Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)


Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

How do you make a cottage shower? If you have a cottage, you certainly know how important it is to have a shower on the site, where it would be possible to take it at any time of the day. This is an important point, so we will now try to find out how you can construct it yourself. Thus save money, and make it as you wanted to see.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

During the dacha shower project

In fact, there are quite a few options that can be chosen. It can be from the simplest soul in the form of a frame and a small tank of water, ending with a real full-fledged construction with strong walls and different functionality.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

The first moment about which it is worth thinking is the size of the shower. Next, you need to carefully design a place where bath accessories will be. It is advisable to place them where water splashes do not fall. To do this, we will need from about 40 to 60 centimeters of space.

Speaking about the size of the shower cabin itself, experienced masters adhere to the opinions that spaces about 160 * 140cm or 190 * 140cm will be enough to be comfortable to take a shower. At the same time, the height of the room should be from 2.5 to 5 meters.

There are different types of design by parameters and buildings.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

It can be:

    1. Shower stand which can be constructed independently or buy already in the finished form. Such options for shower are very often used near the pool or in the garden.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

    1. Shower panel . Another soul version, which looks like a design, which is attached to a wall or any other vertical surface (fence, wall, etc.).

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

    1. Shower cabin. - This is the most common and popular option, which is often used in the country areas. It looks like a design of three or four walls, can close the door or shirma.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Types of country soul

There are different types of shower, respectively, different options for its construction. Here are some of the possible ideas that can be used to build a shower in your own hands.

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Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Filter shower

He is the cheapest and simple in construction. From the nuances is a so-called one-time version that can serve for one season.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

But there are advantages, because its frame can be safely taken and transfer to any corners of your cottage. The manufacture of the design is quite simple. During the work, it will only be necessary to make a rectangular frame (preferably made of metal pipes) and wrap it with conventional film. The tank with water is fixed on top, and the wooden lattice is put at the bottom. Optionally, there is a removal of water, but it is optional.

Frame souls

This option is already much solid than the previous one, besides, it will be more durable in terms of operation. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages here, so it is desirable to take into account these moments.

It is constructed as follows: A similar rectangular design of metal, which is placed on a concrete foundation prepared in advance. Alternatively, it can still be put on ordinary bricks. From above, it is trimmed with any material, including a tree, chipboard, slate, plastic or another option depending on individual wishes and financial resources.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Materials for work

In order to start working on the construction of the soul, we may need such materials:

    • Brick. It will be needed if you want to make a shower cabin of bricks. Three options are best suitable: silicate, ceramic or red.
    • Cement. It should not save on it, well, if it is high-quality and used immediately after purchase.
    • Sand. As practice shows, it is optimally ordering sand with a car. In the country, it will be useful in any case, because if you take it with bags, the price will be twice as expensive.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

  • Crushed stone or slices of bricks. These materials will be needed for the soul foundation.
  • Roof material. It can be slate, timber, wood or tile.
  • Tank. It can be in the form of a conventional tin barrel, or a plastic version, a volume of 200 liters of water.
  • Water descent mechanism.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Soul selection

It is usually assumed that water heating will occur directly from the heating by its solar rays. Accordingly, the place should be chosen in such a way that there is no shadow there.

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Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

You also need to think over the convenience of water supply and disturbing about the drain in advance, placing the design on the hill.

Preparation of the basis

If the souls are frame and easy - it will not be necessary to do the base under construction. But in the case of a stationary version of the summer soul, the foundation will need to be thought out. The following materials will be needed for these works:
  • Level or roulette.
  • Lace and pegs.
  • Garden Boer.
  • Bayonet shovel.
  • Metal grid.
  • Segments of rubberoid.
  • Sand and crushed stone.
  • Cement mortar.


When you have already decided on a place, you will need to prepare a platform for the reason:

  1. First place the territory, using pegs, lace and roulette.
  2. On the territory you marked, remove the Ball of Earth with a depth of about 15 cm.
  3. The bottom of the pit, which we turned out, fasten with sand and pour into the solution, while evenly distributing it and creating a smooth surface.

Bookmark Fundament

Floor tie to do with the level that will help make the perfect horizontal surface for our base. In parallel, do not forget to think about the drain mechanism, while the chipseer is for water drain.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

You can use another option in which you do not have to dig meat. It will be necessary to simply install a metal rack with a height of 20 cm. And pour them with cement mortar, breeded with sand and rubble in the proportion of 1: 3: 5.

Here, an important point will be the preliminary processing of the ends of the racks that are below the ground level by machine oil. This will provide a longer service life of your foundation.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Slum arrangement

Septic tank is best done a bit at a distance from the shower, not under it. Thus, you are reinsured so that you are not flooded with plenty of water and the foundation has not collapsed.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

A hole is digging for draining to improve the drain, the depth of which is about 2 m., The walls are drawn up with a brick masonry or a slag block. A chute is supplied to the finished septic, where water will be merged, and everything covers the shield from wooden boards.

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The walls of such a gutter are best made from the waterproof material. It can be rubberoid, hydrokhotloizol or PVC film. These materials are located so that the stock is heading toward the drainage container.

Directly in the cabin itself is pallet, from which water will be drained directly into the sewage chute.


One of the popular skeleton material options are bars or boards. It is recommended to use coniferous rocks that will provide:

  • High density and moisture resistance of the shower.
  • Standing, construction strength.
  • Reliability and long service life.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)


  1. Basically, the work is used for a size of 100mm * 100mm. First, the bottom frame is assembled, which is fixed with piles or support pillars.
  2. After installing vertical supports, the upper strapping is performed. In order to predict the stability design, the frames are additionally fixed with the struts.

    The trim is best done from planed wood of coniferous rocks. At the same time, do not forget to treat it with antiseptics and moisture-repellent means. Another simple way out of the situation to protect the outer surface is a lacquer coating.

  3. For the door to fit tightly use additional seals.
  4. For decoration inside the shower, plastic panels, linoleum or liner are often used.

Installing barrels

The last stage of the work will be the installation of a water barrel. When choosing volume is often used by the rule, which states that one person is desirable to count on 40 liters of water. Accordingly, for a family of 3-4 people, a barrel of 200 liters will be more than enough.

Souls in the country with their own hands: care for itself in the field (35 photos)

There are plastic and metal barrels that have their advantages and disadvantages. From the main points it is worth remembering that the plastic version will be much easier by weight than metallic. At the same time, the metal barrel, painted in black, will provide faster water heating in the summer.

As you can see to build a shower at the dacha with your own hands, it is not at all difficult, and for this it is not necessary to have special builder skills. Just the shower of the hose you can do it yourself, and it does not have to be some kind of fundamental building, you can do and easily design from plastic pipes and bathroom curtains.

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