Pictures for the children's room on the wall. Creative solutions


Many of us have grown at the time when the decoration of the children's room with drawings, various applications or interior stickers was impossible not only for the absence of such a variety. When I was small, my room looked completely ordinary and the only thing that brought brightness and paints into it is occasionally scattered toys. After becoming a father, I had an excellent opportunity to create for my child not only a separate bedroom, but also a game room, in which my child happily performed every time. The design of the walls in the children's bedroom is quite an important and creative process, so let's talk about it in more detail.

Pictures for the children's room on the wall. Creative solutions

Interior of the children's room

The value of paintings and other parts

Pictures for the children's room on the wall. Creative solutions

Pray the walls in the children's

Everyone does not immediately become clear why the design of the children's room requires special attention. But in fact, love for art and everything is beautiful, we have been laid since childhood, so various paintings and drawings will help instill this love at an early age.

Important! The design of children is no less important than the design of the living room. Creating comfort for a child with their own hands, some factors and stylistics of the room should be taken into account.

Pictures on the walls are an indispensable interior solution that is used in children's rooms. They can depict not only animals, characters or nature, but also to be real masterpieces of the artists. In the choice of paintings on the wall plays a role not only the color that is used on the canvas, but also the overall design of the room. In addition, the choice of painting for the wall in the children's room depends on the age of the child who lives in it.

Pictures that are popular in children can be divided into several positions:

  1. Pictures depicting the art of great artists
  2. Photos by which you can create collages on the wall. Beautifully look in children's black and white photos of parents in childhood, photo of a pregnant mother or first shot from an ultrasound
  3. Posters - not only paintings are pretty in demand in design issues. A huge number of posters on which any plot can be depicted is, and the color of which is easy to choose for any design displays posters for leading positions on demand. Together with the available pricing policy, it appears the opportunity to replace poses as needed, thereby contributing to the interior of the room new raisins

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Scene decision

Pictures for the children's room on the wall. Creative solutions

Walls in children

Of course the plot of the paintings is selected under the stylistic design of the children's room. Most often on the canvases depict an animal genre. Pictures of animals and their young will look great in the room for a newborn baby. Little kittens or cubs will make playing in design and create a warm and gentle atmosphere in it. The advantage of such images is that they perfectly fit into the design of the room as a girl and a boy. Against the background of gentle shades of walls, the bright color of the decor elements is able to satisfy the desires of any parent.

Important! When choosing a plot for paintings, repel from a common style. Sometimes children are drawn up in the marine style - in this case, on the walls in the nursery appropriate a story of the image of the sea and ships, treasure chests and sandy beaches.

Picking the color of the walls for the nursery, I decided to ask the advice from a psychologist and part-time my neighbor. Of course, I already knew a lot of information received from it, but this only reinforced my confidence and received several new delight tips. It is them I want to share with you:

  1. The color of the walls in the nursery should not be oppressing. That is, the use of dark colors and shades here will be completely unacceptable. Only light color brings those surrounding positive emotions and it is he who promotes the development of a baby
  2. For a newborn baby and up to 2 years old, it is better to use soft and unsaturated color. Typically, such shades make harmony and comfort, capable of calming and relax
  3. After 3-4 years, children begin to perceive and stop their choice on bright and contrasting shades. Here you can use saturated yellow or red, blue and orange. Conducting repair with your own hands, you can attract your child to the choice of the wall color in the children's
  4. Using two-color solutions for the children's room, you can add painting in design, as well as dilute the monotony of the design. I use the wallpaper, you can choose a web with splashes or a small pattern.

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Creativity on the walls

Pictures for the children's room on the wall. Creative solutions

Decoration of walls in children's

I remember when it was small to draw on the walls with pencils, and even more than the markers were strictly prohibited. How much we then lured. It is good that with the advent of modern materials with which the design of children becomes not only amazing, but also practical allows our children to show their creativity not only in notebooks and albums. The stylist board has long been loved not only to children, but also creative people who love to express their potential on large surfaces.

The stylist surface is very in demand in children's premises and therefore let's get acquainted with its advantages and disadvantages. The stylist surface is created very simply, for this, it is enough to apply a special paint on the walls, which is in the line of almost all popular manufacturers. Pros:

  • The stylined surface is always original
  • On such a wall, you can draw both children and adults. In the children's room, the presence of easel may be impossible due to the lack of a free space, but you can always highlight a small piece of walls in drawings with your own hands.
  • The stylistic surface may have different shades, so it will fit into any design and will become an integral part of it.
  • A stylistic board allows you to hide the shortcomings of uneven walls

However, in addition to advantages, the styline surface has some disadvantages that may be insignificant for some:

  1. Dark surface can reduce the visual area of ​​the children's room, if it is so small
  2. There is a need to often wipe the surface with a damp cloth, since the chalk dust has a property to pollute the room

Pictures that are depicted by children on the walls do not speak about their disobedience. Often, in this way, your child has abilities for artistic art, therefore it is not necessary to immediately scold him for small pranks. Perhaps it is worth thinking about the arrangement of the corner, where the drawings of your child will become family heritage.

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Mobile walls for children

Pictures for the children's room on the wall. Creative solutions

Pictures for the children's room on the wall

You paid attention to how painted walls in kindergarten. A variety of bright shades, all kinds of images of cartoon characters - all this is simply necessary for the development of the child. Options with which painting in the garden or houses are diverse, but it is essential to find out which requirements should have paint:

  • Mandatory is paint safety. It should not be toxic, as it is very harmful for children
  • Wear resistance and elasticity are extremely important for children's rooms
  • It is necessary to use washable canvas, since the tendency of children to the drawings is known to all

Painting with your own hands is performed very simply, however, for this, it is necessary to prepare the grounds for this qualitative and choose the suitable LX. Painting is best using water-level paints, which are distinguished by simple application, safety, quick drying and good vapor permeability. Therefore, if your own painting is performed for the first time, it is a great option for use in children's rooms.

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