Kitchen Scandinavian interior style: selection of objects (45 photos)


What preferred in the design of the kitchen is a beautiful design or full equipping of its space with a variety of equipment necessary for the convenience of the hostess? Both of these criteria in equal shares should contain a modern kitchen, the Scandinavian design style is a great confirmation of that.


The main criteria that distinguish the Scandinavian style of design:

  • convenience,
  • a lot of light
  • Warm room,
  • A large number of equipment necessary for cooking.
  • Furniture for storing kitchen utensils and care for it,
  • Light tones in everything.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Style traditions

Scandinavia is distinguished by a rather harsh climate, a bit of sunny days, so large panoramic windows or a number of windows are used for natural lighting of the premises.

Dense curtains are used only at special need. Most often, the design is complemented by tulle or light white cheese throughout the wall with glazing.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Make it in a crunch, where all the windows are visible from the nearby houses are almost impossible, here the curtains are simply necessary. But they should be lightweight, made in pastel colors.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

The main color in the Scandinavian style is white. There are small deviations in the direction of gray, creamy, pink. The main thing is that the tint was warm. The advantage of the choice of material is given to natural materials. In the kitchen headsets, as well as during the design of walls and windows, white tone of facades also prevails.

Mainly in the kitchen of the Scandinavian design, everything should be organically fitted in size.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

All items must be entered into the project, only with this approach the design will correspond to the Scandinavian pedanthism in the selection of objects. All things in the kitchen must compose a single line and close to each other. This condition requires a scrupulous selection of embedded equipment. The project is necessary for ordering furniture to not be mistaken in size.

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Kitchen Scandinavian style

Selection of objects for small kitchen

It is impossible to place a large headset in small-sized kitchens, but no mistress wants to give up a large number of boxes. In the Khrushchev, you can sacrifice a little to the upper space, placing the boxes in two tiers: on the floor, and on the suspended on the walls.

The design of small-sized cuisine requires additional decisions on the lighting of the room.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

In the interior, lamps can be above the stove, sink, dining and cutting tables. Here it is better to apply ordinary little luminescent lamps. The obligatory subject that contains the room having the Scandinavian design is the lamps hanging from the ceiling with a simple form of the ceiling, but different cord heights.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

The design kitchen of a one-room apartment can be compiled with such an addition, like a sliding partition. The decision to carry the wall and put the sliding doors, even the redevelopment of the apartment cannot be called, because the bearing elements of the wall will remain in their places. But you need to make a detailed project anyway.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Unfortunately, in the angular shrimp, it will not lead to a significant expansion of the kitchen, even if you sacrifice the small room of a two-bedroom apartment. The planning inside the house changes slightly, in the Khrushchevka there is no angular apartments of the room adjacent, but also borders with the metering of a big one, which makes the separation project by sliding partitions more realistic and appropriate.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Small Metage

It is difficult to create the Scandinavian design of the intended scope and space in small apartments, not only in the Khrushchev, but it is possible to withstand the style. True, the curtains will have to do not be done in the floor, but on the windowsill, equip the sophons only with the most necessary objects of household appliances, chosen the headset and sacrifice long lamps. In the interior, this type of lamps is used for visual separation of zones.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

In the Khrushchev, and in any apartment house of typical building design can not be performed using such a remarkable type of lighting due to low ceilings.

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Kitchen Scandinavian style

Style of Scandinavian expanses in communal

The design of the kitchen in the houses of the Stalinist building may be more bold, in the interior of this kitchen the length of the lamp cords can be up to 1.5 meters. Narrow windows and thick walls involve the visual expansion of the kitchen space, more like a corridor, thanks to the eaves from the wall to the wall.

Curtains should be collected on the holders for a day, then Falda will be formed from above, hiding the wall of the wall, increasing the visibility of the window.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

This design of the window turnout will not add light, but the interior will look more elegant. The main thing is not to forget about the color of the walls - they must be very light.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

The project location project must be made so that high ceilings and narrow premises will not create the effect of the arch. This may contribute to furniture with tabletop of natural wood or painted under it. The yellowish color of wood will add the sun in the interior. Gentle blue curtains in the tone of the sky perfectly complement the project.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

In a two-room apartment, when combining the room with a kitchen, you need to interrupt a certain style in the interior, in order to spread the partition, the dissonance was not felt.

The main binders of the interior of the room and the kitchen should be the curtains and the presence of the same lamps, if not completely repeating each other, then at least having the same plaphones.

Kitchen Scandinavian style

One bedroom apartment must have a common interior style. In the interior of a two-bedroom apartment, the bedroom curtains may differ, especially if this room is not reported directly with the kitchen and a room of the employee, if necessary, continuation of the foodbel.

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Aesthetics and laconidity of the Scandinavian cuisine

Kitchen Scandinavian style

Kitchen Scandinavian style

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