Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard


Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

According to polls, when buying furniture for the bedroom, our compatriots, first of all, pay attention to the design and cost. And only then costs the convenience of using the bed.

Of course, the ability to organically fit the bed into an existing interior or price aspect are important choice factors.

But you should not also forget that the quality of your sleep depends on the convenience of bed, and, as a result, your well-being and mood during the day. One of the main parameters affecting the convenience of operation is the height of the floor bed.

"World standards"

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

European standard has an average height

Immediately, it should be noted that there are no uniform elevation standards in the modern world. Purely conditionally all beds manufactured by world producers are divided into three large groups at its height:

  1. Asian standard. Under this definition, the lowest design is the same. The height of the bed with a mattress from the floor in this case is about 20-30 cm. With its name, such a design is obliged to traditional East Lodge - Turkish Ottomans, Japanese Tatami, etc. In most countries of Asia from the Arab East to the Pacific Coast Beds were performed in the form of a floor or constructed directly on the floor or placing on low legs. It was from Asia to European houses, such interior items, like Turkish Taht, Persian sofa and Arab Sofa, came to European houses, initially had a small height, and only later they acquired a modern European appearance.
  2. European standard. This group includes medium height beds, a little more than half a meter. From the point of view of human anatomy, this option is most convenient to go to bed and get out of bed. The fact is that the length of the man's foot of the middle growth from the sole of the foot to the knee is 60 - 65 cm, so the height of the "European standard" bed is ideal for sitting on it, to easily get to the floor.

    Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

    Height division is conditional

  3. American standard. This includes the most overall models of beds from the floor to the top of the lodge of about 0.8 - 1 m. Exact answer to the question why large beds were called "American Standard", there is no. It is possible that in the presentation of Europeans of the last century, ordinary Americans differed to all great and spacious. This applies to both classic American cars and dwellings "Yankees" from all their decoration. Yes, and the pros themselves "Wild, Wild Vesta" in the imagination of the inhabitants of the close countries of Europe are really tremended by tremendous and endless.

The table gives approximate heights for beds of different standards.

Bed typeHeight of the Lodge from the floor
oneMedium ("European")50 - 65 cm
2.High ("American")80 - 100 cm
3.Low ("Asian")20 - 30 cm
fourBunkno more than 180 cm

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

It should be repeated that all these gradations in the height of the design are purely conditional.

After all, no regulatory or recommendation acts are prescribed to furniture makers from the United States to design a lodge with a height of about 1 m, and their colleagues from China or Turkey - to make exclusively low flooring for recreation.

By and large, the height of the upper part of the adult lodge does not play a special role, but when choosing a bed for a child or an elderly person, this parameter should be considered particularly.

The old man climb or fall on the bed of the type of Japanese tatami with a height of 20 - 30 cm will be very difficult, and the child of younger school age or just a person of low growth is unlikely to be comfortable to climb on the bed performed on "American standards".

Size in interior design

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

Together with such a parameter as ease of use, when buying a bedroom furniture should consider the size of the room itself and the style of its design.

So, the large "American" bed will be the most advantageous look in the spacious interior in the bedroom with high ceilings.

As an alternative to high ceilings and a large area of ​​the room in the apartment standard planning, an artificial visual increase in space can be applied.

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

High beds look harmonious in spacious rooms with high ceilings

For these purposes, light tones are used in the interior decoration to the maximum, with the color of the walls, drapering windows, the choice of floor covering.

Also, a good effect on visual expansion of the surrounding space gives large mirrors, fixed on the walls or facial sides of cabinets and chiffios.

You can visually lift the ceilings using glossy materials and plastic panels or tension ceilings with a reflective effect. In such an interior, even the king-size bed will look very organic. For greater use, they are recommended to supplement specially produced steps and benches.

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

Low bed will be relevant in Studio apartment

Low profile lounge of Asian-type leisure is most suitable for small rooms - sleeping rooms of small dwellings or studio apartments.

When buying such beds, the tatami should be borne in mind that they will look good only in a suitable frame: interiors made in oriental style with appropriate furniture.

The most versatile option is the traditional European size bed for us. It can be successfully entered into the spacious bedroom of the country mansion, and in a small sleeping room of a standard five-story building.

Alternative options

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

All the variety of sleeping furniture, of course, is not limited to the three options listed above. In the modern market, you can meet such not quite ordinary models: for example, bunk beds.

Not so long ago, such structures have traditionally associated with the army living room or the interior of the "places not so remote", but in recent decades the bunk structures are increasingly found in the design of ordinary bedrooms. As a rule, such modifications are designed to furnish children's rooms in families where there are more than two children of about one age.

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

The two-storey design of the bed in this case helps to significantly expand the living space of the children's.

Often such models are performed in the form of multifunctional transformers, combining inserts for linen, toys or folding tables for performing lessons and drawing.

When installing bunk structures in the bedroom, it should be remembered that a person in a dream can paint and rolling with a side on the side, so for safety sleeping places located on the second floor, must be equipped with sides.

Also, when buying two-storey models, the height of the ceilings indoors should be taken into account. The standard ceiling height in modern high-rise buildings is about 2.5 - 2.7 m. Consequently, the height of the base of the second tier should be no higher than 1.8 m, so that the low-hanging ceiling can create a "grace" sensation of a lying person. For details on how to choose a bed, see this video:

Ideally, if the height of the ceiling overlaps over the top tier was about 1 m, so that a person could sit freely, without hitting his head.

Mattress height

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

Spring mattress height 20 - 25 cm

When choosing a bed, the height of the mattress should be taken into account. Its height is an integral part of the overall height of the bed.

Standard spring mattresses have a thickness of about 20 - 25 cm, and flawless options - from 15 to 20 cm.

Bed height with floor mattress: sleeping standard

There are also very thin cotton mattresses with a thickness of less than 5 cm. They are mostly designed for clamshells or old metal beds with a mesh or shelnic lies.

Most of the classic models made from the wood array or composite materials (LDSP, plywood, MDF, etc.), have firefight-restricter-preventing mattress. For detailed instructions for choosing a mattress, see this video:

The height of these sideboards is usually 5 - 15 cm, and the thickness of the mattress should be at least 10 cm above the bilge, taking into account that under the weight of a person it will be a presenter.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the selection of the height of the bed depends on many factors, the most important of which is ease of use. Successfully selected can be considered a bed, after a dream on which you will feel the fresh and rested.

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