Wallpaper for the Boy Room: Scene and Style (42 photos)


Children's is the first room in which the child's life begins. This is the world of his hobbies, interests. Here the child is engaged in, resting, plays in favorite games and dreams. And it is necessary to draw it into account the interests of its inhabitant. Parents should attract to the development of the design of the children's room of the boy himself, find out what he wants to see around, how to arrange furniture and toys.

As farming and the boy's room will be transformed. With change of interests and preferences, he will want to change children's pictures to others.

Wallpapers for a boy

Just the colored walls of the room for the boy are unlikely to promote fantasy games and develop. Wallpaper for a boy's room will be able to turn the room to the place that young pirate or cosmonaut dreams, tracker or athlete. Boys are not less than girls prone to fantasies.

But before proceeding to design walls in the nursery, you must remember the general moments in the choice of color:

  • Red and orange colors act exciting on the psyche;
  • Blue and green shades soothe;
  • Yellow and pink color well act on the brain;
  • The dark colors of the room for a boy inhibit.

Wallpapers for a boy

Types of wallpapers in the room for boys:

  • Wallpaper texture should be quite practical - the boys often play the ball, throwing him about the wall. If scratches happen from the saber and daggers, they should not be very noticeable on the wall. Therefore, it is better to choose the textured basics with a pattern.

Wallpapers for a boy

  • Vinyl wallpapers . What are their advantage? They are well cleaned, affordable by price, safe for health and therefore are quite suitable for the room of the room for the boy. On high-quality vinyl wallpaper, you will find a margin about the presence of micropores that paste air and do not create a greenhouse effect. The basis for them is flizelin or paper. And the top is PVC. They are resistant to moisture, they can be cleaned with a wet sponge.

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Wallpapers for a boy

  • Paper - The most familiar and old way of pasting walls. Such wallpapers are safe, because Made of paper. The porous base does not give to accumulate moisture. Passes air. Such wallpapers are easily glued and removed from the walls. For the nursery, in which the boy lives. Such wallpapers can be very relevant. Thanks to the low price, they can be replaced without much cost, if they are strongly stained. The absence of synthetic materials guarantees the absence of fungal lesions. If the mold is developing on the wall, it is immediately noticeable on paper wallpaper. You can take action and eliminate it.

Wallpapers for a boy

  • Fliselinovye Wallpapers in appearance are similar to paper, but more durable and high-quality. They represent a nonwoven synthetic basis that does not wither. In structure, they are thicker and textured, so with their help you can disguise minor defects on the wall. In width - more than paper, and, it means, there will be less junctions on the wall and the surface will look monolith. But it is harder to glue them than vinyl or paper. Flizelin wallpaper is harder and price more expensive than the described analogues.

Wallpapers for a boy

  • Liquid or textile Wallpaper makes sense to stick in the nursery, if the tastes and the addiction of your children have been formed, and the wallpaper is designed for several years. They are more expensive, but also look more presentable.

Wallpapers for a boy

Color selection

The main thing is that the chosen wallpaper liked the child. But once again it is necessary to emphasize that the character of a young tenant is also taken into account. If the boy is constantly in motion, it is often excited and active, then children's colors must calm him, relax, give holiday nerves. Blue wallpaper with small boats are very suitable.

If the child is quiet, calm, boldly make bright major drawings in the design.

Wallpapers for a boy

Children will become a favorite boy's room, if used for designing one wall photo wallpaper with beloved fabulous or cinema heroes. If the children's room allows, different zones can be divided - gaming, sleeping, working. But if the room is small, such a division may look like "naryapisto". The game area encourages activity. Bright colors and images are appropriate here. The sleeping area can be arranged in blue tones. The desktop desk can stand at the wall, plated by monophonic wallpaper beige or sandy color. Of course, the colors of different zones must be combined. Shot of the walls should not.

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Wallpapers for a boy

Plot and style

The boy's room should surround familiar and interesting plots.

The topics of the design may be as follows:

  • Cars, racing competitions;
  • sky, airplanes, rockets;
  • Heroes of favorite cartoons - dinosaurs (but not monsters);
  • Sea theme - ships, marine spaces, dolphins;
  • Pirates, caves with treasures, tropical islands.

Wallpapers for a boy

Of the listed scenes are the most popular - marine. Here is a scope of fancy and for a child and for parents. The room can be issued as an ancient yacht of Captain Flint. Walls to salary monotonous wallpaper of blue, sandy color. Wallpaper images with the image of the ocean coast or cabins will be appropriate. Accordingly, furniture and household items are selected. The bed can be ordered or buy in the form of a ship. At night you can sleep on it, and in the afternoon, playing pirates with friends. In an additional place of rest, do not put the chair, but to suspend the rope hammock.

A sports corner to arrange not a Swedish wall, and the rope stairs on the mast.

Wallpapers for a boy

The walls are well decorated (albeit even a boutaphor) steering wheel and compass. With the age of the boy, the color of the wallpaper, and furniture, and interior accessories will also change. The young man does not want to live in a room with marine wallpaper or ships on the walls. At this age, interests go to the area of ​​fashion music, sports, moto and auto racing.

Wall murals for a teenager can be made of more expensive materials. Posters with rock musicians or heroes of sports may well appear on the walls.

Wallpapers for a boy

And the background for them can be gray and black. And parents will have to come with this. But the son will feel comfortable among your favorite heroes. And over time, he will appreciate the tolerance and delicacy of parents.

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Wallpapers for a boy

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Wallpapers for a boy

Wallpapers for a boy

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Wallpapers for a boy

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Wallpapers for a boy

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

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Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Wallpapers for a boy

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

Boy Room: Wallpaper Design

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