Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?


Curtains to yellow wallpaper pick up very difficult. The color is so self-sufficient that there is not all tones and shades next to them.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Paints of life and positive

Yellow. Many love him and believe that he is the embodiment of life, some think that this is a symbol of separation. Rather, such associations are caused by the legendary song about yellow tulips. But whatever associations in each of them caused, first of all it is the color of the Sun, and therefore it has the most positive effect on all living things. The sun in the window - and disgrace and depression as it was not. With him in the house and the soul is light. This color eliminates stress and fatigue, fills everything around the positive and life force, to live a huge desire.

Wallpaper in yellow tones is interesting, unusual and beautiful. Interior with them "alive." But, unfortunately, wallpaper is not a dominant in the interior, curtains are more important. In order for the interior image to be completed, it looked intently and harmoniously, it is necessary to clearly know which curtains are combined with yellow wallpaper, and which are not. Accents must be placed correctly. How? What kind of curtains should be: color, fabric, texture. Let's deal with how to choose the curtains under the yellow interior.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

What should be curtains, if the wallpaper is yellow?

This color is considered one of the universal. It is superbly combined with a mass of tones and shades, regardless of whether he stands in the lead role or is a background. The main rule is yellow - do not overdo it. In other words, it should not be much.

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Professional designers and coloravers have long formed a palette of shades that can be safely combined with yellow. Combinations with the following colors are most successful:

  • green;
  • blue;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • brown;
  • violet;
  • Pink.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Yellow Wallpaper + Green Curtains = Juicy Palette

A huge number of green shades - a bridgehead for stormy fantasies. Curtains can be monophonic green, and can be with a pattern. For example, a vegetable ornament on beige or white curtains in combination with bright yellow wallpaper - the limit of dreams of lovers of bright colors.

Very attractive next to such wallpapers, curtains look in juicy and green or gentle-salad execution. A sense of bright yellow-green meadows is created, where light and clear. Green protrudes with a neutralizer when "acid" yellow tones of wallpaper are compensated by olive or pistachio shades of the porter.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Yellow wallpaper + blue curtains = step towards nature

Color azure blue - a decent party in yellow. Blue in combination with yellow paints causes a feeling of intimacy with nature. Blue Curtains - Your Sky, Yellow Wallpaper - Sun.

  • If the wallpaper is a pale yellow shade, then the curtains of a saturated blue look will be perfect next to them. This can be a weighty blue velvet or dark blue chinese silk.
  • If the wallpaper is saturated with bright color, the curtains from the sky-blue textiles will be excellent.
  • Aquamarine tones and shades of the sea wave are suitable for wallpaper in pale lemon paints. Such a color association is very fascinating and charms.

Try to hang in the bedroom of curtains, where in a pale blue background, saturated blue patterns are placed. Or vice versa, blue curtains with drawings, embroidered honey or golden threads. There is something royal.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Yellow wallpaper + orange curtains = extravagant and stylish

  • If you dream about orange or red curtains, remember that such an extravagant execution will look attractive if the room is spacious and light in it.
  • If the room is spacious, the ceilings are high, the walls of the sandy shade, then the curtains of deep red tone or orange tulle will come by way. Decent respect for curtains with a pattern. Scarf curtains, golden visual composition or orange lines throughout the perimeter of textiles, located in parallel with flooring, is a choice worthy of respect.

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Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Yellow Wallpaper + White Curtains = Elegant Freshness

What curtains always refresh the room? Of course, white. White - royal color.

  • If the room is not distinguished by the scope and it is not light in it, we suggest you visually zoom in, make wider. Choose white curtains. They perfectly perform the function of visual increase in space.
  • If you want something elegant, we advise you to look at the curtains, where the background is white, and the pattern is made with golden threads. Under the bright rays of sunlight, the thread will play with bright colors in the tone of the wallpaper.
  • If the interior of the room is monochrome, the crystal and white veil from Tulle or Organza will help dilute the yellowish tone.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Yellow Wallpaper + Brown Curtains = Bold Solution

Brown curtains are so interesting look that they take all sorts of style offers. You can decorate window openings with monophonic brown curtains, and you can move accents and choose the curtains are not brown, but with a brown pattern, pattern, ornament. All brown tones and shades equilibrate the saturation of yellow paints. Very expensive in yellow wallpaper looks curtains in the following color execution:

  • coffee with milk;
  • cappuccino;
  • mocha;
  • Light cocoa;
  • dark chocolate.

It turned out delicious, isn't it? Brown curtains in harmony with wallpaper makes the interior close to classic. It remains to be supplemented with several decor elements or accessories, such as sofa pillows from the same fabric.

Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Yellow wallpaper + purple (pink) curtains = exquisitely and fashionable

Purple curtains. How much they are in themselves the magic, mysterious and charming! All shades of purple - decent samples. Their combination is perfection peak.

Pink - color ambiguous. Psychologists argue that this is the color of confident people. But next to the yellow about confidence does not have to think. Such symbiosis creates an atmosphere of romanticism in the room. Pink curtains are the perfect solution for the future lady.

Yellow wallpaper + black curtains = sharply

Black color is considered universal suitable for absolutely any colors, but not in this case. Black curtains against the backdrop of yellow wallpapers look very sharply and inappropriate. Curtains with black patterns on the canvas are more loyal. Additional lines and ornaments in black paints will fill the interior of the contrast and indicate the clarity of the lines.

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Curtains to yellow wallpaper: What to choose?

Choose curtains - stylish, trendy, modern

The model of the curtain is selected individually under the style of the room, and the color of them is under the color of the walls or wallpaper. The rule is simple: harmony in everything, the main thing is the unity of the color scheme. What colors are considered suitable for yellow wallpaper? How to pick them up? How not to move the face and not disturb the integrity?

The range of tones, drawings and patterns is so wide that it allows to achieve any results, embodying even the most unreal desires.

Designers have formed a couple of fashionable compositions in the "Yellow Walls - Curtains" system. According to these parameters, the following stylish compositions for window openings are suitable for these parameters.

  1. Curtains in a strip - unusually fashionable and incredibly stylish. The strip can be colored, for example, golden on green curtains. Curtains make a room visually wider if the strip is located in a horizontal direction. If the strips are vertical, the room becomes higher.
  2. If your interior is performed in the modern or art deco style, then the abstraction on the curtains is an additional trump card of your room. This solution allows you to change the geometry of the entire premises. In addition, abstract patterns smooth out interior roughness, distracting the eyes of inner corners and uneven protrusions.
  3. The vegetation print on the curtains take styles filled with natural notes and natural motifs (Provence, Country, Modern).

To choose the right and with a sense of harmony to pick up the curtains under the wallpaper, most decorators are recommended when choosing a curtain to take advantage of the rules and tips from practice.

  1. The brighter the color of the wallpaper, the calmer the tone of the curtains. Remember! Color activity on the porters will be inappropriate.
  2. If the wall is decorated with monophonic wallpapers, the curtains can be decorated with noticeable decorative accessories. It can be golden rings, copper clamps or pickups.
  3. Choosing the color of the curtains under the wallpaper, we recommend preview all the possible options in the photo. Such a method will help in absentia to visualize the colors palette.

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