:
  • Chemicals: Mole, Mr. Muskul, Tiret;
  • Mechanical procedures: Vanatuz, cable, vacuum cleaner;
  • Folk methods: soda, vinegar, salt.

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen with a cable

The most common and easy method of getting rid of the break - Vanutuz. This is a device that allows, with a hollow semicircle from rubber, clean the sink mechanically. Vanutuz is able to cope only with minor stamps, creating pressure in the pipes of a small force and contributing to pushing and splitting the cork, clinging to the sink.

Attention! If your sink consists of two sections, you need to use two vents at the same time, or close one of the holes in one of the holes, so that the pressure generated in one of the plums is not reduced by free air circulation in the other.

To eliminate the zoom with a vanza, it is necessary to pre-fill the cavity of the shell of boiling water, or if plastic pipes are installed, as hot water. Vanutuz must closely press the drain hole and work as a pump, swaying up and down the rubber part.

Important! With the help of a vehicle, you can cope only with minor stamps. It is meaningless to try to break through the stagnation when the water does not leave the pipes at all!

If pollution is more serious, it is better to take advantage of a special plumbing device. How to clear the zoom in the sink in the kitchen with a cable? The cable is a flexible solid cord with a length of about three meters. The end of the cable consists of a special pointed hook, which allows to reduce the density of the garbage lump, clogging pipes.

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Such a mechanical adaptation excellent wins blocks even the highest complexity, but there are contraindications to its use. Firstly, it is not desirable to use a cable on the dilapidated pipes, pipes with a strong corrosion pouring and rust - you risk simply to break through their sharp crochet. Secondly, you should not try to clean with plastic, chromium or brass with it.

If there was no sanitary equipment at hand at hand at hand, you can create a cable with your own hands. For this, we will need conventional metal or wires, or simply a thick flexible coil. Based on such a cable, it is necessary to leave a pointed peak or hook.

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen with special means

You can get rid of blockages with various preparations containing acid or alkali. These include the specialized lines "Mr. Muskul", "Tyr", "Mole" and others. The form of the release of such means varies from dry and bulk powders, to gels and liquids of different concentrations. Basically, each such agent is based on sodium hydroxide, which in the people is called alkali.

In order for the tool effectively affects the blockage, you need to carefully read the instructions and take measures to ensure security.

Attention! In order to avoid chemical burns, before applying any alkaline tool, be sure to put the protective gloves!

It is also necessary to remember - the use of ordinary alkalis, or means containing it, is not suitable for aluminum sanitary devices, as well as for thin plastic economy-class pipes. Such equipment will be discouraged at the time of the alkali reaction.

More universal are acidic products, they are used for high complexity breakdowns, suitable for any type of pipes, and, unlike alkaline, do not damage them.

For any chemical preparation, there are a number of precautions designed to protect the pipes from damage.

  • In twenty minutes before using the tool, it is recommended to shed pipes with steep boiling water;
  • After exposure, the pipe is richly washed with cold water;
  • It is necessary to accurately observe the time of exposure of the means in the pipes.

There are several of the most popular storage facilities:

  • Mister Muscle. Sold both in the form of gel and foam and in the form of powder. The action is based on sodium hydroxide. The price is high enough, but the effect is noticeable immediately after use. An additional advantage is antibacterial components that are removing, in addition to the blockage, also pathogenic microorganisms in the pipes. The remedy is falling asleep, or poured into the pipe, it is withstanding about thirty minutes and is richly washed off.
  • Bugs Pothana. Not the most popular, but one of the most effective means. Sold in the form of granules, in the canes of 600 gr. The active ingredient is alkali. For use, it is necessary to release the sink and plums from the water, pour into the hole of one hundred grams of the drug and wait 3-5 minutes. After that it is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water or hot water into the pipe. Then you need to wait a few minutes again and rinse the pipe with warm running water. There is a means instantly. Cons of the drug in its high cost, terrible smell and high degree of danger. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to protect the skin as much as possible. After use, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room and wash the sink with gentle soap solutions.
  • Tiret. The line of drugs from blocks from blockage contains both acid-based preparations and alkali-based. If the second act more efficiently, then the first can be used on a cheap and thin plumbing. The use of the drug is extremely simple - one third contents of the bottle is poured into the pipe, depending on the degree of complexity of the barbell, it is withstanding from five to thirty minutes, flowing water under high pressure is poured into the drain.
  • Mole. Perhaps the most common means of blocks. In addition to standard sodium hydroxide, it contains ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and potassium hydroxide, very dangerous for humans. Before applying, it is recommended to provide an influx of air into the room, put on the protective eletes - a mask or a respirator, glasses and gloves. This is really a very serious chemical agent capable of crumpled skin or mucous membranes. About three hundred milliliters, the tools are kept in the sink at least an hour, better - ninety minutes. Only after that, again, the protection elements again (so that the splashes do not get into the eyes and on the skin), rinse the sink. The remedy is very efficient and for a long time cleans the pipes, but can easily have an aluminum or low-quality, thin plastic. After use, it is necessary to rinse the pipe thoroughly.

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Important! Almost all alkali-based chemicals are not suitable for use on poor-quality plastic, aluminum plumbing.

If you doubt that your pipes will withstand the impact of such drugs - choose an acid-based tools, and not alkalis.

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies

How to clear the sink in the kitchen: folk remedies

If the chemicals do not suit you because of the dilapidation of pipes, you can resort to other drugs.

You can remove the blockage formed due to fat using home ingredients. How to clear the zoom in the sink in the kitchen soda?

It is necessary to make a solution of soda with water, in proportion one to one, pour into the pipe and clean the vessel. The space near the drain can be smeared with a vaseline or cream, so that the vanatuis lighted the hole more tightly. You can pre-pump soda on a thick-walled frying pan and only then add water. Soda also gives an alkaline reaction that is capable of cleaning the blockage.

You can also float the tube soda and pour it with a glass of ordinary vinegar. How to clear the zoom in the sink in the kitchen of soda and vinegar? After in the pipes stop hiding and bung out - you can wash off the solution with flowing warm water of high pressure. IMPORTANT After the vinegar is flooded, firmly close the drain with a plug or cloth so as not to get burns from the spray from the pipe.

Also, if the blockage is formed by the usual food fat, you can use a mixture of soda and salt.

How to clear the zoom in the sink in the kitchen at home soda and salt? Half of the salt of salt and a whole glass of soda are dissolved in a glass of water, poured the composition in the pipe and read the pipes with vessels. After that, it is necessary to wash the drain with warm water.

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Not too much clogged siphon can save several tablets aspirin, such as "Alka-Zeltzer". It is necessary to throw them into the drain and pour with vinegar, tightly closing the hole with a rag. After such cleanings, rinse the pipes with a strong pressure. It will disappear not only blockage, but also the sewage stench.

How to clear the zoom in the sink in the kitchen at home acid? It is necessary for forty grams of citric acid to pour in three liters of boiling water and pour this fluid into the drain. If plastic pipes, it is worth cooling the water slightly.

If your home has a vacuum cleaner with the ability to blow, you can try to clean the pipes with it. Just blow the clogged tube at maximum power. But this method is suitable only for a slight block or in a complex with other methods.

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies

Preventive actions, how to prevent the stammer to break in the future

In order to avoid repeated kitchen blocks, it is necessary to comply with some rules for using the sink:

  • Do not merge fat-containing liquids;
  • Throw out the residues of food from the plates in front of their wash;
  • Protect the drain hole with a grid;
  • Every week, rinse the pipes with boiling water, clean with vessel or soda solution.

In order to forget about the problem of blockages, you can purchase a special device, grinding trash in the pipes. The garbageorbank crushes waste in the pipe, after which they are calmly washed off by the flow of water. It is important that in such a device there is a separate chamber, and it cannot damage the pipe. At the same time, you can use the shredder, who does not even read it and especially without causing him. Such aggregates work silently, allowing you to discharge food waste right into the sewer. However, it is impossible to "feed" its polyethylene and threads to not damage the device.

Important! Before you purchase a shredder, you need to make sure that it is suitable in the diameter to the drying of the kitchen sink.

The cost of such an aggregate is from three to twenty five thousand rubles. But after the acquisition, no longer have to spend money, the strength and nerves on the struggle with the clouds!

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen by folk remedies

How to clear the blockage in the sink in the kitchen at home: video

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