Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself


We recently met a bike on the street with a very interesting backlight, say honestly, we were seriously surprised. Therefore, we decided to repeat the experience of these craftsmen and tell you what the bike backlight is a LED ribbon, and how to do it correctly.

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

Bicycle wheels, highlighted by LED ribbon, always look gorgeous by setting such a backlight, you accurately stand out on the street. Plus, you can create good visibility both for yourself and for other road users.

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

A few words would like to say how to choose a tape for a bike, first of all you need to focus on its protection, minimally IP 65, if you install more - it will be better. The tape coverage must be rubberized. You also need to pick up the battery, the total power must be 12 V. If you wish, you can add a controller, but we do not recommend this, and so the installation is not out of simple, and even spending extra money is not a good idea. Learn about how the LED tape is better.

Materials for highlighting

Responding to a question how to make a LED tape on a bike, initially, you must prepare the following materials. Find them is easy, in any store they are.

  1. LED tape (recommendations above).
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  2. Battery holders.
  3. Two batteries for 9 V.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  4. Switch button buttons.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  5. Silicone sealant, if desired, you can use the usual thermoclay.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

LED tape on bicycle wheels: detailed instructions

Immediately want to draw your attention, there is nothing easy. Even experienced electricians spend about one day for such an installation. The process has many features, you will have to re-read a few more auxiliary articles on this topic. But the result will be justified anyway. If you are ready, collect your nerves in the fist, and let's do everything together.

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Cut the LED ribbon

First, we determine the length of the tape, which is needed on the wheel of the bike. To do this, you can attach a regular lace using it, the result will be accurate. Also read: how to choose a block for LED tape.

Next, cut the ribbon in the required place, as shown in the photo.

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

These pieces should turn out.

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

Breep and soldering the tape

To get a beautiful bike backlight LED ribbon, to this stage you need to show a special seriousness. Here we must immediately fulfill two serious affairs:

  • Fill the ribbon.
  • Secure it on the wheel.

Initially, we start to solder it - this is the longest process that does not tolerate errors. We first slept a little bit wrong, and the tape in our end did not catch up. When you start a soldering, try to do everything neatly, the hurry will only hurt. Read in detail: how to solder the LED ribbon. In the end, do not forget to isolate, the connectors are not suitable, use special silicone sealants.

With the attachment, the situation is easier, you can use several ways:

  • You can buy a self-tape tape.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  • Or each piece is beginning to crate separately with a thermoclaus.

This is the result resulting in the end.

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

Connect food

Here we have to connect everything among themselves, the stage is simple, but a little untidy, it is difficult to climb between the knitting needles.

  1. We solder two wires by the end of the LED tape.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  2. We display them on the power button, and sum up to the battery holder.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  3. The holder can be fixed with the help of "clamps", install it on the wheel of the wheel.
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  4. Fix all the wires.
  5. Next, check the performance - this is important!
    Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
  6. After that, the contacts are all insulated using silicone sealant.

Bike backlight LED ribbon: photo

Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself
Bicycle backlight LED ribbon do it yourself

How to install a LED ribbon on a bike: video

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