LED backlight LED ribbon


When the time comes to shut down the bedroom, I want to do all the elements of truly unique. The same applies to the bed, now you can independently make the backlight of the bed LED ribbon in just half an hour. In this article we will tell you how to connect the ribbon to the bed and consider step-by-step instructions.

Necessary materials

  1. You can use LED tape from a 220 volt network. It is very low price, however, the brightness of the glow is too high.
    LED backlight LED ribbon
  2. You can also save if you use an ordinary tape. It can be purchased in an ordinary store. Please note that such a tape must additionally reach the power supply.
    LED backlight LED ribbon
  3. If you wish to make an unusual backlight, then choose RGB tape, it has several shades of colors. You can control such a ribbon using special control. In addition to such a tape, you must buy a control panel and RGB controller.
    LED backlight LED ribbon

Please note that each of these options has a different cost. However, the higher it is, the better she will look at your interior.

How to make the bed backlight LED ribbon: step by step instructions

Now let's go to the most important thing and try to talk about how to make backlight in the bed yourself. In fact, there are no special problems in this matter, the main thing to show a little patience and desire.

  1. Initially, we must determine the length of our tape. Here we have to measure the bed and think through where our tape will be attached. The final length of the tape should differ from your measurements by about 5%, this will avoid possible problems.
  2. Next you need to think about how you will connect the ribbon. This is how the standard scheme looks like, you repel from which option is chosen.
    LED backlight LED ribbon
  3. Now we have to determine the place where we will fix our ribbon. It is optimally located at the bottom of the bed, this will allow achieving optimal lighting. It is initially secured on the clamps, they will serve for a long time if the design of the bed does not allow it to do, we read our instructions on.
  4. The place where you will glue the tape must be deguted. For such purposes, alcohol or purified gasoline is suitable.
  5. According to the selected scheme, it is necessary to connect everything among themselves and check the performance. If everything is in order, then you managed to make the backlight correctly. And so that you do not make a mistake, we have found a few more videos for you.

Article on the topic: Apartment at 10 square meters. M: Compact and bright design

Looking at this video, you can do high quality backlight in your home without much effort.

Note! Instead of the familiar LED tape, you can use DüroLight. It has similar characteristics and has a lower cost. However, the light of his glow leaves much to be desired, so you can only solve you.

Article on the topic: How to make backlight in the closet.

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