Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev: Practicality and aesthetics (35 photos)


Not all apartments boast to the scope and light. And so you want to live in a beautiful and functional setting. In this article we will analyze what techniques can be applied to arrange a small apartment interior. And specifically its corridor.

The interior of the hallway in Khrushchev must carry the entire functional load and be aesthetic.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

The design of a small apartment is straightely different from the interior variations of the spacious dwelling. And the point here is not in saving funds, but in limited space. Decorative elements should not occupy most of the useful place, free space is necessary under important furniture, technical and household appliances, without which we have no idea.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

However, it is impossible to do without decorative without decor, since the appearance becomes dim, lifeless, sullen. This is especially true of the corridor or hallway. Entering the apartment, an entrance hall - the first thing that meets and postpones us. Therefore, it is so important to make it beautifully, stylish, functionally.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Wall color

Hallway - the room is quite small and unlitted natural light. This is its most important problem. With it and you need to fight through the choice of the correct color combination. It is not necessary to paint all the walls, you have in one color. An interesting design of the walls is one wall with different from the other print or color.

Focusing in poor lighting is necessary on light tones. Golden, Salad, ocher - will give the walls of the corridor of a noticeable freshness. For a small hallway, the wallpaper with large drawings are well suited.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Combining light monophonic walls with a wall of bright wallpaper, you visually expand the space. If the height of the walls is allowed, they can be divided by a horizontally sprown, the top of the paint will be lighter, and from the bottom to several tones is darker. A similar design seems to shorten the walls, accordingly, it is suitable exclusively to apartments having high ceilings. Thanks to the reception, the space will seem wider. Good problems with space solve mirrors. By the way, in the hallway, this detail of the decor is never unnecessary.

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Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Lighting space

Hall in a small-sized Khrushchev is devoid of windows. Natural lighting to the corridor almost does not get. Ensuring this drawback is remarkably correcting a variety of lamps. From the floor in a small room will have to refuse. The chandelier looks likely not organically in such conditions. Exit - sconce and ceiling dotted lamps built into mounted ceiling.

Luminaires can be placed under the boost and visor of a closet or dressing table.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

They do not occupy a place so the necessary apartment, but they will illuminate not worse than a full chandelier. In combination with mirror inserts, the lighting will be even brighter, as the light will be reflected from them, fill the room more intense. We led another plus to use mirrors in a small hallway.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev


Purpose of corridor - let us in the apartment, take and carefully store our shoes and upper clothes, and releasing - to convince the reflection in an excellent look and allow making make-up troops. Here are stored small things that can be useful for residents on the road.

Determining the design of a small-sized hallway, it is necessary to rely on the specific appointments.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

For shoes and outerwear there are compact prefabricated cabinets. They include a mirror, shoe shelf, hooks that jackets hang. Often they are equipped with a small closet for clothing, which is not so often dressed. Sometimes there are native drawers in which it is convenient to store keys, documents, hiking cosmetics and other necessary. Here, in fact, everything that is necessarily necessary in this room. However, such a minimalistic design is boring. You can dilute it with interesting details. For example, a rack for umbrellas near the entrance door. In interior stores, you can choose enough interesting specimens with special decorations and trim.

Another entertaining detail, which fit in the design of the hallway, will be a board with reminders and messages for family members.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

The board itself can be adapted to draw with a chalk, erasing felt-tip pen, or for pasting stickers. It is also possible to purchase or make a brainboard independently so that the notes can be attached to small buttons or stationery cloves. Especially beautiful looks on the boards in a vintage style.

The third element, functionally complementary interior, keybook.

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

It is a small plate with hooks and signed names. On these hooks will be resting bundles of keys of family members when they are at home. So they definitely will not lose anywhere and always be at hand in the right place.

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Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Entrance hall - an interesting interior in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

Interior of the hallway in Khrushchev

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