What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material


Can you congratulate you? Have you reached the finish line in your renovation? Around the beauty, details of the interior are in perfect harmony with each other. But something is missing? Your walls "dressed up" in the classic of the genre - the color of the color beige, and what curtains will fit to beige wallpaper, you, alas, do not know, and complete the integrity of the image cannot be.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

What is the power of beige color: study, psychology

Choosing a dominant color for the room, a person relies on the inner content of color, for the power of his psychological impact. It is very important that the color of the room is not an annoying factor, did not cause negative emotions. What colors are capable of it?

Beige color is "rich", gentle and charming, elegant and "purebred", forcing to respect everything that is executed in his shades. The whole world has long ceased to look for something exclusive, extraordinary and surprising. Millions of people bet on beige color in the interior - and won.

Classic connoisseurs choose beige color for making your home. Beige - color with a million shades, each of which is individual and self-sufficient. Magic color is capable of pacifying, relief from the state of aggression. If there is a beige tone - relax "comes into force." Relaxation is the main dominant function that beige has.

Psychologists argue and confirm that people seeking to fill everything around Beige is nature sophisticated, with a large inner world, with an open soul. These people practice, not aggressors, in any situation preserve composure and occupy neutral positions in controversial issues.

This color is not inherent in bright emotions, so sometimes beige belongs to amoebic colors, which are peculiar to the effect of stagnation. But with this beige - a very warm color with a calm energy.

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Because of its nature, beige color is not used independently. It is more often a background. If it is chosen as basic, then be sure to combine with brighter paints.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

How to pick up curtains if the wallpaper beige?

There is no definite answer. Curtains are the main element of the interior, on which the unity of all its parts depends, it is they form the flavor of the whole room. The curtains are so independent that it does not more often focus on themselves, and help to reveal the advantages of nearby things.

The color of the beige is rich in shades, they are all individual and in their own way beautiful. The inhabitant to figure out their classification from the first time is hardly possible. They can be divided into:

  • Cool shades (greenish-beige, gray-beige);
  • Shades warm (peach beige, orange and brown beige, wheat beige);
  • neutral (accepted classic).

Each shade takes "its", individually selected combinations. To complete the original interior, you can apply a cream tone. However, beige will be impaired if the room is saturated with bright colors.

If the wallpaper is made in a classic beige tone (it is called neutral), then the perfect is considered a combination of beige - dirty pink, beige - red or brown. It is possible as an additional color to use olive, purple, gray and even yellow colors.

Ideal will be the choice if you can welcome all the combinations in the photo.

Choosing curtains under the wallpaper beige, it should be understood that they harmonize not with all colors. The best effect is achieved if it is:

  • brown;
  • Color cappuccino;
  • golden.

Hard to imagine? Find a photo where the tone data is in the composition with each other.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

Interesting options for color combinations

Black color is not contraindicated with a combination with beige. Externally, the appearance is very attractive, but it should be noted that it is very contrast. Black should not be a lot. Designers recommend using it not as the main color, but in the increasing elements or minimalistic ornaments on the curtains.

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If we decided that purple is your color, then with beige wallpaper such curtains should be used very carefully.

Scarlet next to Beige looks interesting, the combination of paints is so attracting a look that sometimes it is difficult to tear off.

A beige color is a "universal soldier", very multifaceted in its performance and combined with calm paints, and next to a saturated color. And in the second case, it is necessary to remain vigilant, otherwise beige will not become a leader in the range of colors, but only the background.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

What should be the drawing on the curtains?

The color of the curtains to beige wallpaper is selected for all canons and rules. Dissonance does not threaten. It remains only to correctly determine the drawing on the curtain web or, on the contrary, to find arguments that will be able to make it necessary. Check out all photos in fashionable curtains catalog logs to choose the option you like.

Choosing a drawing, one should not forget that it is capable of both improving and worsening the proportions of the room, disrupt the integrity of the image of the entire room. What drawings look perfectly on a beige background?

The rule is first. The drawing on the curtain should be chosen, relying on the drawing of beige wallpaper. If there is no drawing on the wallpaper, the curtains are selected according to the print on the upholstered furniture. It is allowed to combine the drawing on the curtains with a pattern on the floor covering.

Rule second. By choosing a curtain, give preference to one-photo tissue. Such a version of textiles is fluent in the interior style. But there is one point - the color of the curtains. If the color is beige, curtains are desirable to apply darker and saturated tones, for example brown.

Rule third. If your room is characterized by large and spacious dimensions, the curtains are better used from shiny tissue. Believe me, it looks very beautiful. Such a solution will fill the room a kind of flavor.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

Nuances of beige and their combination

It is always difficult to make a decision when the task has no definite solution. There is no algorithm, according to which you can clearly determine which beige shades with what colors are combined.

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Shades of green-beige.

This option shades refer to cold, it means that the combination should be with a cool tonality.

Green-beige takes the following shades:

  • azure-lilac;
  • dirty pink;
  • Beige with the khaki effect;
  • dark violet.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

Sand, wheat and yellow shades of beige

Such shades are harmoniously connected to one single attractive gamut. But if there is no desire to combine them with each other, you can consider the option when these shades come into contact with the following colors:
  • terracotta;
  • light brown;
  • rich brown;
  • Deep emerald.

Curtains are attractively looking, which have ornaments or wide bands of one of the proposed compositions on the main color canvas.

Neutral beige, lilac beige and gray-beige

Three shades are so interesting that it is very difficult to supplement them.

Neutral beige harmonizes with any pastel colors, but if possible, they should not be saturated, better - muted. Also receives gray-green and brusarial tones.

The gray-beige shade takes the following color palette components:

  • gently purple;
  • denim blue;
  • lilac;
  • Saturated blue;
  • "Glamorous" purple;
  • Silver and golden.

What curtains will be suitable for beige wallpaper: color, patterns and material

"Delicious" peach-beige and orange-beige shades

They are not only "delicious and juicy", they fill the room with warmth and comfort. Therefore, many owners want to see near themselves the same positive palette of shades and tones:

  • bluish-greenish;
  • gently purple;
  • All pastel and permeable tones;
  • Gentle pink and light yellow.

Peach-beige and orange-beige wallpapers with curtains made in white-pink tones or dark brown look very great. Doubt? Review the photo where the main colors will perform beige and one of the proposed options.

Choose curtains to beige wallpaper, relying on the concept, which is that textiles should be bright and saturated, so that it does not reduce the importance and role of tone wallpaper, created an elegant one-piece interior.

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