How to equip a basement in a private house with your own hands


Until recently, I did not think about the possibilities of arrangement of the basement in his home. However, a huge amount of finishing materials that have excellent properties and characteristics forced me to think about the issue of increasing the useful area of ​​its private home. After reviewing a huge amount of information, I had the idea to make a pool in the basement with your own hands. With the results of the work done, I want to share with you.

How to equip a basement in a private house with your own hands


What is the basement

How to equip a basement in a private house with your own hands

How to make a basement in the house do it yourself?

The basement in a private house can be used in different ways. It all depends on the preferences of the owner and its financial capabilities. You can use the basement for such purposes:

  1. If there is no cellar in a private house, and it is so needed for storing conservation and vegetables collected from your own garden, the basement may well become a warehouse
  2. Often, many masters are equipped in the basement of the private house of their workshop, because it is very convenient and there is no need to clutter living space with large machines or tools
  3. With the help of the basement, an additional useful area of ​​the residential house is equipped, as they can make a bar, home theater and even the bedroom
  4. The basement is very often used as a garage. This is an excellent option for small rooms, where it is enough to accommodate only the car and some parts.
  5. Boiler house in the presence of basement is done in this room
  6. With the proper preparation and design of the project, your basement can turn into a swimming pool or sauna. Definitely after such an arrangement, with their own hands, the basement in the house will be loved by the place of rest of the whole family

As you can see, there are a lot of options that can be made from the basement room. As I said, it all depends on your desire, imagination and financial opportunities.

Important! If you decide to make a basement with your own hands, then be prepared to acquire the necessary materials and do not save at their price. Since the quality in this process plays the most important role and even a small deviation may entail huge troubles.

Brief Guide to Create Rooms

How to equip a basement in a private house with your own hands

We make a basement for a private house

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The first thing for the arrangement of the basement is needed to make drawings and calculations. If you doubt your abilities, you immediately trust this work by professionals, as they will have to take into account not only desires, but also factors as:

  • Fire freezing
  • Impact of underground water

These factors have a huge effect on the basement and therefore, it should be better to protect the future space from their devastating influence. The foundation is made regardless of future appointment.

Depending on the location of the leaks of groundwater, it should be pouring over a layer of crushed stone clay, after which it is covered with hot bitumen. This pillow allows you to qualitatively protect the future building. For clarity you can watch the drawings of possible basements on the Internet.

The walls of the basement should be laid out of the brick, which will continue to be covered with cement mortar and is treated with bitumen mastic. On top of these layers are pasted at least three or four layers of rubberoid. The outer layer of the wall should be covered with clay, as it will protect the bricks from the effects of water and their penetration through the material.

For the floor it is necessary to fill the airbag, for this I do not need a formwork, so we boldly proceed to the process. However, before the fill with your own hands it is necessary to make sure that the depth is sufficient and then lay good waterproofing. In a construction store, you can choose a fairly thick film that will protect from exposure and penetration of possible groundwater. Do not forget also about the need for thermal insulation for floor covering. As a material, you can use extruded polystyrene or any other material you like. The main thing is to choose a thickness not less than 5cm.

Important! When the insulation plates are laid on a layer of waterproofing, then waterproofing should be carried out again, which will turn into a reinforced frame.

By pouring the floor with your own hands, consider that the layer should be around 10-15 cm. Only after the floor is fully frozen moving to the subsequent finish with the help of plates or boards.

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Selection of the basin for the basement

How to equip a basement in a private house with your own hands

Basement in a private house do it yourself

As I said my basement, I decided to remake into the bath. However, even before making a basin in the basement of a private house, you should make sure your capabilities and in the presence of the necessary factors that are so necessary for the room with an increased level of humidity. To the pool for a long time pleased your family and did not bring any trouble to the residential house, immediately follow the presence of high-quality:

  • Waterproofing
  • Heat insulation
  • Ventilation system - as needed to build forced ventilation

Before starting to make a swimming pool in the basement of the house with your own hands, just think about the possibility of its construction in a separate room from a private house. If this option is impossible, then proceed to choose the type of components.

Important! Pools may have an arbitrary shape and depth, but it depends on the base of the basement and the possibilities of arrangement of the stationary option.

Let's see what kinds are available for selection and use in the basement of the private house:

StationaryIt is strong enough and reliable, but this pool will be very expensive for manufacture and is almost impossible for arrangement with your own hands. The difficulty of manufacture is in small details, which, with improper manufacture, can harm the entire private house. Due to the labor-intensity of work, such pools are very rare on the ground floors.
MadeIt is quite easy to install, although at first glance the assembly of such a design will be very incomprehensible. More budget option, moreover, in hot time, the whole design can be transferred to the summer platform
InflatableThe easiest and cheapest pool, which can be used in the basement of the private house. It is better to use the compressor to install it, and the dimensions should be chosen based on your desires.

Of course, it is worth considering that in the prefabricated and inflatable pools, you will not be able to dive and swim and if you have enough financial opportunities for high-quality fixed option, it is better to use this chance.

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Support clean water

How to equip a basement in a private house with your own hands

Basement in a private house

Important in the process of using the basement under the pool is the filtering system. Its view depends on the configuration of the pool itself. The filtering selection depends on the parameters and form of your "reservoir". Let's consider two types used:

  • Skimmer - suitable for designs having a standard rectangular or square shape. With the use of a special device, the upper water layer is absorbed and filtered. The absorption of only the upper layers is due to the fact that the dirt usually accumulates in these places. In addition, you must remember that the pool comes the same water that it was in it before, only filtered. Safety takes place through the pipes overlooking the wall
  • Overleep - this option is better not to use for the basement, as its work is to overflow of water, through special side holes. Water falls into the container through the holes that are in the bottom of the reservoir

Important! Before issuing the ground floor for the future pool, you need to make a project in which all communications and necessary parts will be indicated. Since the people who do not know is unlikely to make such a drawing independently, you should seek professional help.

An important issue is the creation of a convenient entry into the basement. The entrance can be built on the side of the street, so you will have the opportunity to fulfill it in principle to a private house. However, if you have issued a basement as a swimming pool or a hall for evening gatherings, then go out to get into the room I don't really want. That is why many are equipped with an entrance inside a private house. For small rooms, you can choose compact staircases that fold out without much effort. They are very often used for horizon. With the help of the use of a compact staircase, you can not only save on the arrangement of the entrance, but also leave free space in the basement.

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