How to beat the wallpaper for foam: surface preparation and salary


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  • Preparation and additional surface finish
  • Preparation of glue and wallpaper
  • Gluing wallpaper to the surface

Wall pastry wallpaper is a very responsible process during repairs. Qualitatively glued wallpapers will serve for a long time, it will be resistant to light, moisture and changes in temperature modes. However, you need to know some rules for sticking wallpaper on the wall. This is especially concerned with a wall insulated with foam sheets.

How to beat the wallpaper for foam: surface preparation and salary

Scheme for calculating wallpaper on the room.

As a rule, the inner surface of the wall is separated by foam, which on the other hand goes to the street. This is necessary so that the wall remains warm in the cold season and did not become wet from dampness. Foam sheets are glued using special glue directly on the wall pre-branded by protective compositions.

Preparation and additional surface finish

However, only the insulation of the foam is absolutely not enough to give the wall of a normal decorative species.

For this reason, today, many are wondering how to stick the wallpaper on the foam right.

The foam in itself cannot be a final basis for sticking wallpaper, since the sheets of its very light and after a long time they will begin to disappear along with the wallpaper. In addition, this material does not have the necessary clutch ability even subject to the use of high-quality glue. Therefore, glued wallpaper on the foam is not directly recommended.

How to beat the wallpaper for foam: surface preparation and salary

Wallpaper sticking circuit with a brush with a spring holder.

But nevertheless glue the wallpaper on the insulated foam wall can be. Only for this you need to prepare it in advance to the process. The basis of such training will be a plasterboard design that is attached to a metal frame. In a word, with the help of a screwdriver, metal guide strips must be attached to the wall, lay an additional thin layer of mineral wool between them, which will serve as an additional insulation, after which it is to sew this wall with plasterboard sheets. You can choose thin sheets. The main thing is that everything is done exactly.

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After the design is ready, proceed to close the cracks between the seams with a putty. It takes absolutely all the cracks, even if they are practically imperceptible at first glance. This is done with the help of a rubber spatula, and the surface at the same time is immediately aligned. As a result, you should get the coating even and on the same level with the middle of sheets of plasterboard. The sheets themselves are completely not needed. It is only necessary to treat them with primer.

After drying, you can be prepared for the preparation and sticking of wallpaper. How did you manage to understand, the wallpaper will not be glued directly on the foam, but on plasterboard. In this case, the wall will not lose its thermal insulation properties that you will give her with the help of foam, and it will be quite reliable for facing by wallpaper.

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Preparation of glue and wallpaper

How to beat the wallpaper for foam: surface preparation and salary

Wall Preparation Scheme.

On the wall of such a plan, you can glue with any kind - they will all hold quite reliably. Determining the number of wallpaper required for salary, take into account the windows and doors. After all, even if you cut only small pieces of need for salable walls around these settings, you will not be unnecessary wallpaper. Remember that the allowances will be needed in any case. Yes, and for the future, just in case it will not hurt to have a small number of wallpapers you have saved the room.

Now you need to cut the right number of strips from the roll. Note that the length of each strip must be about 7-10 cm more than the ceiling length. This also applies to an absolutely smooth wall. Immediately after cutting rolls to the strips, mark what a piece for what to stick, and click the direction next to the arrow. Especially such markups are important when using wallpaper with certain patterns.

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Now impese glue for wallpaper. It is best to use indicator glue, so it will be easier for you to apply it, as you will have the opportunity to see what places they are missed, and which - no. After the glue is imagining and will come to working readiness, check the floor with a big cellophane, so as not to stain it, and proceed to work.

In order to stick the wallpaper on the surface, it is necessary to laugh at two bands immediately, then fold them. But it is necessary to fold so that the front side remains clean. That is, with smeared irons to each other.

How to beat the wallpaper for foam: surface preparation and salary

Wallpaper preparation scheme.

While the pieces will be soaked (and this is especially important for heavy flieslinic wallpapers with hot embossed, as well as duplex type wallpapers), you need to brand the wall surface where they will be stuck. So it will be much better than the reaction of setting surfaces. Yes, and it will be more convenient for you to glue pieces, as they will slide on the wall slightly.

When the wallpaper is impregnated, take it for salary. Remember that it is absolutely for any wall all the wallpaper is made to glue an online jack, except for thin paper wallpapers. In the case of sticking, the brass you will come across the problem of hanging edges.

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Gluing wallpaper to the surface

So, first expand half the strips and press the top of the wallpaper from the ceiling down. Immediately try to apply so that you do not have to dug it and apply it again. At the same time, first press the wall to the wall slightly, gradually going down to the bottom. At the same time, for the formation of smooth joints, you need to move the web along the wall by sliding movements until it becomes the right place. At the same time, it is absolutely no need to be afraid to break the sheet - it is absolutely not threatened to you if the wallpaper you use thick or heavy.

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When the canvas is properly applied to the wall, with the help of a roller, take it to press it finally, while driving air bubbles. At first it is done from top to bottom, and then from the middle to the edges. So you can at the same time and remove excess glue.

After the end of this procedure, you can take a soft rag and fix more severely edges of the canvas around its perimeter. Try not to smear a cloth on the wallpaper, but just pressing her strongly. It is necessary to act so in order to preserve the initial decorative pattern. When you do, cut the construction knife from below the extra battery and at this place once again fix the web in the wall, if necessary, flushing the edge slightly glue.

In the same way, all other canvases are glued, gradually fitting together to each other. Consider another such an important point. In some cases, on the place of the joints of the wallpapers, it is necessary to glue a light strip of thin paper.

This is especially true of the walls that are decorated with foam, and on top of plasterboard. So the wallpaper will be better to stay along the edges, and there will be no color of the wall even in small surmise gaps.

After the wake of the whole room, approximately three days do not open windows and doors there so that the wallpaper grabbing completely and did not disappear. As you have managed to make sure, even on the wall, insulated by foam, you can successfully shove the wallpaper with your own hands, if it is properly prepared. The principle of glooming is not particularly different from usually the salary of concrete walls.

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