What is a homogeneous coating - a subspecies of linoleum or a separate material?


With a large assortment of floor coverings, the choice is not easy. Stripping from personal preferences and prices, many make a choice in favor of linoleum. This material has excellent characteristics and wear resistance. The optimal value made it popular everywhere.

Before the appearance on the construction market of affordable laminate and parquet, millions of Russians acquired exclusively linoleum. Now the range and varieties allow you to choose such a coating towards any room style.

According to the creation algorithm and some features, linoleum can be divided into two types: homogeneous and heterogeneous. The second option involves the homogeneity of the composition. The drawing on such a flooring is applied to all layers using a special technology. If a heterogeneous analogue boasts an interesting texture only on the upper bed, this type is on the entire thickness.

The image on the heterogeneous linoleum gradually erased and the floor will cease to look neat and stylish. The homogeneous surface will not lose its aesthetic appearance even after several years of operation, because even if the top layer is erased - the drawing will be untouched.

Specifications and nuances of manufacture

Homogenic linoleum is called commercial, since it is created for places with high passability. Its thickness varies from 2 to 3.5 mm. As part of the leading role plays polyvinyl chloride and polyurethane. Also, quartz sand is added. And for lack of slip, insulators and antiseptics are used.

In schools, it is often possible to see just such a flooring. It perfectly transfers physical exertion and continues to perform its functions over several decades. Also commercial flooring can be seen:

  • in an office building;
  • on a dance floor or in a ballet school;
  • In state institutions and other places with great passability.

What is a homogeneous coating - a subspecies of linoleum or a separate material?

The cost of such material is much higher than the classical domestic linoleum, but also the service life is higher at times. It is not worth saving at the price, since the cheaper commercial analogue will be made, more likely from low-quality raw materials.

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In an effort to save, manufacturers often apply chalk and dolomite. Their low cost is not reflected in the appearance of the final product, but the level of reliability and wear resistance will be low.

In the manufacture, for additional reliability, the final coating is additionally covered with a polyurethane composition. It gives a matte shine of the floor, but during operation in a public place is rapidly erased.

Despite this, the wear of the polyurethane layer means only what the turn came to serve, directly, homogeneous linoleum. To exhaust its resource will need at least 12-15 years. The cost depends on the thickness of the product and the selected texture.

Quality checking

What is a homogeneous coating - a subspecies of linoleum or a separate material?

Not all manufacturers in conscientiously observe the production technology of the floor covering. Some are considered to be right to make some adjustments in the proportion of ingredients and add an excessive amount of lime. Such a change threatens the appearance of white stripes on the surface. It is impossible to remove with appliant cleaning agents and even a grinding unit.

No, these are not those stripes that are formed from the "Drawing" of the sole of shoes. The upper additional polyurethane layer protects against it, but, as already mentioned, it is not durable. In order for homogeneous coating to stop performing its work and remained attractive, you can resort to small tricks.

Mastic is able to extend the service life of a polyurethane surface, so it is often used for these purposes. It is applied to a generous layer and removed by a grinding device in six months.

Then the application procedure is repeated. In order not to make a mistake in the choice of a specific linoleum, it is necessary when you meet the assortment in the store to check your favorite material for quality. It is necessary to fold the corner of the roll twice and put pressure on the fold line. If the manufacturer did not regret the lime when creating a product, then a white strip will appear in the corner.

What is a homogeneous coating - a subspecies of linoleum or a separate material?

Despite the high strength, dark paths will appear on the surface, which, like a path in the forest, are shown where people pass most often. In order for the linoleum not to lose the past view because of this, the same mastic is used.

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In modern constructionarkets, it is represented by an impressive assortment, but which it is using for hardening linoleum can be clarified by a consultant. In other words, if you wish, you can significantly extend the service life of your floor covering, if it is properly to care for it and take care of premature wear.

High demand for homogeneous linoleum is explained by the benefits:

  • Available and commensurable cost;
  • aesthetic and stylish appearance;
  • resistance to mechanical exposure;
  • thermal insulation properties;
  • Long service life.

What is a homogeneous coating - a subspecies of linoleum or a separate material?

There are several varieties of commercial coating, in the characteristics of each of which there is a special property. For example, for the subway, power plants and other objects in which the static discharge of electricity is possible, a homogeneous antistatic coating is created. For hospitals, a special sanitary and hygienic type of flooring is produced.

The thermal insulation and sound-absorbing properties of this type of flooring is an order of magnitude higher than that of the laminate and, moreover, the tile. Despite this, some scientists argued that the linoleum cannot be called an eco-friendly material, but it depends on a particular manufacturer and products. At least five brands can be seen on the counter of the modern construction store.

Domestic manufacturers produce an excellent homogeneous coating, which is not inferior by properties and quality to foreign counterparts. Quality commercial flooring can serve up to three decades, but one should not hope that such wear-resistant material will be sold cheaply.

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