Curtains to turquoise wallpaper: choose to taste


A competently created interior must be designed in a single style with well-combined parts. Curtains to turquoise wallpaper should be selected for a couple of tones lighter or darker, otherwise they are alive with the walls, crossing all the designer efforts. Adhering to traditional rules (the northern windows need to drape with the tissues of warm shades, southern - cold), you can create a harmonious composition.

Turquoise monophonic wallpapers we use infrequently, although in European countries they have long appreciated their advantages - they are greatly popular, because if such walls skillfully add the appropriate accessories, you can get a completely unexpected result. Turquoise wallpapers are quite bright in itself, so a good choice for them will be a neutral shade curtains - peach, sand, cream, solar yellow, beige, gray. To strengthen the effect, you can add accessories from the same material to the situation - bedspreads, decorative pillows, tablecloth.

Curtains with intricate pattern and decorative elements - pickups, clips, rings are perfect for monophonic wallpaper. If the wallpaper is decorated with an ornament, the curtains are better to choose without a picture, diluting them with motley details under the color of the walls. Today there are plenty of opportunities to successfully beat any color using it as a basic or as an emphasis - it all depends on the purpose of the room and the expected result.

Curtains to turquoise wallpaper: choose to taste

How to create a harmonious interior?

Turquoise color may not only be bright, but also strict, business, blurred. It is believed that he has a soothing effect, creates a pacifying atmosphere indoors, so such walls will be very powerful in the bedroom, which is especially recommended to people who are subject to constant stress and need a full-fledged vacation. However, using wallpaper, caution should be caution, so as not to overload the interior with one color.

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Turquoise wallpapers are perfectly combined with many shades, which makes it possible to get sophisticated combinations. Curtains can be made of dense or air tissue. A competent combination of colors adjusts the room, creating the desired atmosphere in it, so the selection of curtains should be treated with full responsibility, since with their help you can completely distribute accents. A warm color palette will create an effect of approximation and an increase in the opening, and the cold, on the contrary, deletes the object.

Turquoise walls can be supplemented with textiles of the same color, but not monophonic, but with an ornament, striped or cell.

  1. In the bedroom, which is a seating area, the curtains should not attract unnecessary attention. It is best to choose products of muted shades - gray, cream, pearls, dairy.
  2. In the living room, which should be bright and elegant, you can carry out the most bold experiments with bright shades, the main thing is that all the elements are harmoniously combined with each other. The curtains with the original colors and a complex pattern are ideal, which will give the solemnity atmosphere.
  3. For a kitchen, especially small size, it is better to choose the curtains of light tones, which will increase the flow of natural lighting, and also visually expand the space.
  4. An energetic color that does not cause drowsiness that does not press the psyche is perfect for the working office, will increase performance.


It is necessary to select colors for the interior solely to your liking, and not following the fashionable trends and advice of strangers, otherwise the situation will begin to annoy very quickly.

Mountain turquoise walls look good in modern minimalist styles, supplemented with laconic furniture and curtains, for the classics, elegant curtains with fringe and swarns are suitable for country - with brushes and drapery.

Curtains to turquoise wallpaper: choose to taste

Correct colors

The color of the curtain is chosen depending on the functional purpose of the room, the length is selected at the request of the owner - they can be 5-10 centimeters above the floor or smoothly drop on it. You can choose an economical option - just below the windowsill. In small rooms, contrasting combinations are well described, made with the help of achromatic shades - white, black, gray, but in moderate doses - exclusively for the revival of the interior. Blurred turquoise tones are perfect for creating both cold and warm compositions.

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Other popular combinations with turquoise walls

  • White curtains in pure form look too aggressive, so they are better combined with pink, coffee, beige colors.
  • Green curtains of the gentle shade perfectly fit into the living room, dining room, bedroom.
  • Yellow perfectly look in the children's room, especially if the window comes to the north. Even in cloudy weather, the room will be filled with warmth.
  • Turquoise, supplemented with golden or silver accessories, give elegance living room with expensive furniture.
  • Orange - the opposite of red, refreshes any room, will become an excellent solution when designing a living room, children's, dining room.
  • Blue color has a soothing effect, so ideal for the bedroom.
  • Blue curtains and turquoise wallpapers look cold, but if such an ensemble is diluted with beige or yellow accessories, the original composition will turn out.

We must not forget that the interior is created for a comfortable rest, and not in order for it to be looked at and admired, therefore, contrasting colors should not border each other, especially in the bedroom and the children's room. Intense turquoise tones are poorly combined with other saturated shades.


Curtains, falling directly from the ceiling, the fabric is best to choose the room with a small window, the cloth is best selected with vertical stripes. If there are several openings on the room on one wall, they need to be combined with a common cornice.

Curtains to turquoise wallpaper: choose to taste

Positive qualities of turquoise shades

In Eastern culture, there is an opinion that turquoise in all its manifestations gives a person confidence in his abilities, gives independence, heals from various ailments. Modern studies have shown that turquoise tones really remove fatigue and irritation, allow the body to fully recover after a busy day. A combination with beige, yellow or orange will create a cozy atmosphere in the house, with a milk or chocolate - solid, elegant atmosphere.

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The main feature of the turquoise color is its versatility, as depending on the parameters of the room, lighting and object items, it may look different. To create a spectacular interior, it is necessary to skillfully combine furniture, accessories and textiles. Turquoise wallpaper looks well with classic natural natural furniture. The cloth for the curtains should be loose (except the bedroom), and the color is selected in terms of the situation - the brighter the walls, the time of textile color rich.

Often turquoise shades are mistakenly called green or blue, as they are an intermediate option between them. In fact, this color is quite independent, which has various shades, the use of which in the interior allows you to achieve amazing results. It fills the room with a romantic grace, thanks to which everyone can feel surrounded by sea scope.

Straw shades or natural color of the tree will soften cool, make the interior energetic, visually expand the space. Adding gilding will create a classic style, warm yellow palette will bring comfort, chocolate color will add solidity. A variety of turquoise shades allows you to use them when making the interior of any destination.

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