Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos


Modern fashion is so unpredictable that many could not imagine that they will produce domestic clothes and it will take such popularity. Now for us to see a dog or a cat in clothes is not something unusual. The Internet is moving various photos of beautiful and fashionable dogs that are stylishly dressed and are facests of advertising companies. But such clothes cost a lot of money, of course, for your beloved pet, I want to buy the best wardrobe, but what to do if there are no such means and possibilities. Therefore, you can learn to do everything yourself. Dachshund clothes with their own hands is the topic of this master class, so we will stop in detail how you can create interesting things for your favorite, which are no worse than the designer.

Beginner needlewomen who want to create some thing for their dachshunds can knit it easily. Of course, there is no guarantee that everything will work out as conceived, but with the help of errors and failures we will be able to learn how to knit or sew charming clothes that will not cost big money. But before you start doing a thing, first of all you need to learn how to draw patterns or find suitable and fit it in the size of the dog.

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Jumpsuit for the dog

In this master class we will redo the overall jackets for your favorite dachshund. The first cold can felt about themselves in mid-September. And therefore, it is necessary to warm, but it concerns not only people, but also pets who have short wool. For this you can use any thing - a jacket, which no one is wearing. And if there is no such, then you can buy any bright jacket for a little money and remake it for a dog. After all, such an idea is very popular among those needlewomen who have to often sew for their favorites. In addition, in second-handes most often sell things that have very good quality, which is suitable for animals, which are not at all worried about what needs to wear clothes carefully and wear it the same way.

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What do we need:

  • product pattern;
  • The jacket that will be insulated, the best sheep wool or quilted than warmer, the better;
  • sewing machine;
  • Pins;
  • In the role of fasteners high-quality velcro;
  • scissors;
  • threads in the color of the jacket for the sewing machine;
  • Any decorative elements.

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Experienced needlewomen advise that it is better to take a nylon material, because it does not fall apart and does not crawl when it is reusable.

Now proceed to sewing. To do this, we need to draw the pattern, and the easiest way to take an existing jumpsuit for a dog and circle it on paper. Do not forget that when we transfer the pattern to the tissue, we must make the allowance, and the more, the better.

Now we apply a pattern to the jacket, we attach it with pins and blacks on the contour fabric, then the allowance and cut. Well, if the pattern is the size of the jacket itself, then the seams remain not touched. The sleeves better cut off immediately, so as not to interfere with anyone. Now cut out by drawn lines, taking into account points. In the event that the jacket is small, and the pattern is large, then we are still from another fabric to the strips or wait.

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

The resulting product is processed using a typewriter in the form of a zigzag so that the threads do not bloom. In addition, then such a product will persist for longer and not to cause discomfort during sewing. And if the fabric is with a lining, as in our case, we add the edges so that the slice is inside the wrapped and be labeled with thread and needle, it is necessary. After that, you will need to be searched using a sewing machine. Next, take the tape or cut out of the fabric and process the edges of our product so that everything looks aesthetic and neatly. The next step is sewn velcro with the edge of the product side of the product. It is necessary to do this with the help of a typewriter, but if you still do not know how to use the usual needle and thread, carefully enter, as shown in the photo below. When everything is performed, then you need to try the product to the dog, and it is best to do it in the sewing process itself to see where what errors were committed.

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It remains to decorate a jacket. In our case, it will be a sticker that use the iron to the back of the product. This type of decoration is more suitable for males than for female. But for girls you can pick up the color of the jacket another, and the decorations themselves too. Our product is ready, you can now wear a dog to take a walk. You can sew a hood in case of precipitation.

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Dachshund clothes with their own hands: Patterns with photos and videos

Do not forget that the main success is correctly made calculations and measurements. In this case, the pattern will turn out correct and do not have to redo the product several times. How to advise novice needlewomen already experienced masters, it is best to first try to connect the sample and see which errors can be made.

Video on the topic

This article presents a video selection, with which you can learn how to do things for the taxa with your own hands.

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