Blue color - rules of combination and use in the interior


Blue color in the spectrum is located between green and purple. From the first he takes the ability to calm the nervous system, pacify and relax. From the second - the philosophical attitude, light melancholicity and extension. Blue is a variety of warm and cold tones. Pure blue is called "Royal". Close to it cobalt, cornflower, ultramarine, sapphire, blue sky and Berlin azure. Approaching green, it goes into the color of the sea wave and turquoise. On the other side of the spectrum - Indigo, Lavender and Lilac.

Turning to the designer, specify in advance what color will be. He may imply not what you mean you. "Blue" means both blue-green, and lilac, and blue.

Blue colour

If you look around, most of all you will see around exactly blue. And at the same time he does not bother. Moral and physically tired man subconsciously goes there, where there is a blue color. In psychology, light blue and blue color means silence and calm, coolness and freshness, ease, infinity of space. It is often used for office or office. As for the dark blue, the perception of other is anxiety and subconscious concern, but at the same time - the mystery, depth and excitement. This color for the apartment is chosen by single people who have no families or couples who have no children.

In addition, there are reliable data that he:

  • stimulates creative and brain activity;
  • configures on vacation, helps to relax and gain peace of mind;
  • aggravates visual, auditory, tactile sensations;
  • dulling the feeling of hunger;
  • harmonizes the surrounding environment;
  • awakens sensuality.

Blue colour

Psychologists are not recommended to be carried away by this color to persons with melancholic temperament. They are often at the attacks of unreasonable longing, mood drops and gloomy thoughts. It can provoke depression.

Blue colour

Combination with other colors

  • White. Combination in classic style. Blue color in the interior in this case is used any. It creates an atmosphere of lightness, freshness and coolness. Blue is combined with white, creating almost physically tangible cold. Dilute the interior with bright colors accessories. Extravagance will add point splashes of coffee, chocolate, muted-scarlet and Marrengo.

Blue colour

  • The black. Unsuccessful solution for the apartment. The bright and bright shade with black do not look, and the dark creates a growing atmosphere. Lightly to fix the position may lighting. Use the lamps that give warm yellow, and not a cold blue light.

Blue colour

  • Yellow. Fashionable a few years ago there was a blue-yellow design in an eclectic style, where the main thing is to comfort. It has the right to exist, but remember that it is necessary to combine or warm, or cold yellow and blue. Even pale yellow will create significant contrast. Light yellow and cornflower - interior in rustic style.

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Blue colour

  • Orange. The best combination of possible. Harmonious interior in tropical style. The combination of neon orange and bright blue tedious for the eyes. Choose muffled tones - peach, pumpkin, salmon, amber. Blue must certainly be bright, otherwise on the background of orange it will look like fad and inexpressively. Suitable and bright blue.

Blue colour

  • Red. The combination of colors excites the nervous system. About peace in such an environment and speech can not be. Red can give blue with an extra depth, if one of them dominates, and the other is used point.

Blue colour

  • Pink. Ties the memories of the era of pop art. Yes, but only if the tones used are close in brightness. Blue and pink color should be warm or cold. Light tones are used primarily for the design of the rooms of different children.

Blue colour

  • Brown. The perfect combination. Any deep, saturated tone tree in the interior of the apartments looks noble and elegant. This applies to all natural shades of brown - cocoa, skin, cinnamon, and so on.

Blue colour

  • Beige. Cold color under the influence of beige tones becomes warmer and softer. The situation is very comfortable and psychologically comfortable.

Blue colour

  • Green . Combine blue and green is a difficult task, although in nature this combination occurs everywhere. Being nearby, these tones merge into one nephemny spot. It is not clear where blue ends and green begins. They need to be divorced in space or at least clearly designate the border. The blue should be as bright as possible, and the green is light (or vice versa). Without bright accessories in warm colors, the interior of the apartment will be cold. You can simply take a blue-green color as varying depending on the lighting.

Blue colour

  • Grey . Strict and elegant combination give any tone. It is desirable that the blue is closer to the purple part of the spectrum. What it is darker, the brighter should be gray (and on the contrary). Matte gray is often used, but also pearl gray looks very noble (if you add blue or lilac). Dark gray perfectly complement transparent blue.

Blue colour

  • Golden and silver. There is always a stylish combination, but it is important not to overdo it. They are used for exquisite accents and spectacular strokes, emphasizing the depth of the dark blue.

Blue colour

  • Some shades of blue. Dark tone and several bright shades (blue, aquamarine) gives an interesting combination. Choose for the walls, the darker - for furniture with such a design. Accessories - in intermediate colors.

Blue colour

Use in the interior

Apartment design in this color is a favorite version of modern designers. You can pick up a shade suitable for living room, bedroom, kitchen, hall, office. Warm shades of blue little. Most often it is cold. He will harmoniously look in bright sun rooms with large windows.

Apartments in which the windows come to the north and west, with an excess of blue will seem dark and cold. This is especially true of such shades as dark blue and ice-blue.

Blue colour

Deep blue, whatever strange this idea does not seem at first glance, it is appropriate when painting walls in small rooms. Such a room looks really comfortable due to the fact that the walls and angles are "dissolved." This option is suitable for the bedroom. In rooms with a large area, the dark shade is inappropriate, especially if there is a lot of it. In this case, it is better to choose a blue, aquamarine wallpaper for the walls, and for curtains, sofa pillows, puffs, painting indigo or dark sapphire.

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Blue colour

Planning the interior of the apartment in this color, pay attention to the lighting. This is important for the office. One source of light is not enough, especially for the living room. The chandelier will provide point sources of light around the perimeter or in the corners. For the walls, pick up the sconce, put flooring and table lamps. This color visually expands the room and visually removes objects. Use it in the design of the walls of the small southern and eastern rooms. A bluish ceiling will make the room above. Blue curtains in the interior "Expand" window.

To visually expand the room, for one of the walls, use blue for the rest - a neutral tone. On the one that opposite the blue, hang a large mirror.

Blue colour

In spacious premises, bright blue for the walls is better not to use - it will seem that the room is empty. Climbing it with furniture is also undesirable. Choose a border tone - bluish-green, lavender. Light and cold bluish tone creates a feeling of purity, even sterility. Strengthens this impression silver-gray and gray-steel. Such a design is suitable for office and residential premises in the style of minimalism and high-tech. It is important to find a balance, otherwise the room will remind an aquarium or a icy house.

Blue colour

You can not do without blue if you are planning a design in an ampir style, an ornamental rhythm and a figurative-symbolic design (H. Van de Verda in Belgium, J. Olbrich in Austria, A. Gaudi in Spain, Ch. R. Makintosh in Scotland, F. O. Shechtel in Russia). Fine and decorative art "Modern" is distinguished by poetics of symbolism, decorative rhythm of flexible fluid lines, stylized vegetable pattern. »> Modern, art deco, minimalism, loft or hai-tech. Complete the design of light furniture, mirrors, glass and metal accessories. It is necessary to create a Mediterranean or Scandinavian design. A good supplement will be warm beige, terracotta, brick.

Blue colour

Blue living room

Blue color in the interior for the living room is furniture, curtains, paintings and other accessories. Refresh the design of the living room, without changing it radically, one large accessory or a few small. Use the living room is not one, and 3-4 shade. You will avoid "sterility" in the setting. Light blue color of walls in the living room is harmonized with darker furniture. Bright wallpaper in the living room will complement aquamarine, gray-green, gray-lilac, pearl-gray in a setting.

Beige or gray with blue accents - a wonderful design for the living room. The situation will be very cozy and comfortable.

Blue colour

Massive blue furniture in the living room looks like a non-foreign body if it is not supplemented with pillows or covers of other tones used in its design.

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Blue colour

Bedroom in blue

Blue color in the interior is an excellent solution for the bedroom. Such a design will help to relax. Do not use dark shades for the bedroom - they will give the opposite effect, acting on the nerves. An interesting combination is a beige or chocolate for furniture in the bedroom, blue for walls and snow-white for bed linen. Complete it with large mirrors.

Blue bedding looks beautiful when a beige or gray-white was chosen in the bedroom in the bedroom, and for furniture - brown.

Blue colour

Blue or gray-blue wallpaper and cream-beige atmosphere are ideal for romantic and sophisticated natures. It is not necessary to glue the wallpaper of blue shades in the bedroom. You can achieve a relaxing effect by adding only 2-3 accessories. No need to paint the walls of the bedroom in blue color. Make them with neutral - cream or gray-beige. At the same time, blue may be present in furniture, bedspreads, curtains. So that it does not seem that in the bedroom the blue wallpaper creates a feeling of cold, add red, green, yellow, beige to the setting.

Blue colour


Blue color in the interior of the nursery can be used by adding white - it turns out marine design. This color is appropriate in the zone for study, as it helps to concentrate. So that the situation turned out to be warmer and joyful, add red, green yellow and orange. Do not use this color for quiet, apathetic children. They will drive them into depression. Hyperactive children, on the contrary, simply needed.

Bright blue is appropriate for schoolchildren and teenagers. For kids, you can use bluish and gray-steel, beige and gray-bluish.

Blue colour

Kitchen color Aquamarin

Blue color in the kitchen interior is very refreshing the room. Plus for the tracking figure - blue reduces appetite. The kitchen fulfilled completely in this color, even using several shades, is tedious and inestore.

You can use one of the combinations:

  • Blue or blue wallpaper and cream, beige or chocolate for kitchen headset.
  • Cream or peach wallpaper, blue furniture, beige, silver gray or gentle yellow for curtains and live plants.
  • Dark blue tile at the slab and sink, beige wallpaper and curtains, white-cream for headset and all shades of blue for accessories.
  • Common neutral background (beige, gray, gray-steel, cream) with some one bright accent - cobalt countertop, turquoise chairs, azure curtains, tiled apron.
  • Gray-blue wallpaper, cream for accessories and bright yellow or orange headsets.

Blue colour

In the kitchen-dining room, this color is used point. Wallpaper and plafof - strict taboo.

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue interior for dreamers: use and combination

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue interior for dreamers: use and combination

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue interior for dreamers: use and combination

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue interior for dreamers: use and combination

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue interior for dreamers: use and combination

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

Blue colour

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