How to calculate heating


How to calculate heating

To ensure comfortable accommodation in a private house requires installing a heating system that will support the necessary microclimate. Today there are many options for such systems, but before starting to install, it is necessary to correctly calculate all the costs of the installation in order to determine the expediency of organizing such heating at home. We find out how to correctly calculate the system of heating the most popular modifications, which can work on the main gas, firewood, diesel fuel, electricity.

How to calculate heating

Choosing a boiler, orient not only for the cost, but also to the availability of fuel.

Example of heating calculations

To calculate the cost of heating at home Plus, determine where there is a benefit, it is necessary to take into account certain values. They include such data:

How to calculate heating

Scheme of heating system with natural circulation.

  • the duration of the heating period (we take for seven months);
  • The boiler operation time (half of the time, that is, is used to maintain the necessary temperature of the temperature);
  • The power for heating is ten square meters (we accept for the average - 1 kilowatt of thermal energy);
  • The area for the country house take 150 square meters. meters, a boiler with a capacity of 15 kilowatt will be required.

Per month consumption will be: 15 kW * 24 (hour per day) * 30 (number of days in a month) = 10,800 kW / h.

Since the boiler will only work half a time, we get such a value as: 10 800/2 = 5,400 kW / h. That is, the average heat consumption per month will be 5,400 kW / h.

To calculate the expense for the entire heating season, the value is multiplied by seven months: 5 400 * 7 = 37 800 kW / h.

If the heating is carried out when using a trunk gas, where 0.24 rubles are required by 1 kW of heat, we obtain that the total costs are: 37 800 * 0.24 = 9,072 rubles.

When carrying out calculations for the heating of a private house, it is necessary to take into account that the above figures are taken on average values, for a particular case, they may vary depending on the thickness of the walls, the material of their manufacture, the external temperature. The calculated calculation is used for all types of heating systems, only the value at the cost of fuel and consumption per unit of heat is substituted.

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For solid fuel boilers

How to calculate heating

Scheme of heating system with forced circulation.

One of the common methods of the heating device for country houses are solid fuel boilers for which ordinary firewood is fuel. It is not necessary to think that the furnaces went back in the distant past, their modern models today are quite highly popular, they allow not only to organize heating for the house, but also ensure the smooth flow of hot water. Many of them have a stove designed for cooking.

To calculate the cost of home heating, consider:

  • the cost of one cubic meter of firewood, today it is about two thousand rubles when taking into account delivery by their transport;
  • In one cubic meter 650 kg, that is, the cost of one kilogram is equal to: 2000/650 = 3.08, rounded the value obtained and we get that the price of a kilogram is equal to about three rubles;
  • To get 1 kilowatt heat, it is necessary to use 0.4 kg of firewood, that is, 3 * 0.4 = 1.2. It is necessary to obtain one kilowatta heat in the monetary equivalent of 1.2 rubles.

For electric boilers

How to calculate heating

Scheme and principle of electrocotel operation.

One of the options for the device of heating in a private house is the use of electricity. Such energy is capable of almost completely transformed into thermal, so to obtain 1 kW heat it is necessary to spend about 1 kW of electrical energy. Calculate the heating system, knowing only the cost per kilowatt. The cost for the area in the suburbs is approximately 3.34 rubles. We do not forget that the cost of one kilowatt can change over time, it is necessary to use the cost at the moment.

During the heating season, it is necessary to spend about 37,800 kilowatt energy. We translate this value to the cash equivalent, we get: 37800 * 3,34 = 126252 rubles, that is, at the heating season per year (and this is seven months) leaves 126 252 rubles.

For boilers working on liquid fuel

Now let's try to calculate how much the use of the heating system will cost, which works on liquid fuel, that is, diesel. The formula is quite simple, calculations include the following:

How to calculate heating

The flow of liquid fuel depending on the area of ​​the house and the power of the boiler.

  • Cost of liter powder. For example, the price is 34 rubles per L;
  • Fuel consumption for obtaining 1 kW of thermal energy. When using diesel, a volume of 0.14 liters is required (depends on the CPD of the boiler, it is necessary to take into account when calculating);
  • The cost of a unit of heat. In this case, it is 34 rubles * 0.14 liters = 4.76 rubles.
  • Thus, the cost of the heating season (and this is about seven months per year) is 37,800 kW * 4.46 rubles = 168 588 rub.

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The price turns out significant, especially if you compare it with heating with gas. But it should be remembered that the connection to the highway at home can do about 250 thousand rubles, and this is almost two years of operation of the boiler on liquid fuel! And if the highway for supplying gas to the house is not supplied? The GAGOLDER device and its service can do even more expensive, therefore, in some cases, preference is given to boilers on liquid fuel, although the last time is less and less.

By economic indicators, such boilers in the house greatly lose the rest of the heating systems. But there are situations where the gas supply is simply impossible, and the remaining types of equipment are not a way out of the situation, so liquid fuel boilers are an acceptable alternative.

To calculate the cost of the initial costs, it is necessary to consider that the price of one square M (taking into account the value of the equipment itself and its installation) is an average of about 1680 rubles. That is, for a large house, the area of ​​which is 150 square meters. Meters, the total cost of the equipment of the heating system will be 252 thousand rubles. Do not forget that the price has a great influence what equipment is purchased, what is its cost.

Cost comparison: Which heating system is more profitable?

So how is the heating system in a country house more profitable? Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances that may occur:

How to calculate heating

Technical characteristics of the boiler when working on liquid fuel and gas.

  • Electrical heating systems are more profitable in terms of purchase and installation. The cost of the electric boiler is not as large in comparison with the equipment operating on another type of fuel, the spending on the chimney device is not required, the device of a separate room for the equipment of the boiler room is not required. Dimensions and conditions of operation allow you to put the boiler in any convenient place. But on the other hand, the cost of electricity is high to ensure the heating of a large house;
  • Solid fuel systems cost more than electric, basic expenses come to a chimney device to remove combustion products. Operation and installation of the system in the house should be made only on established standards and rules. But the cost of solid fuel is less, its consumption is economical, you can organize an automatic feed, which eliminates the participation of a person when servicing;
  • Using a main gas for heating. This option according to expenses is approximately equal to solid fuel systems. You will have to organize the burning of combustion products, select a separate room for installing a gas boiler. But there is the possibility of using gas equipment that has a forced system for removing smoke, which saves costs. In addition, heating with gas is quite economical, often for suburban cottages it is the most optimal for country cottages, if there is no possibility of connecting to a highway, a gas golder is possible. Fuel consumption is not very large, the cost of operation and fuel itself is attractive for the month;
  • When heating in a house using a boiler on diesel fuel, costs are the largest. Installation of such equipment and its connection is one of the most complex and expensive, it is necessary to a special room that is equipped according to all fire safety standards. When this equipment is working, a rather unpleasant smell occurs that for a residential building is not allowed. The cost of the fuel itself is high, so for country houses, such installations are rarely used (it is possible only as auxiliary in case of an accident of the main heating device).

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Today, a wide variety of systems that have their pros and cons are applied for the heating of a private house. The choice of such a system depends on many parameters, but often the value of the installation and costs associated with operation. Before planning the installation of equipment for the maintenance device of the private house, it is necessary to make calculations that will help determine the expediency of using a different system.

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