Modular patterns do it yourself: master class (48 photos)


The choice in favor of modular paintings will allow you to create a special interior style. A series of several elements merges into one composition - it looks vast and dynamically. Choosing Make Modular Patterns with your own hands, you can express your personality. The master class will help to quickly master the basics, and you will become the owner of the original decor element.

modular patterns do it yourself

What is modular paintings

The modular picture is a few canvases that are combined into one composition.

Options for location of the elements set:

  • symmetrical location in a horizontal plane;
  • offset and asymmetry horizontally and vertical;
  • mixed vertically horizontal;

modular patterns do it yourself

Variations with symmetric and asymmetric displacements are most popular - they literally change the space of the room. It is surprising how with this reception in the design you can achieve a visual increase in space. It is very relevant to arrest the interior of a small room.

Depending on whether the common picture consists of how many parts, distinguish:

  • diptych - 2 canvases;
  • triptych - 3 canvases;
  • Polyptih - more than three canvases.

modular patterns do it yourself

For interior design, with the help of a modular picture there are no strict rules. In addition, with the current features of printing, you do not need to be an artist to make such a composition with your own hands. Isn't that a challenge for real creative nature?

modular patterns do it yourself

How to make himself

Material that can be taken as an image can be selected depending on the availability of finance and wishes.

The options for the web with the image:

  • Fabric with a bright clear print, such as the image of flowers;
  • photo or picture printed on the printer;
  • Having liked wallpaper options with photos.

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modular patterns do it yourself

From the selected foundation depends on the choice of the frame. The master class on the manufacture of such paintings will help you create a masterpiece of the interior.

modular patterns do it yourself

Master - Class of fabric


  • fabric with a plot or ornament, printed image or wallpaper with photographs;
  • Basis: Wooden rails 50x20 and plywood, fiberboard or foam;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil, chalk or soap;
  • centimeter;
  • Stapler for furniture.

modular patterns do it yourself

Step 1. Preparation of the foundation

Depending on the budget to which you expect, you can buy a finished base with canvas or make it yourself. The first option is suitable for those who are inspired by the writing painting by paints. For first experience, it is better to make triptych - three elements that are ready for three bases. From the rails and pieces of plywood you can quickly build the basis for a modular picture. To do this, we connect wooden rails to the frame, the spilifsy ends at an angle of 45 degrees. They can be copped with a stapler or glue.

For the strength at the corners of the frame from the wrong side, the triangles from plywood (with customers of 10 cm). As a lining, you can pull the fabric neutral in color, fixing it with a stapler.

modular patterns do it yourself

It is much easier to use as the basis of a piece of fiberboard, you only need to process the foundation on the edges. If you have chosen the option of wallpaper or printed image, you can choose a completely simple and lightweight basis - foam.

modular patterns do it yourself

Step 2. Fresh cloth for the basis

Before cutting segments, plan well and mark the locations of the section on the principle of "Some seven times and once again." The size of the fabric must take into account the bends on the opposite direction. The fabric is fixed on the subframe with a furniture stapler, strengthened the brackets from the wrong work. It is important to evenly stretch the canvas, without forming folds. First fix the long side, and then short.

Printing options can be glued even on a thin foam ceiling tile with PVA glue.

modular patterns do it yourself

Many instead of wallpaper wallpapers, order printing like pictures in numerous printed services. To do this, you do not need to be a master, however, when printing, you need to think through to make several separate elements with a picture overlapping. Thus, you save the integrity of the overall picture.

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Step 3. Place pictures

At this stage, you need to come up with a place where you hang your composition, as well as the way of location of the canvas relative to each other. For fastening, you can choose the usual furniture sacrifice of a small format. If the pictures are fixed on the subframes, they can be fixed on screws, which are screwed in a dowel and are a bit out of the wall.

Exceptionally interesting options for location, where one canvases are shifted in an interesting way. The element looks uniquely, which is deliberately shifted in "flight" as if from the blow of the wind.

modular patterns do it yourself

Master class will give you to understand the main points of creating a modular picture. You can safely experiment with the materials of the canvas itself and the basics, choosing what you have in stock. For the first samples, even slices of drywall or foam plaster on which pictures from the printer or rectangles are pasted with wallpaper. When you take strain on simple materials, you can make more complex compositions for decorating the interior.

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modular patterns do it yourself

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modular patterns do it yourself

modular patterns do it yourself

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modular patterns do it yourself

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modular patterns do it yourself

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modular patterns do it yourself

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modular patterns do it yourself

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Creating modular paintings: master class for beginners (+48 photos)

modular patterns do it yourself

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