Kitchen in green: 3 color combination options (+39 photos)


In the kitchen, all households are going at the table for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mistress itself spends a lot of time there. Therefore, a small kitchen premises should rejoice as much as possible, and the design should look modern and beautiful. The kitchen in green meets all the listed requirements.

Color value

Green in the interior is a color of freshness, herbs, first leaves. Such a design creates a festive raised mood, improves appetite. This is what is required when developing kitchen design. Before repaired, you need to decide what it will be painted in green: apron, wallpaper, textiles or furniture. Then you should choose a harmonious combination of bright details and a calm interior background.

table and chair


You can not perform all the elements of the interior in one color. It looks sad and fad. Each shade is, in fact, a new color. What combinations of colors are better to choose?

Green as the primary color in the interior appears in lightning wallpaper or in the design of one wall. It is possible in green to arrange one kitchen zone - dining or working. This will improve appetite. The combination of burgundy and pink tones will apply the main color. In order not to glue the wallpaper, you can separate the walls with plastic white - gray panels of one tone or with a small green pattern. An apron over a cutting table can be performed by green tiles.

Green walls

The combination of the primary color with orange-yellow, plum makes a variety of design, brings good appetite. If in a small kitchen, the greens will look too intrusive, then refresh the design using white-green curtains, tablecloths, pillows on the bench or stools. Experiment with wallpaper is not recommended. If they are too dark, the kitchen will visually decrease more. Green lamp lamp lamps, apron or wall-mounted brain will be to the tone of this magnificence. Orange - a green combination is also welcome. Strongly contrasting colors, for example, a combination of burgundy with violet, are not always appropriate.

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kitchen oven

If the green in the interior is taken as the main one, then refresh it will help the combination of a white-gray headset, or the presence of burgundy color in other details.

Shades of one color

Green can be diluted beige, lemon, sandy, orange yellow. It creates a good atmosphere, the appetite is played. Among the shades of green there are cold tones. They are obtained when mixed with blue, blue. This is coniferous, emerald, mint, turquoise shades. Black and green, black and yellow combinations revive the design.

The abundance of dark green parts visually reduces the size of the already small kitchen. Therefore, before making repairs, you need to think about the design, which will be light, light and giving appetite. Good will look in the interior combination of lemon, olive headset, orange-yellow flowers and other shades of green.

Table and lamp

Bright colors, such as orange-red, yellow, combination of burgundy with scarlet are used for finishing, applying ornaments on walls or cabinets, for decorative parts.

To "calm down" and balance the wallpaper in green, a headset and textiles are more relaxed tones. It can be white-beige, grayish elements. The smaller the kitchen area, the lighter and unpretentious, the design of the room in green should be decorated.

You can experiment not only with shades of color, but also with surface textures. Rough, glossy, loose or, on the contrary, the smooth surfaces are presented in a new one and the same shade. Do not forget that the beauty of the interior is given not only the main details - wallpapers, curtains, furniture, apron over a cutting table, but also small decor elements - dishes, pictures on the walls, magnets on the refrigerator or artificial bouquet.

Black table top

Role of lighting

Any color with different lights gives another shade. Therefore, it should be thought out the right light before making repairs. The more light, the more crushing the room seems. If dark tones are used in the design design, then the lack of light should be maximally compensated. The working surface is illuminated by embedded lamps, and it is desirable to install a lamp above the dining area. All these nuances should be thought out before starting repair. To then do not have to suffer with wallpaper or redevelop the kitchen.

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White-green kitchen

Well in the kitchen interior looks a combination of green and white. The first color creates a raised mood, and the second one baits it. What is the richer look like wallpaper, the more white items you need to insert into the interior. These moments should be considered before making repairs. Furniture finishing, inner whites shelves and walls of cabinets, apron over a cutting table and a stove must be allocated from a general flaper.

white-green kitchen

Curtains can be made white-gray with a small green pattern. White decor elements, dishes in glazed cabinets and the same color of the floor balance the bright walls.

The combination of green and black

The combination of two colors is better placed on wallpaper walls. But the apron is not desirable to perform in dark color. It will immediately be visible all pollution. It is better to use black and green facing tiles. It also looks good with shiny glossy surfaces of dark tones. On their background, a festive green color looks even more cheerful and bright. Clear outlines of black and white glossy furniture give the completion to all lines.

black and green kitchen

Yellow - Green Kitchen

Two bright festive colors among themselves are harmoniously combined. Yellow color shadows green. The total tone of the floor and walls must be muffled matte white-gray. These nuances need to be considered before making repairs.

For decoration of furniture, you can take an image of dandelions or daisies. They can be placed on the doors of cabinets and dishes, on the lamp lamp lamp and curtains. These flowers can be put in artificial bouquet on a closet or table.

Orange-green kitchen

The table with a glass countertop should be performed in a yellow-green cell. For this, the rectangle of tempered glass for the tabletop on the reverse side is in the cage and paint the cells yellow and green. Orange-red, burgundy inserts will be bright stains on the table. Such an exclusive tabletop will be decorated with a kitchen. These colors should be combined in curtains, tablecloths, towels.

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Table and stove


What color to choose for curtains in the kitchen? Stud curtains should be combined with the rest of the interior. If the kitchen is small, the window can be closed by the Roman curtain that does not take up much space. If the interior design is made in a classic style, curtains with soft folds and semicircular light lambrequins are suitable. In any case, the curtains should be light. Green assumes a joyful mood. Massive curtains will destroy it. You can sew a ripper or sorts short plugging curtains. They will harmoniously fit into the rustic style for which the green color is very appropriate.

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Cooking options in green (39 photos)

black and green kitchen

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Orange-green kitchen

white-green kitchen

kitchen oven

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

table and chair

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Black table top

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Table and stove

Green walls

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Table and lamp

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

Cooking in green colors: composition and shades

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