How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale


How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

For a comfortable life in every house there is a toilet bowl. But with long-term use, a resistant lime bloom may form on it. It should be considered how it can be removed inexpensive, but efficient ways. The formation of this floor occurs in no one day. He is hardly hurt by our health, but the appearance and smell in the bathroom will leave much to be desired.

Removal by folk remedies

There are so many different options. There are methods that are more efficient, but at the same time harmful. But not all safe funds are ineffective. Chioler's choice is a personal preference of everyone, so choose your way and act. Today it is worth considering the following:

  • lemon acid;
  • Coca Cola;
  • oxalic acid;
  • acetic essence;
  • baking soda;
  • white;
  • Battery electrolyte.

And now we need to consider the methods of cleaning the knee of the toilet with some of the above funds.

How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

Use of oxalic acid

When a huge layer of plaque originated on your toilet and he needs ambulance, oxalic acid will become an excellent tool. But, Despite its effectiveness, this acid is dangerous, as it is very caustic. Therefore, it is important to be very careful when working with this substance.

The question arises: where to take this acid? And in fact, it may not always be easily, because such a product becomes unpopular. But still it is worth trying to find out in one of the technical stores, and you may need to buy it.

  1. Remove water from plumbing.
  2. Apply to a slightly wet dense rag.
  3. Intense movements clean the contaminated area.
  4. You can fall asleep it in the toilet, without spare, and leave for several hours.
  5. After that, everything needs to be washed with enough water.

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When you use this substance, you will see that your favorite toilet has become like a new one.

How quickly you will be able to cope with the flare, largely depends on the stage of pollution. However, the following means is characterized by special aggressiveness and efficiency. At the same time, before you decide to take advantage of it, you need to consider something.

How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

Electrolyte cleaning

It is important to understand that the electrolyte originally was not created as a means for cleaning the toilet bowl. This substance includes strong acids, which can cause very serious burns and damage to the skin of a person. Also, some surfaces are unable to withstand the impact on them by electrolyte. Consequently, it is necessary to weigh everything thoroughly before you decide to cleanse them to the plumbing.

Tip! Use the electrolyte only in those situations where other substances and methods turned out to be useless or pollution are very old and strong.

When to clean the plumber with electrolyte it is impossible? Here are some situations:

  • If there are plastic parts in the drainage system;
  • If you have a septic tank, not central sewage.

Of course, using the electrolyte, you remove any contamination. It is important to understand what precautions when using this fund exist.

  1. It is always necessary to use protective gloves, while trying to prevent substances from entering them.
  2. Protect your eyes, put on glasses. If the drop of even the electrolyte diluted in water falls on the mucous membrane of the eye, the vision will be lost.
  3. Not bad to use the respirator and protect the lungs.
  4. Before pouring the electrolyte in the toilet, it must be released from water. The surface must be completely dry.
  5. Fill the remedy is necessary for very small portions, slowly, not allowing splashing.
  6. For the impact on the plaque, the electrolyte must be left for a while. It is important to immediately close the lid.
  7. Wash the substance can be used only when the toilet lid is closed. Otherwise, the microbriet can harm the person.

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How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

Cleaning the toilet from plaque with soda

In the fight for purity and glitter, not only such potent means as electrolyte or oxalic acid can help. Even a regular soda can help achieve some effect.

You can clean the raid on the plumbing using soda if the contamination layer is not too tight and appeared recently. How to do it right?

  1. Put in the toilet bowl of soda.
  2. Leave all night.
  3. In the morning, clean the rough brush or the rash and smash.

Tip! In order for the use of soda to be more efficient, you can pre-pour some vinegar into the toilet. And only after a few hours fall asleep soda and leave for impact. In a complex with soda, any other acids can be applied.

How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

Use "Whiteness"

If you want to clean the drain tank from a resistant plaque, this method is for you. "White" can be cleaned not only the toilet itself, but also a container in which water is constantly present.

To effectively use this chlorine-containing agent, a recipe is recommended that combines a tank and toilet cleaning.

  1. In an empty tank, you need to pour near the liter of white.
  2. It is important not to descend this composition at once, but wait a couple of hours.
  3. In the meantime, water should be removed from the bowl of the toilet and, possibly, even from the knee.
  4. Switch the tool to fall into the bowl.
  5. Leave all night.

This method is effective when unsteady pollution. If the old, then "whiteness" is unlikely to cope with the limestone.

There is another interesting method for removing the latter.

How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

How to clean the toilet gas

Although most people use Coca-Cola as a refreshing drink, it can be perfectly cope with a flaw in the toilet. Of course, the centimeter layer is not on the shoulder, but small deposits will undoubtedly disappear.

You must pour a few liters of drink and leave for a long time. It will give the ability to drink and dissolve the contamination layer. After that, it is necessary to clean the sanitary technique by the usual rash, and you can enjoy cleanliness.

After consideration of folk remedies for cleaning, you should dwell on several effective purchased.

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How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

How to clean the toilet with special means

All storey detergents are divided into three categories. Each view is effective and applied in different situations.
  1. Abrasive substances.

    As a rule, these are powders. They are well removed by the flare, which are formed in the toilet. It is especially good to use such chemistry when the flight is either loose or medium. It is ineffectively removing pollution, which is not one dozen years.

    Abrasive cleaning do not dissolve education. They simply mechanically consider them. For example, a "comet" is considered a very famous tool of this category of detergents.

  2. Acid detergent.

    The compositions of this group dissolve the flare is best. They can be used even when the flaw has accumulated over the year. For the maximum effect, they should be left for a long time to influence.

    One of the representatives of the detergents of this category is "toilet duckling". When working with such substances, it is important to comply with personal safety.

  3. Chlorine detergents.

    They are effective only when pollution is not too dense. The maximum result can be obtained only with the regular use of these funds as prevention. For example, "Domasetos" is perfect.

How to clean the knee toilet from a limescale

How to make a lime flight does not appear

  • It is important to wash the toilet thoroughly using chlorine or ordinary powder at least once a week.
  • Repair a tank if it leaks.
  • Use the toilet only by appointment without merging in it fat or some other substances.
  • Constantly use the rash.
  • Attach a special agent against bacteria to a bowl of plumbers.

Now learning about the methods of cleaning plumbing from a limescale, you can watch the video below. It contains practical advice.

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