Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description


Ribbon lace with a crochet is a technique that envisages the recovery of the lacy strips of different along the length and width. Ribbons can be valued on the basis of oval, square or triangular motifs. You can use such an original type of lace both when finished and in the manufacture of certain items, such as sweatshirts, dresses or napkins. The technique of execution is quite easy in teaching, so perfectly suitable for beginners of masters.

This master class with a description of the work is necessarily useful to anyone who wants to diversify their wardrobe with bright and original elements, such as things knitted with tape lace.

Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

Beautiful openwork

It is a wonderful bolero knitted with subtle threads, is wonderful for spring or summer.

For 46 size models, we will use such materials:

  • cotton yarn (300 g);
  • Hook number 2.

Before starting the main process, it is necessary to make the genuine value of all elements - sleeves, transfers and backs. Then check each detail for such a description.

Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

Back. Make five stripes. Of these, two - a length of 38 centimeters (1 and 5) to connect along a smaller longitudinal side, and two 46 cm long - by the large direction. The size of the second tape is to determine the pattern on the lecture on time. Then proceed to the right half of the transfer. According to the usual diagram of the ribbon lace, make 5 tapes, connecting them immediately during operation. All bands, except 3, perform with an odd number of motifs. Length tapes also determine by pattern. The left half is transferred to mirror right.

Next proceed to the sleeve. Using the first scheme, make 6 tapes and two more to Oakat and two faith motifs. The latter will arrange mirrored. Assembling elements. Free edges of motifs to connect with air loops, then attach them to the tapes themselves. All items sew or shape the product through a hook.

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Collar. Make two stripes, in which the second motive will consist of nine failures. Attach this part to the cape, then tie it along the edge. Bolero is ready! If you wish, you can change the scheme and link the bolero with pineapples, which only emphasize the readiness for the summer season.

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Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

Original dress for hot day

To make such a stunning dress, you need to prepare 550 g of yarn (300 g - pistachio color, and 250 g - olive) and hook №1.1-1.25.

To land on the figure, you need to add files inserts, which will connect the ribbons. First you need to make the pattern of all the details of the dresses in full size, adjusting the pattern for all the standards. Dress diagram looks like this:

Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

Make a ribbon sample, check that the sizes match the figures shown in the figure below number 8. If you wish, you can increase or decrease the width of the strip. For the back, tie two stripes, each 99 cm, two strips in length 97cm. Knit from olive yarn. To transfer the dress, you must bind two strips 99 cm and 85 cm.

Ready backdrop details to collect on top of pistachio threads. Stripes to arrange asymmetrically. The distance from the shoulder to the waist line must be connected to the fillet grid, which will be 2 centimeters wide. To connect with stripes you need to start at the beginning of work. Over the sample you can take the scheme 7b. Then connect all the side seams with a fillet grid. Premises leave open 20 cm in height.

The finished dress sew along the shoulder lines with a seam for knitwear. Using the eight scheme, link the sleeves, after swinging them into the armies. The neck to arrange according to the 8a scheme. Dress ready!

Ribbon Lace Crochet: Master Class with Work Description

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