Ducks from drywall do it yourself



There are two main ways how to make slips from drywall (GLC) with your own hands: classic plaster and drywall.

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

The decoration of slips from drywall attracts the installation rate and low value of the material.

Those who build a house "from scratch", and those who are engaged in the repair of old premises, have the right to choose the most suitable one to their taste. It is necessary to think about and weighed, what method will take less time, means and materials with the same quality.

The main advantages of slopes from drywall

They are mounted quickly, reliable, smoothly, beautiful. You get a cozy living room with excellent thermal insulating and noise absorbing characteristics.

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Required tool: 1-glasses Construction, 2 - Level 3 - Hoven, 4 - Scissors for metal, 5 - pliers, 6 - booths, 7 - hammer, 8 - knife with replaceable blade, roulette.

Such slopes, if desired, can mount each with their own hands, having the simplest construction skills and the necessary tool.

In the manufacture of slopes, two methods are used. Plasterboard is attached to the frame or glue to the old slopes.

Required tools and materials for the device of slips from drywall:

  • Perforator (if the walls are not wooden);
  • screwdriver or cruciform screwdriver;
  • plumb or level;
  • Bulgarian or scissors for metal;
  • self-tapping screw or wood;
  • small sandpaper;
  • Corolnic;
  • roulette;
  • pencil.

If this list of tools will seem to the owner, planning your own hands installing, too long and incomprehensible, should be invited by a specialist.

Choice of plasterboard

The windows are a source of condensate, significant temperature changes are experiencing. Therefore, it is desirable to make slopes from moisture-resistant plasterboard. If there is no such possibility, it is possible to apply the usual, but it is pre-needed to be projected several times on each side, and with the inner better to be treated with moisture-repellent liquid. Ducks from drywall do not experience special loads, so you can make them from thin drywall for the ceiling.

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Installation of slopes on a frame of metal

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

The windows are a source of condensate, significant temperature changes are experiencing. Therefore, it is desirable to make slopes from moisture-resistant plasterboard.

Today, the production of plastic windows use profiles that provide for further installation of plasterboard. The choice of such a profile should be negotiated when ordering windows.

  1. It is installed when mounting the window into special grooves on the frame at the top and sides.
  2. If you have the ability to purchase and install a special profile, you can apply a regular profile for drywall.
  3. The framework of the frame can be started when the mounting foam after attaching plastic windows and window sills completely curses.
  4. The profile is screwed by screws on the metal in the places of docking frame and drywall.
  5. If the wall with the installed window will turn into plasterboard, you need to install wall guide profiles so that they serve and fasten the strips for slopes.
  6. You need to select an angle of reversal, under which the slope will be shrinking with the window frame, and shift the guide profiles at a certain distance outside the window.

Installation of slopes for glue

Before mounting the slips from drywall, it is necessary to prepare the slopes old. To do this, the remnants of blots, paints, putty, dust are removed from them. They close cracks, can be glue for tiles or plastering solution. The whole slope is stuffed with a tassel. Clay can be applied when the primer is completely dry.

If the old slope is quite smooth, it is possible to use glue for the internal work for gluing. If there are large differences, you need to use the glue "Perlfix" or similar.

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Diaspora decoration scheme drywall.

Balls are formed from adhesive masses. The diameter depends on the gap between the drywall strip and the old slope. Balls are attached after 10-30 cm. It is not recommended that it will be difficult to face strips later. The voids between the balls allow you to gently face the strip, contribute to the rapid drying of the glue.

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Divorced glue freezes quickly, you need to have time to work out for half an hour. Therefore, all strips of plasterboard should be prepared before its breeding. If the adhesive began to be seized, add water to it and mix it again is useless. It is better to throw it out and knead the new one.

If there are large differences on the old slope, more than 3 cm, it is not worth glue strips with balls. This is a big glue consumption, and the strength will not succeed. In places of large drops pasted into several layers pieces of drywall. So you can increase the layer to 20 cm. In this case, before gluing the strips of slopes, you need to wait at least an hour.

When strips of drywall are installed, they should face them. Plasterboard - fragile material. Therefore, it is necessary to strike through a smooth board or bar with hands or hammer, preferably wooden or rubber, while constantly checking the horizontal and vertical level or plumb.

The vertical strip must be fixed with spacers, resting in one end to the window sill, others - in the slope, wait at least 1-2 hours. During this time, the glue will grab.

After the slopes are glued, you should wait several days so that the glue is finally frozen. The wait time depends on the thickness of the glue. After that, it is necessary to make the emptiness between the wall and the slope. Previously do not do this. Air passes through unforced lumen, and the glue dries faster.

Glue slips from plasterboard on mounting foam

This is the easiest way. In the layers of drywall at a distance of 5 cm on the side of the window, from the windowsill and from another slope holes with a diameter of a bit more than the diameter of the tube from the cylinder with foam and are fixed in the opening opening. You can secure on the strut, but better and for several screws that you can later unscrew or leave under putty.

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Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Punching of drywall on the slopes using a mounting foam will allow you to warm the slope.

The tube from the cylinder is inserted into the drilled hole and the foam is injected until it appears in the following. This operation must be repeated for all through one hole. Then you should simulate the groove between the slope of new and old. Speakers per day can be removed and cropped up an excess foam. Aircraft formed between the old and new slope, which is well saved heat and does not spend the sound.

This method of marking can be applied for slopes mounted on the frame, and not only for plastic windows. All the options considered can be made with their own hands.

Last steps of installation

So that the angles were even and remained so always, they are close to a painting metal corner. You can glue with glue or putty.

The outer portion of the slope is shuck. The surface is almost smooth, so you can work the finish putty. After putty and grinding, the slopes must be primed.

The place of the junction of the slope and plastic windows is filled with white acrylic glue. If the window slips from the drywall is quite tightly adjacent to the frame, the groove is cut at 45 degrees to a depth of 3 mm. After drying, acrylic turns into rubber and does not crack over time. Drying time - about 12 hours. Unlike silicone, it can be painted.

The last stage is painting. Collect preferably roller. If you paint with a tassel, movements should be directed horizontally, "in the light".

Knowing how with your own hands to mount the slips from the drywall for plastic windows, you can start work. There should be no special difficulties when performing work. Ducks from drywall can do with their own hands. This will save the family budget and give a guarantee of the quality of work done.

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

Ducks from drywall do it yourself

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