How to clean up home furniture at home


How to clean up home furniture at home

Let's look at a typical furniture of apartments - in every accommodation you will find upholstered furniture, without it. This means that most people arise from her cleaning. How to extort sofa or chair at home from dirt and dust? How to do it right without harm to upholstery? Let's talk about it in the article.

Features cleaning

High-quality upholstered furniture is not only a room decoration and a mandatory part of the interior solution, but also an indispensable attribute of comfort and home heat. How to remarkly relax on the sofa after a long working day or relax in a comfortable chair for watching your favorite movie. But in the process of operation, the furniture does not get better, better and cleaner. Its constant use leads to contamination and stains. It is fine that today there are quite a few funds that will help return the furniture to her convenience and beauty.

The first thing that comes to mind hostess is the use of a vacuum cleaner. But it is difficult to name this method very effective, and in some cases it is not unacceptable. After all, the purification method primarily depends on the type of upholstery fabric, and the upholstery is very different. Modern manufacturers use the following types of fabrics:

  • tapestry;
  • nubuck;
  • Flock;
  • velours;
  • Shenil;
  • leathes;
  • leather;
  • Artificial suede.

Almost for each type of fabric exists time-tested and approved recommendations.

How to clean up home furniture at home

Cleaning sofas and artificial suede chairs

Artificial suede is pleasant to the touch, beautiful upholstery, which buyers often choose. But the dirt-repellent properties cannot boast such a material, so from time to time there is a question of the need to remove contaminants from its surface. To do this, most often use the usual vacuum cleaner, which will remove all dust and dirt. Small sites easy to clean the usual brush. And if stains were formed on the upholstery, they are easy to remove the most ordinary soap and water. Fatty contaminants that appear during the operation of "suede" upholstered furniture are also well removed with water with liquid soap.

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As for special funds, they need to be very careful with them, as an artificial suede against "chemistry" is rather whimsical material.

Important! After using a soap solution, spread the pile of a small rubber brush so that the material acquires the volume.

How to clean up home furniture at home

Upholstery cleaning from leatherette

It seems that the furniture from the leatherette is not at all whitening - a smooth high-quality surface can be wiped with a wet sponge, eliminating it from dust and contamination. Fat stifted on such an upholstery are not formed, not afraid of material and spilled coffee or tea. But still there are experienced secrets and for leatherette - this is the use of folk remedies.

If there are not aesthetic spots on the courtyard of the sofa, they can be easily laundered with warm soapy water. It can easily handle stains from coffee, jam, tea and other similar pollution. In the case of an appearance on the upholstery of ink, lipstick, felt-tumbers, or complex fat spots, alcohol is allowed - artificial skin, he will not harm:

  1. We apply a napkin to a contaminated place, which will allow fat to do it perfectly to absorb.
  2. Prepare a 10% alcohol solution - slightly seize it.
  3. The solution is wetted a small cotton swab.
  4. The tampon cleans the place with a fat stain with light and smooth movements.

How to clean up home furniture at home

How to clean the sofa from the floc

An ideal option for such a upholstery is a microfiber cloth. It must be moistened in the soap solution and clean the soft movement in the pile. After cleaning the upholstery, it is necessary to get into the dry towel.

For fatty or old spots, soap and water are also used: the solution is applied directly to the spot and leave for a few minutes. Alcohol-containing agents and organic solvents are prohibited, since they are able to dissolve the adhesive base of the material. The pile after this procedure is quickly wiped, and the furniture acquires a worn look. Bleach, use chemicals and squeeze flock is not allowed.

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How to clean up home furniture at home

Vehicle Furniture Cleaning Methods

Such a type of upholstery as velor is best brushed microfiber dipped in soap or acetic solution. Movements are recommended to perform in the direction of the pile, while not putting on the upholstery material, do not rub too much to eliminate contaminants. It is better to leave them for a couple of minutes with a moiquated soap solution, then rinse with water.

The hair is easily sticking to the velor, fine garbage and animal wool. To clean them, use a brush with a soft bristle. After mechanical cleaning, the fabric additionally can be wiped with a cloth moistened in the ammonic alcohol.

Supportment is also suitable for velor fabric: moisten the tissue with a salt-acetable solution, which is prepared at the rate of a liter of pure vinegar, a teaspoon and salts of 2 h. Spoons. With this cloth, cover the sofa or armchair and select it. All dirt will remain on the material moistened in solution. Spend knocking until the wet fabric stops collecting dirt from the furniture knocked out.

Important! Use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning velor products is not recommended, since this method can damage the pile of material.

How to clean up home furniture at home

How to clean sofa from Shenill

It looks perfectly as the upholstery of Shenille. Many modern manufacturers and consumers leave such furniture without attention. But the Shenill needs regular care to support interior items clean and order.

The best option for cleaning upholstery from Shenill is a weak solution of ordinary soap. But it is used in small quantities, carefully observing the tissue reaction on manipulation.

To remove some contaminants, alcohol solution can be used, also fat traces are sometimes removed using salt, which can absorb moisture and fat, provided that it is instant falling asleep on the fresh spot.

Important! Whatever a way of processing contaminated places on the upholstery from Shenill you, you must necessarily dry the wet places. Otherwise, the fabric stretches and can no longer take its original form.

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How to clean up home furniture at home

Special means

Of course, in our days, you can not forget about special cleaning products that perfectly help relieve interior items from fresh or old spots. Manufacturers offer a wide range of a wide variety of means to eliminate spots from different types of upholstery. Depending on the type of fabric, you can pick up the perfect version of "chemistry", which will not harm the upholstery and perfectly cope with very complex stains.
  • Vanish Oxi Action is a modern means that can easily remove bold stains, stains from fruits and berries, considered very complicated. Powder is easy to use, though it is not recommended to use for upholstery from leather and silk.
  • Dr. Beckmann can easily cope with the soothed spots. Fat, coffee and juice, grass stains and other pollution will cease to be a problem if you decide to use this wonderful tool.
  • The means of spots 5+ is effective due to the thoughtful formula with an active oxygen content . The use of the fund does not just help cope with stains, but also contributes to improving the color of the upholstery, does not affect the tissue structure. Therefore, it is allowed to use even when removing pollution from gentle materials.
  • The Amway Cleaner Well-known in the modern world has proven itself as an effective assistant to remove stains of different origins. It can be used for almost all tissues, with the exception of velvet.
  • Unimah Ultra is proven by the manufacturer as a reliable and efficient means for any type of upholstery. This cleaner is able to cope with contamination from coffee and fat, iodine, greencraft, with ink and other stains.

How to clean up home furniture at home

There is nothing difficult to eliminate the dirt from the upholstery of the furniture. The main thing is to choose correctly and gently perform the procedure according to the material structure. In order not to harm your furniture and spend the work qualitatively, we advise you to watch the video on this topic.

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