Wallpapers in the corridor - tips on the right choice (40 photos)


Parishion - This is a room where everything is: and guests and hosts, it is impossible to bear it. The first impression of you and the style of your life will tell exactly the hallway. Therefore, this part of the apartment needs to pay a lot of attention. Well, if you have a spacious house, because we are usually saved on the corridors. And if the apartment is Khrushchev, then some kind of small corridors are often in them.

Choose the right wallpaper in the corridor, a very difficult task. They must be practical and visually adjust the space.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Narrow corridor - Expand, dark make light and so on. It is important to adhere to the rules and any room, it is possible to become fraudulently bringing to perfection. The design should be, your taste, but to harmonize with furniture and the rest of the apartment.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Important recommendations

The main decor of the walls remains wallpaper. They have a lot of shades, drawings, structure, give aesthetic appearance, comfort and comfort. With the right selection fill the hallway with space and light. The most practical option is washable or liquid wallpaper. Hallway is subject to street dirt and dust. You can go to small tricks and combine practical types of washable or liquid vinyl wallpapers. The most susceptible to pollution zone is bleated by washing wallpaper, and the rest of the hallway vinyl. Combined looks spectacular and stylish.

For the corridor it is better to choose washable or liquid wallpapers. Liquid wallpaper must apply a professional!

Wallpaper in the corridor

Popular types of wallpapers for the corridor:

  • Washable - This type of wallpaper is covered with a special moisture-resistant layer. Such paper wallpapers can be washed, carefully brushing with a sponge, brush. Always look like new. Such wallpapers for a small corridor are very practical: you can always quickly clean up.
  • Liquid wallpaper - Remind decorative plaster. The design of the walls with an unusual material should be engaged in a professional - this is a subtle job. Of course, liquid wallpapers can not boast a wide choice of drawing - they are monophonic. But plus the fact that the walls are smooth, smooth and hide irregularities. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that they do not have joints.
  • Vinyl wallpapers - their popularity and operational qualities are very high. They are available at a price and a huge selection. Different texture, color and drawing. At the expense of their invoice, small wall defects will be hidden. Design in the hallway can be set aside in bright colors or in calm abstraction.

Article on the topic: Tips for the design of a small room with photo wallpapers - how to "push the walls"

Popular types of wallpapers for the corridor: washable - this type of wallpaper is covered with a special moisture resistant layer. Such paper wallpapers can be washed, carefully brushing with a sponge, brush. Always look like new. Such wallpapers for a small corridor are very practical: you can always quickly clean up. Liquid wallpaper - resemble decorative plaster. The design of the walls with an unusual material should be engaged in a professional - this is a subtle job. Of course, liquid wallpapers can not boast a wide choice of drawing - they are monophonic. But plus the fact that the walls are smooth, smooth and hide irregularities. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that they do not have joints. Vinyl wallpapers - their popularity and operational qualities are very high. They are available at a price and a huge selection. Different texture, color and drawing. At the expense of their invoice, small wall defects will be hidden. Design in the hallway can be set aside in bright colors or in calm abstraction.

Color spectrum

If you have conceived repairs, then you will have to work hard with the hallway. Repair in the hallway the process of consideration and painstaking. The design should be thought out and practical.

With the help of simple wallpaper, you can emphasize all the disadvantages of the hallway, and you can strengthen the impression of comfort and set the tone of the home atmosphere.

Popular types of wallpapers for the corridor: washable - this type of wallpaper is covered with a special moisture resistant layer. Such paper wallpapers can be washed, carefully brushing with a sponge, brush. Always look like new. Such wallpapers for a small corridor are very practical: you can always quickly clean up. Liquid wallpaper - resemble decorative plaster. The design of the walls with an unusual material should be engaged in a professional - this is a subtle job. Of course, liquid wallpapers can not boast a wide choice of drawing - they are monophonic. But plus the fact that the walls are smooth, smooth and hide irregularities. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that they do not have joints. Vinyl wallpapers - their popularity and operational qualities are very high. They are available at a price and a huge selection. Different texture, color and drawing. At the expense of their invoice, small wall defects will be hidden. Design in the hallway can be set aside in bright colors or in calm abstraction.

Therefore, come up with the perfect design of a narrow, small corridor. It is difficult. Each designer itself is his housing, but still there are some universal tips that will help avoid common mistakes. It is only worth adhere to their recommendations, and the hallway will have a flawless look.

The color scheme depends on your taste and preferences, but it is worth knowing:

  • A cozy and comfortable atmosphere is created by wallpaper of warm tones.
  • Clear and expressive lines emphasize juicy and bright shades.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Add spaces to the hallway white and light tones. The only minus, they are very marked for the hallway. But if you pick a bright background with dark abstraction, flowers, then light design will be practical. During the dark pattern, small defects will be visible.


Dark, cold colors will make the corridor gloomy and can even visually make it even less. For such a color solution, a special lighting scenario is required.

With directional light of the wall bra, the upper lamp and several additional points of lighting, the hallway will become very cozy and stylish, even in dark wallpaper.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Design solutions corridor

As for the design of the hallway, then the choice range is great. The main thing is to choose the right ornament of wallpaper, color palette and combination with the color of the ceiling and floor.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Striped wallpapers in the corridor are very relevant for many years, but with them you need to be extremely careful. Ideally, the wallpaper in the striped is suitable for a bright, large, square hallway. You do not need to invent anything here, they harmoniously fit into the corridor. If you are the owners of a narrow corridor, then the visual band will pull out even more corridor. The most common method of staining walls is half a wall, imitation panels at the bottom of the wall. The space can be pulled out with a strip or a pattern that looks like a strip. I would like to note that the wallpaper is always fashionable.

For a narrow and long corridor, you need to choose soft tones. Expand the hallway - a wall with a horizontal strip.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Horizontal striped wallpapers, it is recommended to glue on "short" and parallel walls. Spear room will seem longer.

Article on the topic: The right choice of wallpaper under painting: types of materials and coloring technology

Wallpaper in the corridor

The classic view of the hallway decor is panels. Many consider the inactive design of the panels, but they exactly correct the view of the corridor in Khrushchev. The panels are considered a classic designer solution, and from a functional point of view also practical. You can walk with one collection, you can pick up the bottom of the strip, and the top is monophonic or in the flower.

The ceiling is better glued with light wallpaper or doing stretch.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper in a corridor with abstraction. They will probably be better suitable for all other species. A variety of patterns will help hide small disadvantages. The range pleases the eye, and the pricing policy is calculated for a different level of income of the population. If you choose a light tone and a dark pattern, then I'm not so noticeable, small scratches are not so noticeable.

The monophonic wallpaper in the corridor is good with its simplicity. They highlight furniture in the hallway, mirrors and another decor. For these wallpapers, the walls should be perfectly smooth, they are without any extra pompousness, but carry the style to the interior.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wall mural for corridor

Wall mural in the interior of the corridor looks beautiful and stylish. Dandelions, daisies, cars, anything. But they are very difficult to choose - this is a whole science. Well, if you have a spacious, big hall, you perfectly fit any photo wallpaper. But what to do the hallway apartments in Khrushchev.

For a narrow corridor, when selecting photo shutters, the following rules apply:

  • Wall mural with a large ornament, 3D effect, visually reduce the size of the hallway of the apartment;
  • Bright colors of photo walls must be combined with pastel colors. Such a color combination will not put on vision and psyche;
  • Dark tones visually narrow the corridor;
  • In a small apartment, do not use photo wallpaper with small flower and drawings. For this type of photo wallpaper, there is a lot of light.


Wallpaper with large images or plots can be combined with other types of wallpaper. The spectacular combination can be achieved with liquid wallpaper, they look like decorative plaster. Liquid wallpapers are good for the fact that they do not require particularly thorough preparation of walls before applying the finish, and the effects achieved by liquid wallpaper can be very unexpected design and opportunities. Not fundamentally, with what kinds combine the walls of the walls, the mainly noble and well-kept view of the hallway.

The mirrors opposite the photo wallpaper visually expanding the hallway.

Wallpaper in the corridor

The design of the room with the help of photo wallpapers always adds additional space to the room, even for a narrow and long corridor in Khrushchev.

Article on the topic: Selection of wallpapers for the hallway: where to start (+45 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Tips for choosing Wallpaper into a small corridor

The corridor in the apartment Khrushchev is narrow and small. It is hard to arrange with all fashion trends. Avoid gross errors in the selection of wallpapers into a small corridor, you can, just listening to the advice of designers. And the design of the hallway will be perfect.

Principles of the corridor:

  • Do not use dark tones in a small corridor (brown, blue, green, black). It turns out a sullen, lifeless hallway;
  • Bright paints will bring light into the atmosphere. The main thing is not to overdo it, know the measure;
  • Neutral drawing, striped wallpaper, will definitely fix the visually room;
  • Beauty in the corridor will give the combination of wallpaper;
  • Try to avoid unnecessary items in the interior not to overload the hallway.

Wallpaper in the corridor

The corridor in Khrushchev is not a sentence. It is worth choosing a color gamut and drawing. And what wallpaper liquid or vinyl, it is already completely no matter. The design is completely dependent on you.

Master class on working with liquid wallpaper (2 video)

Different options for making a corridor (40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Popular types of wallpapers for the corridor: washable - this type of wallpaper is covered with a special moisture resistant layer. Such paper wallpapers can be washed, carefully brushing with a sponge, brush. Always look like new. Such wallpapers for a small corridor are very practical: you can always quickly clean up. Liquid wallpaper - resemble decorative plaster. The design of the walls with an unusual material should be engaged in a professional - this is a subtle job. Of course, liquid wallpapers can not boast a wide choice of drawing - they are monophonic. But plus the fact that the walls are smooth, smooth and hide irregularities. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that they do not have joints. Vinyl wallpapers - their popularity and operational qualities are very high. They are available at a price and a huge selection. Different texture, color and drawing. At the expense of their invoice, small wall defects will be hidden. Design in the hallway can be set aside in bright colors or in calm abstraction.

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Popular types of wallpapers for the corridor: washable - this type of wallpaper is covered with a special moisture resistant layer. Such paper wallpapers can be washed, carefully brushing with a sponge, brush. Always look like new. Such wallpapers for a small corridor are very practical: you can always quickly clean up. Liquid wallpaper - resemble decorative plaster. The design of the walls with an unusual material should be engaged in a professional - this is a subtle job. Of course, liquid wallpapers can not boast a wide choice of drawing - they are monophonic. But plus the fact that the walls are smooth, smooth and hide irregularities. The advantage of liquid wallpaper is that they do not have joints. Vinyl wallpapers - their popularity and operational qualities are very high. They are available at a price and a huge selection. Different texture, color and drawing. At the expense of their invoice, small wall defects will be hidden. Design in the hallway can be set aside in bright colors or in calm abstraction.

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper in the corridor

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

Wallpaper for the corridor - the workshop of choice (+40 photos)

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