Ceramic knife sharpening rules


Ceramics knives are becoming increasingly popular with modern owners. This is due to the number of advantages of this type of product, in particular, and the fact that they are slower to blink.

How to sharpen a ceramic knife at home correctly? Can I do this? What a grinding device should be used to the blade always remained sharp? And why are modern hostesses choose this particular product product?

Advantages and disadvantages of ceramics

Ceramic knives are distinguished by a number of advantages to which you can count the following parameters:

  • the lack of necessity in constant sharpening (retains the sharpness of a long time);
  • Security and convenience (the cutting part has a rounded end, and the knife is quite light);
  • The blade is not oxidized (due to the presence of zirconium oxide).

Ceramic knife sharpening rules

Due to the listed advantages of this type of product, they are in great demand, but there are disadvantages. These include:

  • Small blade length (up to 18 cm);
  • Low resistance to mechanical effects (when falling on the floor, the cutting part can split);
  • For a short service life due to the fragility of the material.

In addition, the sharpening of ceramic knives is possible only with the use of special materials.

Do I need to sharpen ceramic knives

Despite the fact that such products can do without sharpening for a long time, sooner or later it will be necessary. The blade will not be so sharp as before, and the use of the knife will be uncomfortable.

It should be known that, in contrast to metal blades, the product from ceramics requires a delicate approach, and the usual abrasive circle should not be used in this case.

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Is it possible to sharpen ceramic knives

An independent sharpening of ceramic knives is a risky process, since ceramics is a fragile material. If you do not know how to sharpen ceramic knives at home, it is better to contact the master.

If you are sure that you will not spoil anything, and you do not want to spend money on specialist services, you can do it yourself, observing the basic rules of sharpening of the blades of this type.

Ceramic knife sharpening rules

Sharpening ceramic knives: work features

Getting Started, it is necessary to take into account the type of product: the sharpening of the ceramic knife can be one-sided and bilateral. How to make a ceramic knife?

When sharpening, the product with a one-sided blade must first be sharpened by the side, which performs the wedge, and the burr on the cutting surface should be uniform. Then the blade should be turned over to the other side for the "heating" of the resulting burr.

If the product is bilateral, then one side is sharpened, and then the other. With clear observance of symmetry. At the end of the work, a fine-grained stone is used to give the cutting surface greater sharpness.

What to sharpen ceramic knives

To sharpen a ceramic knife at home with the following fixtures:

  • diamond bar;
  • Musat;
  • Electric and mechanical sharpeners.

Each method has its own characteristics with which you need to get acquainted before the start of work.

Whatever the method of sharpening you chose, you should strictly adhere to the rules of work. Otherwise, you risk spoaling the product.

How to point the knives with diamond bars

This method requires care and care. To correctly sharpen a product from ceramics using a diamond bar, you need to follow these rules:
  • Before sharpening, put a bar in cold water for half an hour.
  • In the process of work strictly observe the sharpening angle.
  • Adhere to one trajectory of movements (in accordance with the blades contours).
  • Fully sharpen first one side, and only then proceed to another.
  • When sharpening, the product with one-sided blade can be accurate only the "sharp" side.

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If after sharpening the cutting surface acquired the initial sharpness, you acted correctly. In cases where manipulations did not bring the desired effect, should not be experimenting, it is better to contact a specialist.

How to sharpen a ceramic blade Musatom

Ceramic knife sharpening rules

Musaty sharpening is effective only in cases when the knife is not too fastened. If you have not sharpened it for a long time, then this method will not help. So, how to sharpen a ceramic knife with Musat? It is necessary to act on the following principle:

  • The device is located vertically.
  • Bold the product is needed by smooth movements and without a strong pressure.
  • It is necessary to sharpen the knife until it acquires the desired sharpness.

When working with products from ceramics, abide by caution, this material is fragility, and as a result of a strong pressure, when sharpening the blade can be deformed or broke.

How to sharpen the blades of ceramics sharpener

If you have little experience in sharpening blades - this method is the most optimal. The advantages of using sharpeners can be attributed:
  • Safety (when using this adaptation, the risk of getting a cut is minimal);
  • reliability (when working with a sharp spoil the blade is almost impossible);
  • Automatic definition of sharpening angle.

These devices can be electrical and mechanical. When choosing a sharpener, it is necessary to take into account the type of product: there are blades with one-sided and double-sided sharpening. Based on this, the fixture should be purchased.

In no case do not sharpen one-sided knives with a bilateral device, you hopelessly spoil the blade!

How to accurate ceramic products at home with a machine and diamond circle

If you are a "master of all hands" and do not fear to spoil the product, you can sharpen on the machine, with the help of diamond circles with different graininess. They will need two: the first (more hard) need to sharpen the product, and with the help of the second grinding.

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Work is carried out in accordance with the following recommendations:

At the end of the work, carefully examine the surface of the "cutting" area of ​​the blade. If some convexity is observed, you did everything right.

Following these sharpening rules, you can keep knives from ceramics in perfect condition throughout the entire life.

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