Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?


Room geranium is a well-deserved favorite of flower water. She is easy to care and pleases the eye, creating an atmosphere of comfort and calm in the apartment. But it happens that the plant has a strength for the growth of foliage. At the same time, the leaves look healthy and juicy, and flowers, if appear - real grooves . What are the main causes of such a phenomenon and how to help Gerani blooming? Consider in the article.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Geranium is considered not requiring special conditions with a flower. In nature, it stands out from the host of other plants with a rich smell and rapid growth. The smell of geranium appears due to the set of phytoncides contained in the flower. It serves as a natural pest protection mechanism.

In the wild, geranium spends relatively little time to growth - to have enough sufficient sun rays for development. However, at the same time, it sensibly reacts to the change in the quality of the soil and shading, when more slow plants occupy their place under the sun. In case of unfavorable development of events, it quickly inferior to other species, unable to adapt to more complex conditions.

On a note. To better understand the intricacies of geranium care, read the thematic articles before buying a flower or advise you with an experienced flower. The time spent will pay off in the future.

The plant has a rest period

Geranium is preparing for a new flowering period. He comes when autumn comes and continues until the beginning of the spring months. In winter, the geranium must be careed in the usual rhythm: water, feed, do not change the temperature in the room where the flower is. A good sign - if new leaves appear on the plant. This means that in the spring geranium will be happy with flowers again.

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Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

On a note. In the winter period, rearrange the pot with a plant away from heat sources: batteries and heaters. Thus, you will provide Pelargonia the right conditions of wintering and spring on the windowsill will appear again flowers.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Dimensions Pot do not take into account geranium features

In the too spacious pot, geranium occupies free space with the development of shoots and leaves. About blossom in this case, speech does not go. But what if it was necessary to plant a pelargonium in a big box? The output is simple. Ride in the box a couple of plants . The problem will be solved.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Incorrectly selected soil

For geranium, a mixture of 2 pieces of the turf of the land and 1 part of the sand with sand is best suited for geranium. Specialists advise every year to update the top layer of the Earth in a pot or box. It is impossible to put in the soil of manure - the danger of the receipt of nitrogenous compounds is dangerous.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

On a note. Geranium requires a transplant 1 time in 2 years.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Damaged roots

In disruption or damage to the roots of pelargonium cannot fully obtain the necessary nutrient elements from the soil. Flowering stops, shoots and leaves become chaxes, faded.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Incorrectly organized watering

With an excess of water in the soil or vice versa, excessive dryness plant stops blossoming. We need to water the pelargonium when dried up the upper layer of the Earth, not too cold and no excessive mineral salts with water. It is not worth pouring the water "about the supply" and moisturize the flowering plant from the sprayer (reset flowers and remain without them for a long time). Drying of the tips of the leaves is a sign that geraniums lack water.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Geranium struggles with illness or pests

At the same time, the flowering of the plant does not remain forces.

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Mineral deficiency in soil

Long absence on geranium colors is a sign of a shortage of potassium and phosphorus. To correct the situation, use special fertilizers with these elements.

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Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Why not blooms geranium, what to do? How to get a flowering room geranium (1 video)

Flowering geranium in the interior (10 photos)

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

Flowers in the house: why does not flow geranium and gives only foliage?

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