Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]


Our pets also need good housing, like us. It is quite simple to equip the dog of the booth on the household plot, if you respond to the upcoming work and show a little ingenuity. You can build a booth both with the help of specially purchased and from the material available on the site. . What is important to know about the arrangement of the dog booth on the household plot, and what stylish ideas exist?

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

What is important to take into account when building booths

During the construction and arrangement of dog booth, it is important to take into account several important factors:

  • The size. Dimensions of booths are measured in accordance with the size of the dog and its features. Many people allow errors here, building too much or too much compact booth for pet.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

IMPORTANT! Dimensions of booths should be such that the dog felt comfortable inside her. Too big booth weakly keeps warm in the cold season.

  • Material. As a material, you can use both wood and fane and stone. It is important to take into account that the material is not synthetic, because Dog need to breathe in the booth. Also, the material should well transfer the precipitation, which is very important in rainy weather.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]
  • Design. Many are limited to the construction of a bone roof booth. Design options are much more like with rectangular and round roof, depending on the idea.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]
  • Place installation. If your dog is watching, then you should put a booth in places with a good overview of the entire site. In other cases, the booth can be placed near the house or in a shadow under the tree.
  • Insulation. If the dog will yearnogodically live a booth on the household plot, take care of the insulation of mineral wool, foam and other available materials.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

IMPORTANT! Warming of a dog booth is a mandatory process. If you live in the area with quite cold winters, the pet can freeze or feel uncomfortable with insufficient warming of the booth.

5 stylish ideas

Also, the booth must stylishly look at the territory and emphasize the strengths of the household plot. From some interesting ideas:

  • Booth trailer. For dogs of small sizes, a booth resembling a house on wheels with a trailer is perfect. It is important to make windows in the house and well insulate it if necessary. Painting is recommended in bright shades.
  • Copy at home. Very stylish on the household plot will look at the booth in the form of a copy of the house.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Tip! The installation itself is quite difficult for themselves, so it is recommended to attract professionals for this work.

  • Stone booth with tiled. She must resemble a two-storey house with a roof tiles. Small lights and some plants can be added as decorative elements.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]
  • Hut. Buddly similar to the hut is popular with many dog ​​owners. Construction passes from wood, it is important to take into account the parameters of the dog and the characteristics of the climate.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]
  • Booth with a canopy. If you do not have the ability to install a booth in a shady, this option is perfect. Thanks to a canopy, the dog will be able to feel comfortable on the porch of the house.
    Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Tip! Dimensions are selected individually. Do not build a big booth, because The dog can feel comfortable in it.


By choosing a dog booth, consider several important criteria, including a pet size and features of climatic conditions. In places with a harsh winter, a reliable insulation of booths. In warmer locals, there is enough insulation with a layer of foam. The main thing is that the pet felt comfortable while in his home.

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Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

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Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

Booth for dogs at the nursery site [5 interesting ideas]

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