Minimalism in the interior of the cafe


Minimalism in the interior of the cafe
Minimalism implies ideal proportions and simple color solutions. Minimalistic interiors of the cafe are distinguished by the lack of extra details and functionality that are impregnated with all objects and corners of the institution.

In the process of creating a minimalist interior, a cafe is usually resorted to the use of materials of light colors and shades. From furniture Only the most necessary - tables, chairs and sofas. Minimalism cafe has spacious semi-empty rooms, not cluttered accessories. It does not have massive decorative objects.

Minimalism is not better suitable for the arrangement of fast food restaurants and inexpensive cafes through open sterile spaces, functional furniture and metal objects characteristic of interiors created in this style.

The design of a minimalist interior involves the presence of small-sized furniture and small decorations of the correct geometric shape on the walls. Paul, walls and ceiling of light shades, as well as sliding partitions used when creating an interior in the style of minimalism instead of doors, are excellent for room cafe.

Cafe, decorated in the style of minimalism, are very popular with the younger generation, so now we still appear institutions with laconic interiors, which are inherent in clarity, direct lines and color monochromicity.

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe. Photo

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

Minimalism in the interior of the cafe

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