Interior of the children's room for the boy: from the kid to a teenager (photo)


The decoration of the children's room for the boy is very fascinating and at the same time a very responsible business. It is necessary to create not only the functional room like a bedroom, where the child will spend most of its time, but also a separate world that exists in its laws and rules.

Children's room is, first of all, a place where the nature of the child's thinking is formed, the place where they are created and embodied by his ideas, fantasies and feces.

Baby Children's Interior

Basic Rules of Good Design of Children's Room

Planning the interior options of a small children's room, it is not necessary to proceed from your own preferences, but from the preferences of the child. For a boy, a room is not just a room that performs the function of the bedroom, where you can do your own business. This is an atmosphere, a special situation, mood, ideas. And therefore it is necessary to avoid boring ordinary in every way and templates. When creating the idea of ​​the design project, it is important to focus on the age of the inhabitant of the future bedroom.

Interior design of the room for a child of two years will be significantly different from the room of a teenager for 16 years. It should be remembered that the children have a property grow, grow up, change their ideas, interests, which should also be taken into account.

Baby Children's Interior

Boy room for three years

It would seem that it may be easier: up to two, three or even five years old a child still understands, and therefore any design of the interior of a small bedroom will suit it. However, it is not. At this age, the active human development begins, the foundations for his personality are laid, the values ​​are determined. And the whole world for such a child, whether it is for a boy or for a girl, is something new, unexplored and unexplored.

There are several basic rules for making a small children's bedroom for a boy aged two or three years old, namely:

  • Wallpaper in bright color gamut with bright accents;
  • availability of free space for games;
  • lack of trainal safety elements of the type of sharp corners;
  • Feeling comfort and secureness.

Article on the topic: How beautiful to arrange the walls in the nursery: ideas for the interior


To stick to any particular idea or themes in the design of the bedroom is not worth it, because the boy, like a two-three girl, is just beginning to form preferences and tastes. Wallpaper can be soft pastel tones. Also should not be separated by the game zone from the working. At the age of two or three for children, drawing and other classes do not differ from the game. At the same time, it is important to remember the safety. On the floor in the gaming zone should lay a soft rug, and all the furniture should be deprived of sharp corners.

Baby Children's Interior

Boy room from three to five years

In the period from three to five years of age, the boy begins to manifest individuality. At this time, the child is initiative, restless and inquisitive, he has thousands of favorite classes and hobbies that change with an incredible speed. The interior design of a little baby boy and a bedroom girl will be significantly different.

At the same time, he must, if possible, provide the child as many opportunities for creativity and development as possible:

  • Sports corner of the type of Swedish wall, rope and rings;
  • Creative laboratory with a comfortable table and chair;
  • spacious gaming zone;
  • Low racks for storing toys and various baubles.

Baby Children's Interior

When placing the room, it is important to remember that the child during these years spends most of its time during the game. Wallpapers should be wicked, because sooner or later, the boy will want to try to master the laddies of wall painting or implement his ideas associated with paints, splashes and mud.

Baby Children's Interior

Schoolchild room 7-10 years

Age from 7 to 10 years can be called transitional in the life of a boy or a girl. At this time, a schoolboy, in addition to the games and other little-understandable adult, there are also obligations: school, lessons, tasks, reading and so on. Therefore, when creating an interior, it is important to properly distribute the space.

The design of the small room of the schoolchildren should include at least three zones:

  • working;
  • gaming;
  • Functional.

Article on the topic: Stylish bedroom design for girls of different ages: Interesting ideas and important details


The functional zone is a place that performs the function of the bedroom, where there is a bed and wardrobes with things. At the same time, the room should be decorated in such a way that the child in the process of work is not distracted by the play area. You can make it possible to put a schoolchildren with your back to all toys. Wallpapers and design of walls in the working area must be absolutely neutral so that there is no possibility to distract to the viewing of bizarre ornaments on the walls.

Baby Children's Interior

Children's design for schoolboy 10-14 years

At this age, an important stage begins in the life of a schoolboy, namely the formation of a person. Often the boy, like the girl at this age, appear their heroes: cartoon characters, athletes, actors, comic book characters, and so on. This can be successfully used as the main idea in design. For example, the design and design of the wall can be supplemented with a print with a favorite hero. You can do this with the help of photo wallpapers or poster in the frame.

It will not be superfluous to complement the interior of a small schoolboy room with a pair of thematic accessories.

Baby Children's Interior

True, it should be borne in mind that sooner or later the idol will change. But also the subject of interior design is also easy to change: it is enough to put another image on the wallpaper, replace thematic accessories and design will be transformed.

Baby Children's Interior

Teenager room design

The older the child becomes, the better his personality has formed. In adolescents, as a rule, the interests have already been identified, a circle of communication is chosen, there are hobbies and views on life. If earlier the design of a small room for a boy or a girl was created by his parents alone, now creating execution will have to be considered a new personality.

When planning a room for a schoolboy, a teenager 14-16 years old can face a couple of problems:

  • Children's room of a teenager will soon cease to be "children's" and turn into a full "adult" room. Unlike the girl, an educational boy will not want to put up with bored soft toys and other children's attributes;
  • Interests, preferences and hobbies of a teenager can change overnight.

Baby Children's Interior

By the above reasons, the design of a small room should be universal as possible. Wallpaper on the walls, the floor and the ceiling can be done as in any other room. No cartoon bears on the walls, no locomothes on the back of the bed. Even if the boy will be very asked to wallpaper in any particular children's subject, it will be better to find a compromise in two-three accessories. The reason for this is that interests, as noted, can quickly change, and the heroes liked earlier can start annoying a child.

On a neutral basis (wallpaper and other), it is already possible to apply individuality elements: posters, accessories and decorative elements.

Baby Children's Interior

The main advantage of this approach is that such elements of the interior are very easy and simply replaced with others: I'm tired of Batman's poster - let the superman be bored, if he gets bored, then it can better suit the world map or, for example, a periodic table of Mendeleev. Of course, all these decorative elements remain at the discretion of a teenager. In the small room, a teenager 13-16 years has a huge value zoning space.

Article on the topic: Design of windows in the children's room: Good design rules

The room, again, is divided by a minimum of three zones:

  • working;
  • gaming;
  • Functional.


At the same time, the gaming zone does not necessarily have to be intended exclusively for games. In this place there should be enough space and opportunities for sports or, for example, music. For toys and other things, an open rack and a wardrobe with deaf facades should be highlighted. Such a need is caused, again, the changeability of interests. As soon as one thing is bored, it is immediately removed into the closet, and something new comes in his place.

Baby Children's Interior

Room for two boys

In principle, the rules for the design of a nursery for one and two boys are not much different. The only thing that should be considered is the opinion of both children. It is impossible to infringe the interests of one child in favor of another.

In such a room, you can install a bunk bed or a couple of attic beds.

Baby Children's Interior

At the same time, each boy must have its own storage cabinet. Of course, considering the requirements of two children at once, it is not easy, but you can always find a compromise design that all sides will arrange.

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Baby Children's Interior

Baby Children's Interior

Baby Children's Interior

Baby Children's Interior

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

Baby Children's Interior

Children's room for the boy: good design rules (+45 photos)

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