Linen Curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation


Natural fabrics are increasingly used to decorate window openings, it allows for a long time to maintain freshness and purity atmosphere. One of the most beloved owners of window design options are linen curtains. Attractive curtains combine sophistication and practicality. Textile products from flax look perfectly in any interior, creating a special microclimate in the room.

Linen Curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation

Benefits and disadvantages of linen fabric

When planning to use flax for design windows, it is necessary to take into account not only the benefits of the material, but also its few flaws.

Factors advocating products from flax:

  1. Environmental purity of the material;
  2. unique style of textile structures;
  3. Natural beauty and elegance: Sunlight softly disperses, passing through linen curtains;
  4. The versatility of the fabric and its practicality: flax is easily erased, little prone to pollution, does not wear out;
  5. Curtains of flax are not subject to electrification and, according to some data, even remove the level of radiation emanating from the electrical appliances;
  6. Only cotton and flax curtains are able to perform the function of "natural air conditioners", warming winter and giving coolness in the summer;
  7. Linen curtains have bactericidal properties, which is why they can be hung into the kitchen, to the bedroom or children in order to maintain normal microflora in the room.

Flaws of flax:

  1. Material is difficult to iron;
  2. After the first styrics, the fabric may noticeably "sit down";
  3. Curtains can not be bleached and erased by aggressive substances.


If you dry the fabric in the right direction and stroke into a slightly wet form, the process of care for the material will become noticeably easier.

Linen Curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation

Types of linen fabrics for curtains, rules for their choice

Linen curtains may vary by type of tissue used. Each type of material has specific features, which affects the perception of structures and the rules for their use in the interior.

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Color classification

  • Unbleached flax is used quite rarely due to the peculiarities of the appearance. Linen products of a dark gray or brownish shade with a noticeable weaving can decorate a simple interior without surplus.
  • Lighted flax never happens clean white. The material must maintain a light yellowness or grayish tint. It is such a color gamut that gives faith and refinement to products.
  • Colored canvas are used as an abstract applique in strict but modern interior.

Classification by density

  • Tight flax gives curtains with relief texture.
  • Easy fabric has a smooth surface and is very pleasant to the touch.

Classification of purity

  • Clean flax is very much.
  • Fabric with additives allows you to maintain all the natural advantages of flax, smoothing its disadvantages. If a lavsan is added, the material becomes soft, increasing and smooth. Curtains from silk with silk are distinguished by glitter and elasticity.

Classification on texture and relief

  • Smooth materials are usually used for upholstery of furniture and decorative products. If such a type of matter goes to curtains, then most often it is complemented by lace, mere menie or knitted elements.
  • Relief fabric is ideal for curtains. The original ornament can be created using embroidery or special packing.


The more complex the texture of the material for the curtains, the more stupid will be care. This must be considered by selecting textiles into the kitchen, in a children's room or room where pets live.

In a separate group, linen tulle is released. This is the easiest transparent product of gentle beige, which has a unique relief and is perfectly combined with most curtain materials.

Linen curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation

Using linen canvas in the interior of the premises

The curtains of flax look in the interior very natural, so creating a suitable design is quite simple. You only need to consider several recommendations.

  1. Easy and elegance is the strong side of the flax curtain, so it is not necessary to overload the image by beads, pickups or decorative clamps. If you still need to add something, you can use braided linen cords.
  2. These designs are not combined with lambrequins.
  3. Poorly ironed flax looks very unproventable.
  4. Rough linen curtains contradict luxury and modern decorative techniques. They will not suit for the premises in the style of ampir, Baroque, modern, classicism, techno and high-tech. But they are ideal for rooms in the spirit of Country, Eco, ethno and other similar.
  5. Lighted lightweight canvas are universal and can be used in any style directions.
  6. Curtains from flax can be supplemented with natural fabric curtains, such as cotton.
  7. Natural fabrics are perfectly combined both with light shades in the design of the room and with juicy tones.


To give a form of completeness and integrity, it is recommended to supplement the interior of the room with pillows or other textiles from the same material.

Linen curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation

Exquisite curtains in the decoration of the kitchen, bedroom, living room

When choosing suitable products, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the decorated room.

  • The kitchen is best to choose dense unbleached or lightweight curtains to which white curtains are suitable. Preferred styles - Provence, Country.
  • For the living room, one-photon linen curtains will be suitable, which will be combined with the upholstery of furniture or the color of the walls. Especially attractive such sunscreen systems look on the background of wooden furniture.
  • Curtains in the bedroom should not occupy a lot of space and attract attention. Curtains from flax will create a special atmosphere of comfort and comfort, there will be a slightly diminished room without disturbing its natural light.

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To decorate the balcony or the veranda flax, it is better not to use: it will quickly get dirty, swelling and will not be able to save his attractiveness for a long time.

Linen Curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation

Useful Tips for Natural Material Care

So that linen products serve for a long time, it is necessary to provide them with special care.

  1. Curtains are recommended to wash in a special mode with special cleaning preparations.
  2. If you do not use the centrifuge during machine washing, it will be easier to smooth out.
  3. Disponing the fabric or use the spray gun is not recommended - it will sit down. Better to iron the curtains are still slightly wet.
  4. Do not erase the material too often. At one of the stages of production of the flax curtain, the fabric is processed by special substances that allow products for a long time to maintain an attractive appearance.
  5. When the local fabric appears on the tissue, but strong pollution will have to erase the cloth. Apply bleach or aggressive cleaners are strictly prohibited, even if they do not have an appropriate mark.

Despite such warning, you should not be afraid that care for the material will have troublesome. Len is well repelled the dirt and will not deliver many problems.

Linen curtains: Recommendations for the selection and operation


Linen products are distinguished by quite high cost, like all high-quality natural materials. But if you can use such curtains to decorate the room, you should not think twice. It is such sunscreensystems that will give the room atmosphere of comfort, comfort and a light shade of luxury.

Another positive moment: flax - long-lived material. It will provide the original and beautiful window opening decor not one, but for several seasons. The fabric will not change its appearance, while remaining the same as on the day of purchase.

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